[v4 PATCH 2/3] include/wmsdkidl.idl: Add more interfaces

Alex Henrie alexhenrie24 at gmail.com
Wed May 10 02:51:59 CDT 2017

Getting closer.

+    HRESULT GetPriorityRecords(
+        [out] WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD *arrray,
+        [in, out] WORD *records);
+    HRESULT SetPriorityRecords(
+        [in] WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD *arrray,
+        [in] WORD records);

"array" is spelled with two R's.

+    HRESULT ResetLoggingUrlList( );

None of the other zero-argument functions in this file have a space
between the parentheses.

+    HRESULT SetMaxPacketSize([in]  DWORD size);

+    HRESULT SetMinPacketSize([in]  DWORD size);

None of the other functions in this file have two spaces between [in]
and the variable type.

+    HRESULT GetPlayOutputLevels(
+        [out, size_is( *length )] DRM_PLAY_OPL *play,
+        [in, out] DWORD *length,
+        [out] DWORD *level);
+    HRESULT GetCopyOutputLevels(
+        [out, size_is( *length )] DRM_COPY_OPL *copy,
+        [in, out] DWORD *length,
+        [out] DWORD *compliance);

Why did you name the variable "level" in the first function and
"compliance" in the second? It seems like they should be the same.


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