Testing: gcc -foutline-msabi-xlogues patch

Daniel Santos daniel.santos at pobox.com
Mon Oct 24 14:07:32 CDT 2016

On 10/23/2016 02:34 PM, Daniel Santos wrote:
> I've found a flaw in the realignment case, so nevermind about testing 
> that, but the normally aligned case should still be fine.

Actually, I was wrong about the flaw (it was fine), but it is now more 
efficient with the forced-realign case and ready for testing. Also, I 
accidentally did the numbers wrong on how much the .text shrunk, 
inflating them slightly. The current delta is 19.56% for the aligned 
case and 18.21% for the realigned case.

repo:   https://github.com/daniel-santos/gcc
branch: outline-msabi-xlogues-5_4_0


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