Some code ambiguity in tab control code.

John Found johnfound at
Thu Sep 29 16:49:14 CDT 2016


Trying without success to show tooltips for a tabcontrol, I found the following problems in the source code. Notice, that my skills in C++ are poor, so it is very possible the following is a false alarm.

I am quote (hope it is the proper source code)

This seems to be a bug: WM_LBUTTONDOWN is relayed in the WM_MOUSEMOVE handler. But WM_LBUTTONDOWN will always hide the tooltip. WM_MOUSEMOVE instead will set the timer for showing the tooltip.

> static LRESULT
> TAB_MouseMove (TAB_INFO *infoPtr, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
> {
>   int redrawLeave;
>   int redrawEnter;
>   if (infoPtr->hwndToolTip)
>     TAB_RelayEvent (infoPtr->hwndToolTip, infoPtr->hwnd,
> 		    WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
>   /* Determine which tab to highlight.  Redraw tabs which change highlight
>   ** status. */
>   TAB_RecalcHotTrack(infoPtr, &lParam, &redrawLeave, &redrawEnter);
>   hottrack_refresh (infoPtr, redrawLeave);
>   hottrack_refresh (infoPtr, redrawEnter);
>   return 0;
> }

The WM_LBUTTONDOWN is relayed twice? Why? It is not exactly a bug, but sub-optimal.

> static LRESULT
> TAB_LButtonDown (TAB_INFO *infoPtr, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
> {
>   POINT pt;
>   INT newItem;
>   UINT dummy;
>   if (infoPtr->hwndToolTip)
>     TAB_RelayEvent (infoPtr->hwndToolTip, infoPtr->hwnd,
> 		    WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);
>   if (!(infoPtr->dwStyle & TCS_FOCUSNEVER)) {
>     SetFocus (infoPtr->hwnd);
>   }
>   if (infoPtr->hwndToolTip)
>     TAB_RelayEvent (infoPtr->hwndToolTip, infoPtr->hwnd,
> 		    WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wParam, lParam);

John Found <johnfound at>

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