[PATCH] winebus.sys: Do not report HID report read errors unconditionally

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Wed Aug 15 01:10:44 CDT 2018

Kai Krakow <kai at kaishome.de> writes:

> Device reports may come in faster than our consumers could possibly read
> them, this is especially true for multi-axis events: When you move a
> stick across its range, it will always generate at least two events, one
> for the x axis, and one for the y axis. This is not really an error
> situation, so let's report this situation only once at most. If we
> already know the multi-event situation, let's skip logging this
> completely: We won't loose any information anyway because the report
> contains a complete device state and only axis positions were updated.
> Thus, this commit adds a parameter to process_hid_report() to let it
> know if we are currently processing reports that are known to be sent
> multiple times in sequence (with updated reports).
> Also, if our consumers are slow to respond, then report the issue only
> once and not per each occurrence during the duration of one consumer
> read cycle.
> Finally, this is not really an error, it's a warning at most, thus
> degrade the error message to a warning to not pollute peoples consoles
> and logs with unimportant stuff.

Is it really necessary to add all that complexity then? Why not simply
remove the message?

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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