[PATCH] shellpath.c: Fix creation of HOME directory symbolic links

Rob Walker bob.mt.wya at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 02:46:49 CDT 2018

Fixes: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41668 (1)
       https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28216 (2)

(1) Introduces a "WINESYMLINK" env variable that allows a user to
    control what shell folder links are created to the HOME folder, when
    a WINEPREFIX is initially created.
    The Wineprefix Shell Folders, that Wine symlinks to the user's HOME directory,
    are only (re-)created on each Wine boot if they: do not pre-exist or are broken
    symbolic links.

(2) The XDG Directory specification automatically falls back to the user HOME
    directory for any XDG_*_DIR that does not exist (xdg-user-dirs-update).
    The implemented solution is to block Wine from symlinking directly
    to HOME directory.

Test on Gentoo GNU/Linux.

Signed-off-by: Rob Walker <bob.mt.wya at gmail.com>
 dlls/shell32/shellpath.c | 554 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 343 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c b/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
index a551e93aa8..b8c74273c6 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/shellpath.c
@@ -4326,252 +4326,259 @@ static HRESULT _SHRegisterCommonShellFolders(void)
- * _SHAppendToUnixPath  [Internal]
+ * append_to_unix_path  [Internal]
- * Helper function for _SHCreateSymbolicLinks. Appends pwszSubPath (or the 
- * corresponding resource, if IS_INTRESOURCE) to the unix base path 'szBasePath' 
- * and replaces backslashes with slashes.
+ * Helper function for create_home_subdir_symbolic_link.
+ * Appends 'subpath', or the corresponding resource (if it is a
+ * resource identifier), to the Unix base path 'base_dir'.
+ * Replace backslashes with forward slashes.
- *  szBasePath  [IO] The unix base path, which will be appended to (CP_UNXICP).
- *  pwszSubPath [I]  Sub-path or resource id (use MAKEINTRESOURCEW).
+ *  base_dir   [IO] The Unix base path, which will be appended to (CP_UNXICP).
+ *  subpath    [I]  Sub-path or resource id (use MAKEINTRESOURCEW, pre-call).
- *  Success: TRUE,
+ *  Success: TRUE
  *  Failure: FALSE
-static inline BOOL _SHAppendToUnixPath(char *szBasePath, LPCWSTR pwszSubPath) {
-    WCHAR wszSubPath[MAX_PATH];
-    int cLen = strlen(szBasePath);
-    char *pBackslash;
-    if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pwszSubPath)) {
-        if (!LoadStringW(shell32_hInstance, LOWORD(pwszSubPath), wszSubPath, MAX_PATH)) {
-            /* Fall back to hard coded defaults. */
-            switch (LOWORD(pwszSubPath)) {
-                case IDS_PERSONAL:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, DocumentsW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_MYMUSIC:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_MusicW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_MYPICTURES:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_PicturesW);
-                    break;
-                case IDS_MYVIDEOS:
-                    lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, My_VideosW);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    ERR("LoadString(%d) failed!\n", LOWORD(pwszSubPath));
-                    return FALSE;
-            }
+static inline BOOL append_to_unix_path(char *base_dir, LPCWSTR subpath)
+    WCHAR ws_subpath[MAX_PATH];
+    int cLen = strlen(base_dir);
+    char *back_slash;
+    if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(subpath))
+    {
+        lstrcpyW(ws_subpath, subpath);
+    }
+    else if (!LoadStringW(shell32_hInstance, LOWORD(subpath), ws_subpath, MAX_PATH))
+    {
+        /* Fall back to hard coded defaults. */
+        switch (LOWORD(subpath)) {
+            case IDS_PERSONAL:
+                lstrcpyW(ws_subpath, DocumentsW);
+                break;
+            case IDS_MYMUSIC:
+                lstrcpyW(ws_subpath, My_MusicW);
+                break;
+            case IDS_MYPICTURES:
+                lstrcpyW(ws_subpath, My_PicturesW);
+                break;
+            case IDS_MYVIDEOS:
+                lstrcpyW(ws_subpath, My_VideosW);
+                break;
+            case IDS_DESKTOP:
+                lstrcpyW(ws_subpath, DesktopW);
+                break;
+            default:
+                ERR("LoadString(%d) failed!\n", LOWORD(subpath));
+                return FALSE;
-    } else {
-        lstrcpyW(wszSubPath, pwszSubPath);
-    if (szBasePath[cLen-1] != '/') szBasePath[cLen++] = '/';
-    if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UNIXCP, 0, wszSubPath, -1, szBasePath + cLen,
+    if (!cLen || (base_dir[cLen-1] != '/')) base_dir[cLen++] = '/';
+    if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UNIXCP, 0, ws_subpath, -1, base_dir + cLen,
                              FILENAME_MAX - cLen, NULL, NULL))
         return FALSE;
-    pBackslash = szBasePath + cLen;
-    while ((pBackslash = strchr(pBackslash, '\\'))) *pBackslash = '/';
+    back_slash = base_dir + cLen;
+    while ((back_slash = strchr(back_slash, '\\'))) *back_slash = '/';
     return TRUE;
- * _SHCreateSymbolicLinks  [Internal]
+ * compare_pathft_to_bootft  [Internal]
- * Sets up symbol links for various shell folders to point into the users home
- * directory. We do an educated guess about what the user would probably want:
- * - If there is a 'My Documents' directory in $HOME, the user probably wants
- *   wine's 'My Documents' to point there. Furthermore, we imply that the user
- *   is a Windows lover and has no problem with wine creating 'My Pictures',
- *   'My Music' and 'My Videos' subfolders under '$HOME/My Documents', if those
- *   do not already exits. We put appropriate symbolic links in place for those,
- *   too.
- * - If there is no 'My Documents' directory in $HOME, we let 'My Documents'
- *   point directly to $HOME. We assume the user to be a unix hacker who does not
- *   want wine to create anything anywhere besides the .wine directory. So, if
- *   there already is a 'My Music' directory in $HOME, we symlink the 'My Music'
- *   shell folder to it. But if not, then we check XDG_MUSIC_DIR - "well known"
- *   directory, and try to link to that. If that fails, then we symlink to
- *   $HOME directly. The same holds fo 'My Pictures' and 'My Videos'.
- * - The Desktop shell folder is symlinked to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR. If that does not
- *   exist, then we try '$HOME/Desktop'. If that does not exist, then we leave
- *   it alone.
- * ('My Music',... above in fact means LoadString(IDS_MYMUSIC))
+ * Function to compare the FILETIME of ws_path (a Windows path) to the (estimated)
+ * Wine System boot time.
+ *
+ *  ws_path         [I]  The Windows path, for which provides the FS write time.
+ *  time_difference [O]   -1 Windows path last written before time of Wine boot.
+ *                         0 Windows path last written at time of Wine boot.
+ *                        +1 Windows path last written after time of Wine boot.
+ *  Success: S_OK
+ *  Failure: E_FAIL
+ * 
+ *   Pre-allocate storage for time_difference pointer variable externally.
-static void _SHCreateSymbolicLinks(void)
-    const WCHAR* MyOSXStuffW[] = { PicturesW, MoviesW, MusicW };
-    static const char * const xdg_dirs[] = { "PICTURES", "VIDEOS", "MUSIC", "DOCUMENTS", "DESKTOP" };
-    static const unsigned int num = ARRAY_SIZE(xdg_dirs);
-    WCHAR wszTempPath[MAX_PATH];
-    char szPersonalTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszPersonal;
-    char szMyStuffTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszMyStuff;
-    char szDesktopTarget[FILENAME_MAX], *pszDesktop;
-    struct stat statFolder;
-    const char *pszHome;
-    HRESULT hr;
-    char ** xdg_results;
-    char * xdg_desktop_dir;
-    /* Create all necessary profile sub-dirs up to 'My Documents' and get the unix path. */
-                          SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) return;
-    pszPersonal = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath);
-    if (!pszPersonal) return;
+static HRESULT compare_pathft_to_bootft(const WCHAR * ws_path, int * time_difference)
+    static ULONG64 time_system_start = 0;
+    SYSTEMTIME system_time_st;
+    FILETIME dummy_ft, system_time_ft, last_write_ft;
+    ULONG64 tick_count, time_last_write;
+    HANDLE fhandle;
+    DWORD ft_errorc = 0;
-    hr = XDG_UserDirLookup(xdg_dirs, num, &xdg_results);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) xdg_results = NULL;
+    if (!time_difference) return E_FAIL;
-    pszHome = getenv("HOME");
-    if (pszHome && !stat(pszHome, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
+    if (!time_system_start)
-        while (1)
+        tick_count = (ULONG64) GetTickCount64();
+        GetSystemTime(&system_time_st);
+        if (!SystemTimeToFileTime( &system_time_st, &system_time_ft))
-            /* Check if there's already a Wine-specific 'My Documents' folder */
-            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szPersonalTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDS_PERSONAL)) &&
-                !stat(szPersonalTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-            {
-                /* '$HOME/My Documents' exists. Create 'My Pictures',
-                 * 'My Videos' and 'My Music' subfolders or fail silently if
-                 * they already exist.
-                 */
-                for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++)
-                {
-                    strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-                    if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])))
-                        mkdir(szMyStuffTarget, 0777);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Try to point to the XDG Documents folder */
-            if (xdg_results && xdg_results[num-2] &&
-               !stat(xdg_results[num-2], &statFolder) &&
-               S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-            {
-                strcpy(szPersonalTarget, xdg_results[num-2]);
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Or the hardcoded / OS X Documents folder */
-            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szPersonalTarget, DocumentsW) &&
-               !stat(szPersonalTarget, &statFolder) &&
-               S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-                break;
-            /* As a last resort point to $HOME. */
-            strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszHome);
-            break;
+            ERR("SystemTimeToFileTime call failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
+            return E_FAIL;
-        /* Replace 'My Documents' directory with a symlink or fail silently if not empty. */
-        remove(pszPersonal);
-        symlink(szPersonalTarget, pszPersonal);
+        time_system_start = (((ULONG64)system_time_ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
+                            + system_time_ft.dwLowDateTime
+                            - (tick_count * 10000);
-    else
+    fhandle = CreateFileW( ws_path, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
+    if (fhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-        /* '$HOME' doesn't exist. Create 'My Pictures', 'My Videos' and 'My Music' subdirs
-         * in '%USERPROFILE%\\My Documents' or fail silently if they already exist. */
-        pszHome = NULL;
-        strcpy(szPersonalTarget, pszPersonal);
-        for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++) {
-            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])))
-                mkdir(szMyStuffTarget, 0777);
-        }
+        ERR("Open file handle failed for path: %s (%d)\n",
+            debugstr_w(ws_path), GetLastError());
+        return E_FAIL;
-    /* Create symbolic links for 'My Pictures', 'My Videos' and 'My Music'. */
-    for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(aidsMyStuff); i++)
+    if (!GetFileTime(fhandle, &dummy_ft, &dummy_ft, &last_write_ft))
+        ft_errorc = GetLastError();
+    if (!CloseHandle(fhandle))
-        /* Create the current 'My Whatever' folder and get its unix path. */
-        hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, acsidlMyStuff[i]|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL,
-                              SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
-        if (FAILED(hr)) continue;
-        pszMyStuff = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath);
-        if (!pszMyStuff) continue;
-        while (1)
-        {
-            /* Check for the Wine-specific '$HOME/My Documents' subfolder */
-            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-            if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(aidsMyStuff[i])) &&
-                !stat(szMyStuffTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-                break;
+        ERR("Close file handle failed: %p (%d)\n",
+            fhandle, GetLastError());
+        return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    if (ft_errorc)
+    {
+        ERR("Get file time failed: %p (%d)\n",
+            fhandle, ft_errorc);
+        return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    time_last_write = (((ULONG64)last_write_ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32)
+                      + last_write_ft.dwLowDateTime;
+    *time_difference = ((time_last_write > time_system_start) ?  1 :
+                       ((time_last_write < time_system_start) ? -1 :
+                                                                 0));
-            /* Try the XDG_XXX_DIR folder */
-            if (xdg_results && xdg_results[i])
-            {
-                strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, xdg_results[i]);
-                break;
-            }
+    return S_OK;
-            /* Or the OS X folder (these are never localized) */
-            if (pszHome)
-            {
-                strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, pszHome);
-                if (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szMyStuffTarget, MyOSXStuffW[i]) &&
-                    !stat(szMyStuffTarget, &statFolder) &&
-                    S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode))
-                    break;
-            }
+ * create_homedir_symbolic_link  [Internal]
+ *
+ * Creates a symbolic link from the current Wineprefix to an appropriate
+ * HOME subdirectory (if one is found).
+ *
+ *  Creates 'XXXX' directory in Wineprefix.
+ *  Then create a 'My XXXX' symbolic link in Wineprefix:
+ *  1) If '$HOME/XXXX' (IDS directory) exists then target this.
+ *  2) If '$HOME/XXXX' (XDG_XXXX_DIR) exists then target this.
+ *  3) If '$HOME/XXXX' (MacOS XXXX media directory) exists then target this.
+ * 
+ *  env_enabled [I]
+ *         TRUE      The user has enabled this Shell Folder to be symlinked (default).
+ *        FALSE      The user has chosen to disable symlinking this Shell Folder.
+ *                   The Shell Folder will be created, in the current Wineprefix (if not pre-existing).
+ *  ids_dir     [I]  Windows Resource Identifier code for current Shell Folder.
+ *  csidl_dir   [I]  Constant Special Item ID List identifier for current Shell Folder.
+ *  xdg_dir     [I]  Full path of external Unix XDG directory corresponding to current Shell Folder.
+ *  ws_osx_dir  [I]  Fallback directory name to use, corresponding to current Shell Folder (OSX specific).
+ * 
+ */
+void create_homedir_symbolic_link(BOOL env_enabled,
+                                  UINT ids_dir,
+                                  int csidl_dir,
+                                  const char * xdg_dir,
+                                  const WCHAR * ws_osx_dir)
+    static const char * env_homedir = NULL;
+    WCHAR ws_temp_path[MAX_PATH];
+    char home_target[FILENAME_MAX], * prefix_dir;
+    struct stat stat_folder, stat_home_folder;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    BOOL target_ok;
+    int time_difference;
-            /* As a last resort point to the same location as 'My Documents' */
-            strcpy(szMyStuffTarget, szPersonalTarget);
-            break;
+    hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, csidl_dir, NULL,
+                SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, ws_temp_path);
+    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+    {
+        if (ids_dir != IDS_DESKTOPDIRECTORY) return;
+        if ((compare_pathft_to_bootft(ws_temp_path, &time_difference) == S_OK)
+            && (time_difference < 0))
+        {
+            TRACE("%s directory created before wineboot\n",
+                  debugstr_w(ws_temp_path));
+            return;
-        remove(pszMyStuff);
-        symlink(szMyStuffTarget, pszMyStuff);
-        heap_free(pszMyStuff);
-    /* Last but not least, the Desktop folder */
-    if (pszHome)
-        strcpy(szDesktopTarget, pszHome);
+    {
+        hr = SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, csidl_dir|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL,
+                            SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, ws_temp_path);
+        if (FAILED(hr)) return;
+    }
-        strcpy(szDesktopTarget, pszPersonal);
-    heap_free(pszPersonal);
+    {
+        ERR("Failed to get Wineprefix path corresponding to %d CSIDL\n",
+            csidl_dir);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!env_enabled) return;
+    prefix_dir = wine_get_unix_file_name(ws_temp_path);
+    if (!prefix_dir)
+    {
+        ERR("Failed to get Unix Wineprefix directory for: %s\n",
+            debugstr_w(ws_temp_path));
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!env_homedir) env_homedir = getenv("HOME");
+    if (!(env_homedir
+          && (stat(env_homedir, &stat_home_folder) != 1)
+          && S_ISDIR(stat_home_folder.st_mode)))
+    {
+        if (prefix_dir) heap_free(prefix_dir);
+        return;
+    }
-    xdg_desktop_dir = xdg_results ? xdg_results[num - 1] : NULL;
-    if (xdg_desktop_dir ||
-        (_SHAppendToUnixPath(szDesktopTarget, DesktopW) &&
-        !stat(szDesktopTarget, &statFolder) && S_ISDIR(statFolder.st_mode)))
+    /* Check for:
+     *    '$HOME/XXXX' (IDS directory)
+     * or '$HOME/XXXX' (XDG directory)
+     * or '$HOME/XXXX' (MacOS directory)
+     */
+    target_ok = FALSE;
+    strcpy(home_target, env_homedir);
+    if (append_to_unix_path(home_target, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(ids_dir))
+        && (stat(home_target, &stat_folder) != -1)
+        && S_ISDIR(stat_folder.st_mode))
-                              SHGFP_TYPE_DEFAULT, wszTempPath);
-        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pszDesktop = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszTempPath))) 
-        {
-            remove(pszDesktop);
-            if (xdg_desktop_dir)
-                symlink(xdg_desktop_dir, pszDesktop);
-            else
-                symlink(szDesktopTarget, pszDesktop);
-            heap_free(pszDesktop);
-        }
+        target_ok = TRUE;
+    }
+    else if (xdg_dir && stat(xdg_dir, &stat_folder))
+    {
+        strcpy(home_target, xdg_dir);
+        /* Only link to the XDG directory, if it does not point directly
+         * to the user's HOME directory (XDG specification fallback path). */
+        target_ok = (stat_folder.st_ino != stat_home_folder.st_ino);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        strcpy(home_target, env_homedir);
+        target_ok = append_to_unix_path(home_target, ws_osx_dir)
+                    && (stat(home_target, &stat_folder) != -1)
+                    && S_ISDIR(stat_folder.st_mode);
-    /* Free resources allocated by XDG_UserDirLookup() */
-    if (xdg_results)
+    if (target_ok)
-        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
-            heap_free(xdg_results[i]);
-        heap_free(xdg_results);
+        remove(prefix_dir);
+        symlink(home_target, prefix_dir);
+    if (prefix_dir) heap_free(prefix_dir);
@@ -6126,15 +6133,139 @@ static void register_system_knownfolders(void)
+ * parse_symlinks_env_variable  [Internal]
+ * 
+ *  xdg_dir     [I]  Unix XDG directory name (without "XDG_" prefix and "_DIR" suffix).
+ * 
+ *  TRUE   "WINESYMLINK" contains the specified XDG directory string.
+ *  FALSE  "WINESYMLINK" does not contain the specified XDG directory string.
+ *         Any error condition.
+ * 
+ * Note: "WINESYMLINK", defaults to "ALL", when unset. This enables all symlinks.
+ *       "WINESYMLINK" can also be manually set to "ALL", enabling all symlinks.
+ * 
+ */
+static BOOL parse_symlinks_env_variable(const char * xdg_dir)
+    static const char * matchall_env_var = "ALL";
+    static char env_var[MAX_PATH+1];
+    static char * env_winesymlink = NULL;
+    char * sstr, * sstr_stop, * tstr, * word_start = NULL;
+    char seperator_ch = '\0';
+    BOOL end_string, in_word = FALSE, matched = FALSE;
+    size_t slength = 0, matchall_length, xdg_dir_slength;
+    if (!xdg_dir) return matched;
+    if (!env_winesymlink)
+    {
+        env_winesymlink = getenv("WINESYMLINK");
+        if (!env_winesymlink) env_winesymlink = (char*) matchall_env_var;
+        tstr = env_var;
+        sstr_stop = env_winesymlink + MAX_PATH;
+        for (sstr = env_winesymlink; *sstr && (sstr != sstr_stop); ++sstr)
+        {
+            if (!seperator_ch && (ispunct(*sstr) || isspace(*sstr)))
+                seperator_ch = *sstr;
+            if (!isalpha(*sstr)) continue;
+            if (seperator_ch && in_word)
+            {
+                *tstr++ = seperator_ch;
+                ++slength;
+            }
+            in_word = TRUE;
+            seperator_ch = '\0';
+            *tstr++ = toupper(*sstr);
+            ++slength;
+        }
+        env_var[slength] = '\0';
+    }
+    TRACE("processed env variable: %s\n", debugstr_a(&env_var[0]));
+    matchall_length = strlen(matchall_env_var);
+    xdg_dir_slength = strlen(xdg_dir);
+    end_string = !(env_var[0]);
+    for (sstr = &env_var[0]; !end_string; ++sstr)
+    {
+        end_string = !(*(sstr+1));
+        in_word = isalpha(*sstr);
+        if (in_word && !word_start) word_start = sstr;
+        in_word = in_word && !end_string;
+        if (in_word || !word_start) continue;
+        slength = ((size_t) (sstr-word_start))+(end_string ? 1 : 0);
+        matched = ( (slength == xdg_dir_slength) && (strncmp(word_start, xdg_dir, slength) == 0) )
+               || ( (slength == matchall_length) && (strncmp(word_start, "ALL",   slength) == 0) );
+        if (matched) break;
+        word_start = NULL;
+    }
+    TRACE("%s symlinking for %s\n", matched ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", debugstr_a(xdg_dir));
+    return matched;
+ * create_homedir_symbolic_links  [Internal]
+ * 
+ * Parse WINESYMLINK env variable, for each XDG directory argument. To test if symlinking is
+ * enabled for that XDG directory / Wine Profile Folder.
+ * Then calls the function create_homedir_symbolic_link to potentially symlink from a Shell Folder,
+ * in the current Wineprefix, to a subdirectory of the current user's HOME directory.
+ *
+ *  xdg_dirnames   [I]  Pointer to an array of Unix XDG directory names
+ *                      (without "XDG_" prefix and "_DIR" suffix).
+ *  xdg_dir_count  [I]  Item count of array (above).
+ * 
+ */
+static void create_homedir_symbolic_links(const char * const xdg_dirnames[], const UINT xdg_dir_count)
+    char ** xdg_dirs_array;
+    char * xdg_dir;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    UINT i;
+    BOOL env_enabled;
+    if (!xdg_dirnames) return;
+    hr = XDG_UserDirLookup(xdg_dirnames, xdg_dir_count, &xdg_dirs_array);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) xdg_dirs_array = NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < xdg_dir_count; ++i)
+    {
+        env_enabled = parse_symlinks_env_variable(xdg_dirnames[i]);
+        xdg_dir = xdg_dirs_array ? xdg_dirs_array[i] : NULL;
+        if (!strcmp(xdg_dirnames[i],"DOCUMENTS"))
+            create_homedir_symbolic_link(env_enabled, IDS_PERSONAL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, xdg_dir, DocumentsW);
+        else if (!strcmp(xdg_dirnames[i],"PICTURES"))
+            create_homedir_symbolic_link(env_enabled, IDS_MYPICTURES, CSIDL_MYPICTURES, xdg_dir, PicturesW);
+        else if (!strcmp(xdg_dirnames[i],"VIDEOS"))
+            create_homedir_symbolic_link(env_enabled, IDS_MYVIDEOS, CSIDL_MYVIDEO, xdg_dir, MoviesW);
+        else if (!strcmp(xdg_dirnames[i],"MUSIC"))
+            create_homedir_symbolic_link(env_enabled, IDS_MYMUSIC, CSIDL_MYMUSIC, xdg_dir, MusicW);
+        else if (!strcmp(xdg_dirnames[i],"DESKTOP"))
+            create_homedir_symbolic_link(env_enabled, IDS_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, xdg_dir, DesktopW);
+        else
+            ERR("XDG directory name specifier invalid: %s\n", debugstr_a(xdg_dirnames[i]));
+        if (xdg_dir) heap_free(xdg_dirs_array[i]);
+    }
+    if (xdg_dirs_array) heap_free(xdg_dirs_array);
 HRESULT SHELL_RegisterShellFolders(void)
+    static const char * const xdg_dirnames[] = { "DOCUMENTS", "PICTURES", "VIDEOS", "MUSIC", "DESKTOP" };
+    const UINT xdg_dir_count = 5;
     HRESULT hr;
-    /* Set up '$HOME' targeted symlinks for 'My Documents', 'My Pictures',
-     * 'My Videos', 'My Music' and 'Desktop' in advance, so that the
-     * _SHRegister*ShellFolders() functions will find everything nice and clean
-     * and thus will not attempt to create them in the profile directory. */
-    _SHCreateSymbolicLinks();
+    /* Early setup of symlinks from specific User Shell Folders, in
+     * current Wineprefix, to subdirecties of the user's HOME directory. */
+    create_homedir_symbolic_links(xdg_dirnames, xdg_dir_count);
     hr = _SHRegisterUserShellFolders(TRUE);
     if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
@@ -6147,5 +6278,6 @@ HRESULT SHELL_RegisterShellFolders(void)
         hr = set_folder_attributes();
     if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
     return hr;

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