[PATCH] evr: Add stubs for EnhancedVideoRenderer

Fabian Maurer dark.shadow4 at web.de
Fri Aug 18 17:54:22 CDT 2017

Hi Alistair,

> >You mean for example the DirectShow interfaces like
> >"IAMCertifiedOutputProtection" "IMediaEventSink" and so on?
> No, QI will also need to check for the following interfaces
> IMediaFilter, IPersist.
> e.g.
> IBaseFilter -> IMediaFilter-> IPersist -> IUnknown

Right, I overlooked that, will add a check for those. Thanks for explaining.

On a sitenote, MSDN states that EnhancedVideoRenderer exposes a lot more 
interfaces than just IBaseFilter.

It's a similar issue with VideoMixingRenderer in quartz/vmr9.c:
> static const IUnknownVtbl IInner_VTable =
> {
>     VMR9Inner_QueryInterface,
>     VMR9Inner_AddRef,
>     VMR9Inner_Release
> };
Maybe I should rework it like that? Having one unknown interface that is only 
used to query all the other interfaces.

Fabian Maurer

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