Ubuntu considering dropping 32-bit libraries

Josh DuBois duboisj at codeweavers.com
Tue Jul 12 11:01:47 CDT 2016

On 7/6/16 10:47 AM, Josh DuBois wrote:

> I will probably post to the Ubuntu thread to at least mention Wine, 
> unless someone here is involved in that community and thinks they can 
> do a better job. 
Fwiw I did post to the Ubuntu list asking them to take Wine into 
consideration with respect to building 32-bit libraries.  I got an 
encouraging response:


They emphasized that they're not even considering changes to the 
availability of 32-bit libraries until 18.10, which is a couple of years 
out.  Also it sounds like they had Wine in mind to some degree already, 
even though it wasn't mentioned in the thread.  They did mention asking 
users to run Wine in a Snap container, and also floated a vague idea 
that some kind of changes to Wine might make the issue easier for them.  
I don't know how either of those things would go (in terms of changes to 
Wine, there was no specific proposal, so neither do they).

But, at least for now, things seem positive in that they're not taking 
any immediate steps which would break things and they haven't forgotten 
about us :-)

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