This year's changes to the "Submitting Patches" page

Vincent Povirk vincent at
Tue Jul 24 21:49:30 CDT 2018

My take is that code can be "good enough" to go in, but also not be
what the maintainer wants. You're not responsible for predicting that,
nor will you generally have the knowledge and experience they have.
However, being able to take feedback and adjust your approach is
highly valued here.

I know I've made my share of dumb mistakes that ended up in submitted
patches, and occasionally in Wine. You're never going to be 100%
certain, just do your best.

I would like to suggest that maybe we as a community should stop
talking about "Julliard rank". While I'm sure he considers your
history when reviewing patches, it sounds like the way that's
discussed creates undue anxiety. And it's overemphasized IMO, the
quality of your work is what ultimately matters. (I ALSO would like to
continue to suggest that we put in systems to make sure everyone's
patches get reviewed.)

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