cmd: Adjust CMD_LIST to a tree-like structure and implement command chains

Matteo Bruni matteo.mystral at
Thu Mar 23 18:10:14 CDT 2017

2017-03-22 11:34 GMT+01:00 Flávio J. Saraiva <flaviojs2005 at>:
> Hi,
> Some time ago I was told that every patch in a patch set all patches
> should produce a state that passes all the tests.
> Given how much the current code is interconnected, i don't think i can
> split this while keeping the tests functional.
> How should I proceed in this case, can I split the code into logical
> bits knowing that the intermediate states will not pass the tests?

The tests should always pass. Notice though that you can mark the
tests failing on Wine (temporarily or not) as "todo_wine" so that the
failure is actually expected and not reported as such.

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