[PATCH 3/3] testbot: Add a Munin plugin to monitor the TestBot activity.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Sun Feb 11 18:34:29 CST 2018

This will make it possible to compare current data to historic data for
crucial parameters like the number of jobs and tasks per hour, the job
completion time, each VM host's busy rate, etc.
It will also make it possible to see if the reverts are progressively
getting slower, or if on the contrary they got slower on a specific
date, which would point to some change on the host, etc.
Note that access to the new Munin web page requires an API key to limit 
who can query these statistics.

Signed-off-by: Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>

To enable the Munin interface, set MuninAPIKey in ConfigLocal.pl. For 
instance you can pick a value from the output of 'pwgen 20'. Then send 
me that value privately and I'll set up the Munin plugin part.

 testbot/lib/WineTestBot/Config.pm              |   4 +-
 testbot/lib/WineTestBot/ConfigLocalTemplate.pl |   4 +
 testbot/scripts/MuninPlugin                    | 146 ++++++++
 testbot/web/Munin.pl                           | 496 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 648 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 testbot/scripts/MuninPlugin
 create mode 100755 testbot/web/Munin.pl

diff --git a/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/Config.pm b/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/Config.pm
index 9d7e20093..76bc4eb9d 100644
--- a/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/Config.pm
+++ b/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/Config.pm
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ use vars qw (@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $UseSSL $LogDir $DataDir $BinDir
              $LDAPBindDN $LDAPSearchBase $LDAPSearchFilter
              $LDAPRealNameAttribute $LDAPEMailAttribute $AgentPort $Tunnel
              $TunnelDefaults $PrettyHostNames $JobPurgeDays $JobArchiveDays
-             $WebHostName $RegistrationQ $RegistrationARE);
+             $WebHostName $RegistrationQ $RegistrationARE $MuninAPIKey);
 require Exporter;
 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ require Exporter;
              $LDAPServer $LDAPBindDN $LDAPSearchBase $LDAPSearchFilter
              $LDAPRealNameAttribute $LDAPEMailAttribute $AgentPort $Tunnel
              $TunnelDefaults $PrettyHostNames $JobPurgeDays $JobArchiveDays
-             $WebHostName $RegistrationQ $RegistrationARE);
+             $WebHostName $RegistrationQ $RegistrationARE $MuninAPIKey);
 @EXPORT_OK = qw($DbDataSource $DbUsername $DbPassword);
 if ($::RootDir !~ m=^/=)
diff --git a/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/ConfigLocalTemplate.pl b/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/ConfigLocalTemplate.pl
index c75141790..b8b8f7c70 100644
--- a/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/ConfigLocalTemplate.pl
+++ b/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/ConfigLocalTemplate.pl
@@ -110,4 +110,8 @@ $WineTestBot::Config::TunnelDefaults = undef;
 #    "gateway:port1" => "vm1"
 $WineTestBot::Config::PrettyHostNames = undef;
+# Specifies the APIKey that the Munin plugin must use to retrieve the TestBot
+# activity statistics.
+$WineTestBot::Config::MuninAPIKey = undef;
diff --git a/testbot/scripts/MuninPlugin b/testbot/scripts/MuninPlugin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4b2c79911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testbot/scripts/MuninPlugin
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# A Munin plugin that retrieves activity statistics from the TestBot web
+# server.
+# Copyright 2018 Francois Gouget
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+=head1 NAME
+testbot_ - A plugin to monitor a Wine TestBot server.
+The plugin retrieves activity statistics using the a Wine TestBot's web
+interface so no there are no local requirements.
+You need to specify the URL of the TestBot server to connect to and a secret
+API key so only authorized Munin instances can collect statistics.
+   [testbot_multi_*]
+        env.apikey APIKey
+        env.url https://server.domain/Munin.pl
+=head1 LICENSE
+use strict;
+use Munin::Plugin;
+use File::Basename;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Encode;
+sub get_cache_filename()
+    return $Munin::Plugin::statefile;
+sub fetch_url($$)
+    my ($url, $apikey) = @_;
+    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+    my $r;
+    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout" };
+    foreach my $try (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+    {
+        eval
+        {
+            alarm(120);
+            $r = $ua->get("$url?APIKey=$apikey");
+            alarm(0);
+        };
+        last if (defined $r and !$r->is_error);
+        print STDERR "try $try: could not fetch '$url': ", $r->status_line, "\n";
+        sleep($try * 20);
+    }
+    exit(1) if (!$r);
+    my $filename = get_cache_filename();
+    if (open(my $fh, ">", $filename))
+    {
+        print $fh decode('utf-8', $r->content);
+        close($fh);
+    }
+    return $filename;
+sub print_section($$$)
+    my ($CacheFile, $PluginName, $Section) = @_;
+    if (open(my $fh, "<", $CacheFile))
+    {
+        my $Print;
+        while (my $Line = <$fh>)
+        {
+            if ($Line eq "===== $Section =====\n")
+            {
+                $Print = 1;
+            }
+            elsif ($Line =~ /^===== /)
+            {
+                last if ($Print);
+            }
+            elsif ($Print)
+            {
+                # Prefix the graph identifiers with the plugin name to make
+                # them globally unique.
+                $Line =~ s/^multigraph /multigraph ${PluginName}_/;
+                print $Line;
+            }
+        }
+        close($fh);
+    }
+my $Section = $ARGV[0] || "data";
+if ($Section ne "config" and $Section ne "data")
+    print STDERR "unknown option '$Section'\n";
+    exit 1;
+if (!exists $ENV{"url"})
+    print STDERR "you must define env.url in the configuration file\n";
+    exit 1;
+if (!exists $ENV{"apikey"})
+    print STDERR "you must define env.apikey in the configuration file\n";
+    exit 1;
+my $CacheFile = fetch_url($ENV{"url"}, $ENV{"apikey"});
+if ($CacheFile)
+    my $PluginName = "testbot_". (split("_", basename("$0")))[-1];
+    print_section($CacheFile, $PluginName, $Section);
+    unlink $CacheFile if ($Section eq "data");
+exit 0;
diff --git a/testbot/web/Munin.pl b/testbot/web/Munin.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9e65421b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testbot/web/Munin.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+# -*- Mode: Perl; perl-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# A server-side module to allow monitoring the TestBot from Munin.
+# Copyright 2017 Francois Gouget
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+use strict;
+use WineTestBot::Config;
+use WineTestBot::Activity;
+use WineTestBot::VMs;
+# This matches the 'new' palette's colors.
+my @LineColors = (
+  "00cc00", # COLOUR0 hsl(120, 100%, 40%)
+  "0065b3", # COLOUR1 hsl(206, 100%, 35%)
+  "ff8000", # COLOUR2 hsl( 30, 100%, 50%)
+  "ffcc00", # COLOUR3 hsl( 48, 100%, 50%)
+  "330099", # COLOUR4 hsl(260, 100%, 30%)
+  "990099", # COLOUR5 hsl(300, 100%, 30%)
+  "ccff00", # COLOUR6 hsl( 72, 100%, 50%)
+  "ff0000", # COLOUR7 hsl(  0, 100%, 50%)
+  "808080", # COLOUR8 hsl(  0,   0%, 50%)
+# Use the same colors as for the lines so the related area and lines are easy
+# to match, but bring the lightness to 85% so the lines can be seen on top of
+# the area.
+my @AreaColors = (
+  "b3ffb3", # hsl(120, 100%, 85%)
+  "b3deff", # hsl(206, 100%, 85%)
+  "ffd9b3", # hsl( 30, 100%, 85%)
+  "fff0b3", # hsl( 48, 100%, 85%)
+  "ccb3ff", # hsl(260, 100%, 85%)
+  "ffb3ff", # hsl(300, 100%, 85%)
+  "f0ffb3", # hsl( 72, 100%, 85%)
+  "ffb3b3", # hsl(  0, 100%, 85%)
+  "d9d9d9", # hsl(  0,   0%, 85%)
+sub _CleanFieldName($)
+  my ($Name) = @_;
+  $Name =~ s/^[^A-Za-z_]+/_/;
+  $Name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g;
+  return $Name;
+sub _GetAverage($$;$)
+  my ($Stats, $Key, $Scale) = @_;
+  return "U" if (!$Stats->{"$Key.count"});
+  return $Stats->{$Key} / $Stats->{"$Key.count"} / ($Scale || 1);
+=over 12
+=item C<GetOutput()>
+Analyses the activity of the recent past, computes the corresponding metrics
+to be tracked by Munin, and prints the Munin configuration and data on stdout.
+Note that defining how far back to go to compute the Munin metrics is tricky.
+Munin collects data every 5 minutes so if can be tempting to report on what
+happened in the past 5 minutes. However we have to report on infrequent events:
+- New jobs arrive infrequently: around one per hour currently, and it is
+  not rare for two of them to arrive at the same time. If we were to naively
+  extrapolate 1 new job in the past 5 minutes as a rate of 12 jobs per hour
+  we'd get a graph with exagerated swings. But note that things would converge
+  on a meaningful value as Munin averages things out for the monthly or yearly
+  graphs.
+- We could instead record when the last job arrived and derive a rate by
+  dividing the number of new jobs by that interval. For instance assume the
+  rate is 4 jobs/hour, at precisely 15 minutes intervals. So over the course
+  of an hour we will report a rate of 4 jobs/hour 4 times, each time the
+  result of 1 / 15 * 60, and a rate of 0 the 9 other times. But when Munin then
+  goes on to average these, for instance for the monthly graph, it will get
+  an hourly rate of 1.3 job/hour = (4*4 + 9*0) / 12, which is wrong.
+- Another approach to the above problem would be to not graph a rate but
+  simply the number of new jobs in the given period. However the rate is much
+  more meaningful. 4 jobs/hour means the TestBot must complete jobs in under
+  15 minutes to keep up. But figuring out the rate from a graph of the raw new
+  job count would be quite a bit harder for the administrator.
+- For the VM operation times (like revert times), chances are that over a
+  5 minutes period there is nothing to report, so the value is 'undefined',
+  'U'. This results in dashed lines: one short dash for a 5 minutes period and
+  then nothing for the next hour. The shorter the period, the shorter and more
+  widely spaced the dashes, making the graph hard to read.
+- When no data is available in the chosen period, we could also report the
+  last value for that operation. For instance if a revert took 15 seconds,
+  report 15 seconds until a new revert occurs, thus avoiding the dashed line
+  issue. However how long should the last value be reported? Also seeing a
+  continuous line for the offline time one could think it means the VM is
+  frequently being marked offline.
+Taking all this into account, GetOutput() analyzes the past hour.
+- This gives meaningful hourly rates.
+- And where there are intermittent values the dashes are long enough.
+sub GetOutput($)
+  my ($Request) = @_;
+  # Return a text file
+  $Request->content_type("text/plain");
+  # Analyze what happened in the past hour
+  my $Period = 60;
+  my $PeriodLabel = "1 hour";
+  my $VMs = CreateVMs();
+  $VMs->FilterEnabledRole();
+  my $Stats = GetStatistics($VMs, $Period * 60);
+  my @SortedHosts = sort keys %{$Stats->{hosts}->{items}};
+  print sorted keys %{$Stats->{hosts}->{items}}, "\n";
+  my %HostDisplayNames;
+  foreach my $Host (@SortedHosts)
+  {
+    my $DisplayHost = $Host;
+    if ($PrettyHostNames and defined $PrettyHostNames->{$Host})
+    {
+      $DisplayHost = $PrettyHostNames->{$Host};
+    }
+    $HostDisplayNames{$Host} = $DisplayHost || "localhost";
+  }
+  # Just do a plain VM sort independently of their VM host
+  my @SortedVMs = sort { $a->Name cmp $b->Name } @{$VMs->GetItems()};
+  # Print the configuration information
+  print "===== config =====\n";
+  my @Data;
+  ### Generate a graph of the global job & task rates
+  print "multigraph global_rates\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph global_rates\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 1. Global job and task rates\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel per hour\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows the rate at which new jobs and tasks are created and completed globally (based on the past $PeriodLabel).\n";
+  print "\n";
+  # Global fields
+  print "newjobrate.label New jobs\n";
+  print "newjobrate.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "newjobrate.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "newjobrate.min 0\n";
+  my $Value = ($Stats->{global}->{"newjobs.count"} || 0) * 60 / $Period;
+  push @Data, "newjobrate.value $Value\n";
+  print "donejobrate.label Completed jobs\n";
+  print "donejobrate.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "donejobrate.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "donejobrate.min 0\n";
+  $Value = ($Stats->{global}->{"donejobs.count"} || 0) * 60 / $Period;
+  push @Data, "donejobrate.value $Value\n";
+  print "newtaskrate.label New tasks\n";
+  print "newtaskrate.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "newtaskrate.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "newtaskrate.min 0\n";
+  $Value = ($Stats->{global}->{"newtasks.count"} || 0) * 60 / $Period;
+  push @Data, "newtaskrate.value $Value\n";
+  print "donetaskrate.label Completed tasks\n";
+  print "donetaskrate.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "donetaskrate.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "donetaskrate.min 0\n";
+  $Value = ($Stats->{global}->{"donetasks.count"} || 0) * 60 / $Period;
+  push @Data, "donetaskrate.value $Value\n";
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  ### Generate a graph of the per VM host task rates
+  print "multigraph vmhost_rates\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph vmhost_rates\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 2. VM host task completion rates\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel per hour\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows the rate at which tasks were completed per VM host (based on the past $PeriodLabel).\n";
+  # Provide the task creation rates as a backdrop
+  my $HostsStats = $Stats->{hosts}->{items};
+  my ($Index, $Draw, $Stacked) = (0, "AREA", "");
+  foreach my $Host (@SortedHosts)
+  {
+    my $DisplayName = $HostDisplayNames{$Host};
+    my $SHost = _CleanFieldName($DisplayName);
+    print "${SHost}_newtaskrate.label New tasks on $DisplayName$Stacked\n";
+    print "${SHost}_newtaskrate.type GAUGE\n";
+    print "${SHost}_newtaskrate.draw $Draw\n";
+    print "${SHost}_newtaskrate.colour $AreaColors[$Index]\n" if ($AreaColors[$Index]);
+    print "${SHost}_newtaskrate.min 0\n";
+    $Value = ($HostsStats->{$Host}->{"newtasks.count"} || 0) * 60 / $Period;
+    push @Data, "${SHost}_newtaskrate.value $Value\n";
+    ($Draw, $Stacked) = ("STACK", " (stacked)");
+    $Index++;
+  }
+  $Index = 0;
+  foreach my $Host (@SortedHosts)
+  {
+    my $DisplayName = $HostDisplayNames{$Host};
+    my $SHost = _CleanFieldName($DisplayName);
+    print "${SHost}_donetaskrate.label Completed tasks on $DisplayName\n";
+    print "${SHost}_donetaskrate.type GAUGE\n";
+    print "${SHost}_donetaskrate.draw LINE1\n";
+    print "${SHost}_donetaskrate.colour $LineColors[$Index]\n" if ($LineColors[$Index]);
+    print "${SHost}_donetaskrate.min 0\n";
+    $Value = ($HostsStats->{$Host}->{"donetasks.count"} || 0) * 60 / $Period;
+    push @Data, "${SHost}_donetaskrate.value $Value\n";
+    $Index++;
+  }
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  ### Generate a graph of the global & per-host busy percentage
+  print "multigraph busy\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph busy\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 3. TestBot Utilization\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel % busy\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows how busy the TestBot was globally and per VM host over the past $PeriodLabel.\n";
+  print "\n";
+  # Global fields
+  print "globalbusy.label Global utilization rate\n";
+  print "globalbusy.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "globalbusy.draw LINE2\n";
+  print "globalbusy.min 0\n";
+  $Value = 100 * ($Stats->{global}->{"busy.elapsed"} || 0) / $Period / 60;
+  push @Data, "globalbusy.value $Value\n";
+  # Per-host fields
+  foreach my $Host (@SortedHosts)
+  {
+    my $DisplayName = $HostDisplayNames{$Host};
+    my $SHost = _CleanFieldName($DisplayName);
+    print "${SHost}_busy.label $DisplayName utilization rate\n";
+    print "${SHost}_busy.type GAUGE\n";
+    print "${SHost}_busy.draw LINE1\n";
+    print "${SHost}_busy.min 0\n";
+    $Value = 100 * ($HostsStats->{$Host}->{"busy.elapsed"} || 0) / $Period / 60;
+    push @Data, "${SHost}_busy.value $Value\n";
+  }
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  ### Generate a graph of the average job completion time
+  print "multigraph job_times\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph job_times\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 4. Job completion time\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel minutes\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows the average job completion time.\n";
+  print "\n";
+  # Fields
+  print "avgjobtime.label $PeriodLabel average\n";
+  print "avgjobtime.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "avgjobtime.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "avgjobtime.min 0\n";
+  $Value = _GetAverage($Stats->{global}, "jobs.time", 60);
+  push @Data, "avgjobtime.value $Value\n";
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  ### For each VM generate a graph of the revert, sleep, dirty and offline
+  ### times
+  foreach my $VM (@SortedVMs)
+  {
+    my $MultiGraph = "vm_times_". _CleanFieldName($VM->Name);
+    my $VMStats = $Stats->{vms}->{items}->{$VM->Name};
+    # Config
+    print "multigraph $MultiGraph\n";
+    push @Data, "multigraph $MultiGraph\n";
+    print "graph_title 5. VM operation times for ", $VM->Name, "\n";
+    print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+    print "graph_vlabel seconds\n";
+    print "graph_info Shows the $PeriodLabel average times for the VM operations. Note that the sleep time includes booting if the VM was powered off, and the run time includes sending the test executable and retrieving the test results. Also the run time excludes data from the WineTest and Wine Update tasks.\n";
+    print "\n";
+    # Fields
+    foreach my $FieldParams (["reverting", "Revert"],
+                             ["sleeping", "Sleep"],
+                             ["dirty", "Dirty"],
+                             ["offline", "Offline"])
+    {
+      my ($Field, $Label) = @$FieldParams;
+      print "avg$Field.label $Label time\n";
+      print "avg$Field.type GAUGE\n";
+      print "avg$Field.draw LINE2\n";
+      print "avg$Field.min 0\n";
+      $Value = _GetAverage($VMStats, "$Field.time");
+      push @Data, "avg$Field.value $Value\n";
+    }
+    print "\n";
+    push @Data, "\n";
+  }
+  ### Generate a graph of the VM errors
+  print "multigraph vm_errors\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph vm_errors\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 6. VM errors\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel count\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows the number of TestBot and other task errors for each VM in the past $PeriodLabel.\n";
+  print "\n";
+  # Per-host fields
+  ($Index, $Draw, $Stacked) = (0, "AREA", "");
+  foreach my $VM (@SortedVMs)
+  {
+    my $SName = _CleanFieldName($VM->Name);
+    my $VMStats = $Stats->{vms}->{items}->{$VM->Name};
+    print "${SName}_boterrors.label ". $VM->Name ." TestBot errors$Stacked\n";
+    print "${SName}_boterrors.type GAUGE\n";
+    print "${SName}_boterrors.draw $Draw\n";
+    print "${SName}_boterrors.colour $AreaColors[$Index]\n" if ($AreaColors[$Index]);
+    print "${SName}_boterrors.min 0\n";
+    $Value = $VMStats->{"boterror.count"} || 0;
+    push @Data, "${SName}_boterrors.value $Value\n";
+    ($Draw, $Stacked) = ("STACK", " (stacked)");
+    $Index++;
+  }
+  ($Index, $Draw, $Stacked) = (0, "LINE1", "");
+  foreach my $VM (@SortedVMs)
+  {
+    my $SName = _CleanFieldName($VM->Name);
+    my $VMStats = $Stats->{vms}->{items}->{$VM->Name};
+    print "${SName}_errors.label ". $VM->Name ." other errors$Stacked\n";
+    print "${SName}_errors.type GAUGE\n";
+    print "${SName}_errors.draw $Draw\n";
+    print "${SName}_errors.colour $LineColors[$Index]\n" if ($LineColors[$Index]);
+    print "${SName}_errors.min 0\n";
+    $Value = $VMStats->{"error.count"} || 0;
+    push @Data, "${SName}_errors.value $Value\n";
+    ($Draw, $Stacked) = ("STACK", " (stacked)");
+    $Index++;
+  }
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  ### Generate a graph of the WineTest and Reconfig times
+  print "multigraph test_times\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph test_times\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 7. WineTest and Reconfig times\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel minutes\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows the average time the VMs took to complete the WineTest and Reconfig tasks in the past $PeriodLabel.\n";
+  print "\n";
+  # Fields
+  print "avgwinetesttime.label WineTest time\n";
+  print "avgwinetesttime.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "avgwinetesttime.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "avgwinetesttime.min 0\n";
+  $Value = _GetAverage($Stats->{global}, "suite.time", 60);
+  push @Data, "avgwinetesttime.value $Value\n";
+  print "avgreconfigtime.label Reconfig time\n";
+  print "avgreconfigtime.type GAUGE\n";
+  print "avgreconfigtime.draw LINE1\n";
+  print "avgreconfigtime.min 0\n";
+  $Value = _GetAverage($Stats->{global}, "reconfig.time", 60);
+  push @Data, "avgreconfigtime.value $Value\n";
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  ### Generate a graph of the average and maximum WineTest report size
+  print "multigraph report_sizes\n";
+  push @Data, "multigraph report_sizes\n";
+  # Config
+  print "graph_title 8. WineTest report sizes\n";
+  print "graph_category Wine TestBot\n";
+  print "graph_args --base 1024\n";
+  print "graph_vlabel bytes\n";
+  print "graph_info Shows the average and maximum sizes across VMs for the latest WineTest reports.\n";
+  print "\n";
+  # Fields
+  # Build the graph based on the latest logs so the data is always available.
+  # This also lets us distinguish 32 from 64 bit.
+  foreach my $Bitness ("32", "64")
+  {
+    my ($Sum, $Count, $Max) = (0, 0, 0);
+    foreach my $VM (@SortedVMs)
+    {
+      next if ($VM->Type ne "win32" and $VM->Type ne "win64");
+      my $Filename = "$DataDir/latest/". $VM->Name ."_$Bitness.log";
+      my $Size = -s $Filename;
+      if (defined $Size)
+      {
+        $Count++;
+        $Sum += $Size;
+        $Max = $Size if ($Max < $Size);
+      }
+    }
+    if ($Count)
+    {
+      print "avgreportsize$Bitness.label Average $Bitness bit size\n";
+      print "avgreportsize$Bitness.type GAUGE\n";
+      print "avgreportsize$Bitness.draw LINE1\n";
+      print "avgreportsize$Bitness.min 0\n";
+      $Value = $Sum / $Count;
+      push @Data, "avgreportsize$Bitness.value $Value\n";
+      print "maxreportsize$Bitness.label Maximum $Bitness bit size\n";
+      print "maxreportsize$Bitness.type GAUGE\n";
+      print "maxreportsize$Bitness.draw LINE1\n";
+      print "maxreportsize$Bitness.min 0\n";
+      push @Data, "maxreportsize$Bitness.value $Max\n";
+    }
+  }
+  print "\n";
+  push @Data, "\n";
+  # Then print the corresponding data
+  print "===== data =====\n";
+  map { print $_ } @Data;
+my $Request = shift;
+my $CGIObj = CGI->new($Request);
+my $APIKey = $CGIObj->param("APIKey");
+if (!defined $APIKey or !defined $MuninAPIKey or $APIKey ne $MuninAPIKey)
+  $Request->headers_out->set("Location", "/");
+  $Request->status(Apache2::Const::REDIRECT);
+  exit;

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