Need some advice on shell32

Mathy Vanvoorden mathy at
Tue Mar 29 06:43:30 CDT 2016

> I think that shell32 in shfldr_unixfs.c should check this setting
> instead. Since it's skipping ntdll and using the Unix file APIs
> directly, it should report the same thing to applications that ntdll
> does, namely that dotfiles are not hidden files.

I have been looking at this just now and would like some more advice. In
ntdll a number of things are done:

* The registry key is only read once (I presume for performance reasons)
* The DIR_is_hidden_file is called for every file
* Folders like /dev, /proc, wine config, ... are always hidden

It seems strange to me to reimplement all this logic and I figure it is
desired to have the same behavior in both components so I would like to
abstract it to a common base, however:

* What is the best place to do this? To me somewhere in the libs seemed
logical but I noticed that nowhere in there registry keys are being read so
am I wrong thinking this is undesired behavior there? Is there a dll I
could put this common code?
* ntdll and shell32 use different functions to access registry keys, would
it be a problem if the common code would only use the RegOpenKey functions?

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