Test if button is drawn properly

Zhiyi Zhang yi.gd.cn at gmail.com
Wed May 30 21:59:12 CDT 2018

Hi Fabian,

The functionality to show both image and text patch got delayed.
and is being reviewed. Right now if an image is set, then it
shows an image.

I'm afraid there is no easy and reliable way to test ui automatically.
You can test it manually though.



On Thu 5 31 9:23, Fabian Maurer wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently investigating https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45246.
> in comctl32/button.c in BUTTON_CalcLabelRect:
>>    if ((infoPtr->u.image && bm.bmWidth == 0 && bm.bmHeight == 0)
>>        || (text == NULL || text[0] == '\0'))
> This causes the button not to render when an image is set, but the text is null. 
> AFAIK a button can have only an image though - handling it like that fixes a 
> rendering issue.
> But how can I write a test for that, to document that behavior?
> Regards,
> Fabian Maurer

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