[PATCH] kernel32: Implement SetConsoleFont

Hugh McMaster hugh.mcmaster at outlook.com
Wed Jul 20 05:47:30 CDT 2016

On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 12:04 AM, Sebastian Lackner wrote:
> On 19.07.2016 15:50, Hugh McMaster wrote:
> > We decided a while back to only have one font in our font table. I guess that makes
> > SetConsoleFont redundant for the moment. If we were to implement support for multiple file
> > sizes, I'm not sure where that support would reside. Kernel32 is too low-level, as
> > enumerating fonts uses GDI32. Any ideas?
> > 
> > Also note that the Windows font table includes the console raster font and the fonts
> > listed in LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont.
> > 
> > We list nothing in that registry key, and wineconsole supports all fonts that meet
> > the fixed width criteria, making this a huge task.
> Not sure if its feasible, but you could probably implement the enumeration in wineconsole.
> The table could then (for example) be stored in a temporary registry key (similar to how font
> caching in gdi32 works).

In general, I think we could just enumerate appropriate font sizes for the active console
font. Storing the values (i.e. the font sizes) in a temporary registry key seems to me like
a good idea. Those values would be accessible from kernel32 because the registry calls
are forwarded to advapi32.

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