Debugging wine and finding the cause of a crash

Fabian Maurer dark.shadow4 at
Mon Nov 14 16:58:43 CST 2016

I'm currently trying to get a program to work that doesn't work with wine, 
causing an access-violation at some unreadable address.

The "+seh" output shows that it's the first crash, and "+relay" doesn't help 
much, since the last calls are "user32.GetKeyState" and similar.
I already tried debugging the program, but at the place of the crash there 
aren't any wine functions called, so I assume it's some earlier parts (e.g. 
during loading) causing the issue.

How do I go about finding which wine functions are the culprit? Any tips for 
that, how do you investigate such issues? It would be easy if it crashed 
directly after calling a WinApi function, but since it seems to crash much 
later in a completely different part of the code, I don't really know how to 

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