[PATCH 4/6] dwrite: Use font fallback when mapping characters

Lucian Poston lucianposton at pm.me
Sat May 26 08:48:58 CDT 2018

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 06:13:30AM -0700, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
> This block will pick arbitrary font, depending on fonts user has 
> installed, and can change if user installs more or removes some.
> That doesn't sound like a good idea to me, and your comment already 
> hints at that.

Yep. But at least the system fonts are considered at all.

That leads to a question that will arise when the system font fallback is
implemented: In what order should the system font fallback mappings be
defined? If you simply iterate over them as done here, the result can also
change (perhaps unexpectedly) if the user (un)installs fonts.

I supposed you'd have probe windows behavior by running tests while installing
and uninstalling system fonts.

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