Installing Debian build-dependencies Re: Ansible: Compiling Wine 32 and 64 bit on Debian made easy

Jens Reyer jre.winesim at
Sun Jul 8 07:39:28 CDT 2018

Hi all

On 7/1/18 9:04 AM, Francois Gouget wrote:
> Debian's multi-arch support is great... in theory. In practice a lot of 
> packages don't support multi-arch or have broken multi-arch support 
> which makes it hard to compile the 32 and 64 bit versions of Wine.
> Since this is something the TestBot needs to do and it would be nice if 
> anyone could replicate the TestBot infrastructure I wrote Ansible 
> playbooks. One of those configures a Debian 9 system so it has all the 
> 32 and 64 bit dependencies needed to compile Wine (except for GStreamer 
> due to extensive breakage, and vkd3d which is too new).
> I don't know if that would help people using Ubuntu or other versions of 
> Debian but here are the playbooks in case anyone wants to try them.

On WineConf I told some people about a way to build a Debian package
which depends on Wine's build-dependencies.  I don't know if this helps
for ansible here (but I hope to give it a good look out of general
interest soon), or is just helpful generally to install and manage
Wine's build-dependencies:

One way to install build-dependencies on Debian is "mk-build-deps" from
the package "devscripts".

If you are happy with official Debian build-dependencies just do:

$ mk-build-deps wine
$ sudo apt install ./wine-build-deps_3.0.2-1_amd64.deb

But you may also do this with any customized debian/control file.  E.g.:

## Get Debian's (or just clone our complete repo)
$ wget

## Create valid control file:
$ sed "s/VERSION//g;s/DEBSUFFIX//g" > control

[ Then edit it to your needs. ]

## Create and install
$ mk-build-deps control
$ sudo apt install ./wine-build-deps_1.0_amd64.deb

Hope this helps.  We may put that to the Wiki, including an example for
"edit to your needs", if this helpful for you (my needs are different,
so I really don't know).


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