[PATCH 06/18] comctl32: TaskDialog - Implement main and content text controls

Fabian Maurer dark.shadow4 at web.de
Sat Feb 25 16:32:35 CST 2017

> Why Post*? Dialog handling in user32 has an ability to do this for you.
Ah yes, I forgot about SendDlgItemMessage there.

> Where does this come from?
What exactly, the Color? I just tried to pick one that is as similar to the 
original taskdialog.

> Why Tahoma is hardcoded? If you're using dialog code this should be
> handled automatically using template data.
How do you mean? I could add a font into the DLGTEMPLATE, but I need different 
fonts for different controls. And since the user isn't allowed to choose the 
font for a taskdialog (AFAIK), I just picked one.

> There's a lot of magic offsets here that should be grouped together and
> probably have some defined names too.
Ok, I'll change that.

Fabian Maurer

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