[v4 PATCH 1/4] dpnet/test: Add IDirectPlay8Client EnumHost tests

Stefan Dösinger stefandoesinger at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 17:09:54 CST 2016

Am 2016-11-17 um 07:08 schrieb Alistair Leslie-Hughes:
> +    Sleep(1000);
I think there should be ways to avoid this sleep. E.g. you could store
the expected number of callbacks in a global variable and signal an
event in the callback handler when it has been reached. If any
additional callbacks are invoked report an error in the callback. In the
main thread do a timed wait for the event and check for timeouts to
catch cases where too few callback invocations take place. That way you
limit the timeout to error cases.

A one second sleep may not be long, but these things do sum up over the
entire testsuite, so we should put in some effort to minimize the time
make test requires.

You also have some PCRAP uses in the code (PDPNMSG_ASYNC_OP_COMPLETE).


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