imm32, user32: Create and destroy the default IME window implicitly. (try 3) (resend)

Akihiro Sagawa sagawa.aki at
Sun May 29 11:08:19 CDT 2016

On Fri, 27 May 2016 12:39:27 +0900, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
> Do you have a test showing that this is supposed to happen between
> WM_NCCREATE and WM_NCCALCSIZE?  If not, I think it would be useful to
> add one.
Yes. I wrote a patch [1/5] showing that the IME window is created

> Also since the window class is in user32 now the window
> creation could probably happen there too.
Regarding window creation, I think imm32 is better. Because imm32 has
ImmDisableIME API. It affects IME window creation as seen in patch [5/5].
If I implement the API, its settings will be stored in IMMThreadData,
and it will be referred on window creation. So, creating the IME window
in imm32 makes sense.

I also sent a patch showing some case behaviors:
 - Patch [2/5] tests when the first window of a thread is a child window.
 - Patch [3/5] tests when WM_CREATE returns -1.

Thanks for reviewing.

Akihiro Sagawa

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