shell32/tests: Add traces to the WaitForInputIdle() hooking process.

Henri Verbeet hverbeet at
Fri Jan 29 02:54:53 CST 2016

On 29 January 2016 at 00:54, Francois Gouget <fgouget at> wrote:
> * There is a set of traces showing WaitForInputIdle() being
>   replaced with our own implementation:
>   shlexec.c:2318: Hooked USER32.dll.WaitForInputIdle
> * And then traces showing our implementation being called:
>   shlexec.c:2258: WaitForInputIdle() waiting for dde event
> Except that on Windows 10 we never get the second set of traces which
> means we failed to override WaitForInputIdle().
I'm hardly an expert on shell32, but any chance the hooking worked
fine and WaitForInputIdle() is just not getting called? Would
explicitly specifying SEE_MASK_WAITFORINPUTIDLE make it any better?

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