[PATCH 2/3] include/wmsdkidl.idl: Add more interfaces

Alex Henrie alexhenrie24 at gmail.com
Wed May 10 00:02:44 CDT 2017

+    WMT_CODECINFO_UNKNOWN = 0xffffffff,

I think this qualifies as a gratuitous formatting change.

+    HRESULT GetBandwidth(   [out] DWORD *bitrate,
+                            [out] DWORD *buffer );
+    HRESULT SetBandwidth(   [in] DWORD bitrate,
+                            [in] DWORD buffer );

The extra spaces after the left parentheses look like a mistake; they
don't match the format in the rest of the file.

+    HRESULT GetBandwidthSharing( [in] DWORD index,
+                                [out] IWMBandwidthSharing **bandwidth );

+    HRESULT GetExpectedPacketCount( [in] QWORD duration,
+                                    [out] QWORD *packets );

+    HRESULT SetDRMProperty( [in] const WCHAR *name, [in]
+                            [in, size_is( length )] const BYTE *value,
+                            [in] WORD length );

+    HRESULT GetDRMProperty( [in] const WCHAR *name, [out]
+                            [out, size_is( *length )]   BYTE *value,
+                            [in, out]   WORD *length );

Again, pick a whitespace style and stick to it. In particular, decide
whether you want to break the line after each variable or after
reaching 80, 100, or 120 characters.


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