[PATCH] make_unicode: Change handling of Turkish i to match Windows

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Fri Sep 30 07:23:02 CDT 2016

Daniel Lehman <dlehman at esri.com> wrote:

> Windows does not lowercase the Turkish dotted i (0x130) as 'i' (0x69)
> It also does not uppercase the small dotless I (0x131) to 'I' (0x49)
> Wine does the conversion for both, but Windows leaves them as-is
> the change here is to make Wine mimic Windows for the Turkish i

Since you are modifying the win32 side of the unicode tables please add
the correponding tests for LCMapString() to dlls/kernel32/tests/locale.c.
It's quite possible that msvcrt doesn't use a win32 backend and has its
own locale support.


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