Wine staging 4.0-rc1 release

Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair at
Sat Dec 8 21:13:16 CST 2018

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

Summary of the past few weeks
* Rebased to current wine 4.0-rc1 (805 patches are applied to wine vanilla)
* Reviewed and upstreamed patches.

Upstreamed (Either directly from staging or fixed with a similar patch).
* dxgi: Implement setting and querying the gamma value of an output.
* gdi32/tests: Add some additional tests for ExtExtOut on a path for an
* gdi32: ExtTextOut on a path with bitmap font selected shouldn't fail.
* gdi32/tests: Explicitly test BeginPath() return value in the metafile
path tests.
* gdi32: Improve detection of symbol charset for old truetype fonts.
* kernelbase: Add semi-stub for PathCchCombineEx.
* ntdll: Add RtlAddGrowableFunctionTable stub.
* ntdll: Add RtlGrowFunctionTable stub.
* ntdll: Add stub for RtlGetUnloadEventTraceEx.
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeWaitForMultipleObjects().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeInitializeEvent().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeSetEvent().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeResetEvent().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeWaitForSingleObject().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeClearEvent().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeInitializeSemaphore().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeReleaseSemaphore() and waiting on semaphores.
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeInitializeMutex().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeReleaseMutex() and waiting on mutexes.
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeWaitForMutexObject().
* ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Add some tests for synchronization functions.
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeInitializeTimerEx().
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeSetTimerEx() and waiting on timers.
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeCancelTimer().
* ntoskrnl.exe/tests: Add tests for waiting on timers.
* ntoskrnl.exe: Implement KeDelayExecutionThread().
* oleaut32: Accept DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND for missing optional parameters
in ITypeInfo::Invoke implementation.
* user32: Move the auto radio button group logic from BM_SETCHECK to
* user32/tests: Add a message test for group of radio buttons.
* user32: Don't force a combobox repaint on WM_SIZE.
* user32/tests: Simplify the test for BM_CLICK on autoradio button by
using a dialog.
* user32/tests: Add a test for navigating a group of buttons using
keyboard events.
* user32: Add support for navigating a group of radio buttons using a
* user32/tests: Add a focus test for an empty dialog that returns TRUE
* user32: If there is no dialog controls to set focus to then set focus
to dialog itself.
* windowscodecs: Use V_UI1() instead of V_UNION() to assign a VT_UI1
variant member.
* windowscodecs: Limit number of colors in a palette in BMP decoder.
* windowscodecs: find_decoder() should return an error it received from
the decoder.
* windowscodecs: PNG decoder should return
* windowscodecs: Add registration for GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppGrayFloat
pixel format.
* windowscodecs: Implement IWICBitmapDecoder::GetMetadataQueryReader in
the TIFF decoder.
* windowscodecs: Improve stub for
IWICBitmapDecoder::GetMetadataQueryReader in the PNG decoder.
* windowscodecs/tests: Add some tests for IWICPalette::InitializeFromBitmap.
* winhttp: Fix handling of Accept headers.
* libs/wine: Do not restrict base address of main thread on 64 bit mac os.
* loader: Implement preloader for Mac OS.
* [45696] shell32: Generate icons from available icons if required.
* [46215] user32: File Open Dialog fails to set focus to Filename text box

* ddraw-Rendering_Targets
* qwave-QOSCreateHandle
* dwrite-FontFallback
* winepulse-PulseAudio_Support

Where can you help
* Run Steam/
* Try you favorite game:
* Test your favorite applications.
* Steal staging patches and get them accepted upstream.

As always, if you find a bug, please report it via

Best Regards

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