Wine and Valgrind / handling SIGILL

Julian Seward jseward at
Thu Jan 19 13:30:04 CST 2017

Hi Sebastian,

> The Valgrind bugtracker also contains three patches I proposed back then. I
> was hoping that this would speed up the process of getting this fixed, but
> unfortunately it didn't help much. At many places Valgrind does not yet
> handle signal registers correctly and doesn't complain - except here, which
> is really unfortunate because even ignoring would be sufficient to make Wine
> happy.

Sorry this fell through the cracks.  One underlying problem is that, some
time back in 2003, I learnt just enough about x86 segment stuff to hack up
what's currently in Valgrind, and then promptly forgot about it.  So I'm
not in much of a position to make an informed judgement now.

That said .. I would be OK with a partial fix which improves Valgrind's
SS handling enough to make Wine work, so long as it doesn't create a
situation where other cases are silently handled incorrectly.  That is,
if the fix only moves forwards on the correctness scale, and doesn't
introduce any regressions.

On rereading I see that you
have a candidate patch (, "Correctly handle the SS prefix
when explicitly specified.") which appears to have the abovementioned
properties.  Is that correct?


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