Revert "winex11.drv: Fix IME status handling."

Aric Stewart aric at
Tue Jan 26 11:20:24 CST 2016

On 1/26/16 7:48 AM, Akihiro Sagawa wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 09:10:59 -0600, Aric Stewart wrote:
>> I dont know if reverting right away is the right path, did you explore adding
>> XIMStatusCallbacks to the XCreateIC call?
> I tried XIMStatusCallbacks today. But, most of XIM servers don't support
> XIMStatusCallbacks. I tried Fcitx, IBus and uim and checked SCIM source
> codes. My callback stubs aren't called at all (or I did wrong way).
>> If not, then is there a way to detect that XNPreeditStartCallback is not
>> being utilized? Maybe have a flag or something that gets set in
>> addition to the IME_SetOpenStatus call, then if we go straight into
>> XIMPreEditStartCallback without having seen the PreeditStartCallback we
>> do the opening automatically, like we did before, but without the revert?
> Sure. I'll try this approach.
> BTW, do you know an XIM server which supports XNPreeditStateNotifyCallback?
> Thanks for comments,
> Akihiro Sagawa

I don't, my X11 xim knowledge is mostly current with kinput2 days. But Kusanagi-san generally has done good work in the past so I assume that this is needed for or improves something.

I was looking for a good way to query the xim as to what callbacks it supports, but again my X11 knowledge is old. 

Maybe when we iterate over the styles in open_xim you can check if ((style & PREEDIT_MASK) == XIMPreeditCallbacks). That seems to indicate if the callbacks are supported.  Maybe we need to select that style? 


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