[PATCH] ole32: CreateDataCache should return a COleCache object by default.

Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 26 06:03:15 CDT 2017

Hi Huw,

Thanks of the review.

>> +      hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(&newCache->IUnknown_inner, riid, ppvObj);
>>    IUnknown_Release(&newCache->IUnknown_inner);
>But now if you call QI(IID_IUnknown) on this interface you'll get
>back something different, which is wrong.  You'll need to do
>some more restructing to make this correct.

>Btw, is there a bug that depends on this?


>A better test would be to call QI(IID_IOleCache) on the returned
>IUnknown* and show that it's the same.  You could also
>QI(IID_IUnknown) to test for my comment above.

I'll have another go at it.



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