[PATCH 2/2] rsaenh: Implement RSA OAEP.

Zhiyi Zhang zzhang at codeweavers.com
Tue Oct 2 03:37:30 CDT 2018

Implement RSA optimal asymmetric encryption padding according to RFC 8017.

Signed-off-by: Zhiyi Zhang <zzhang at codeweavers.com>
 dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c       | 298 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 dlls/rsaenh/tests/rsaenh.c |  49 +++++++-
 2 files changed, 332 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c b/dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c
index e4c6dd14b3..bc10fc731f 100644
--- a/dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c
+++ b/dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c
@@ -1694,26 +1694,189 @@ static BOOL pad_data_pkcs1(const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer,
     return TRUE; 
+ * pkcs1_mgf1 [Internal]
+ *
+ * MGF function for RSA EM-OAEP as specified in RFC 8017 PKCS #1 V2.2, Appendix B.2.1. MGF1
+ *
+ *  hProv        [I] Cryptographic provider handle
+ *  pbSeed       [I] Seed from which mask is generated
+ *  dwSeedLength [I] Length of pbSeed
+ *  dwLength     [I] Intended length in octets of the mask
+ *  pbMask       [O] Generated mask if success. Caller is responsible for freeing the mask when it's done
+ *
+ *  Success: TRUE
+ *  Failure: FALSE
+ */
+static BOOL pkcs1_mgf1(HCRYPTPROV hProv, const BYTE *pbSeed, DWORD dwSeedLength, DWORD dwLength, PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pbMask)
+    HCRYPTHASH hHash;
+    BYTE *pbHashInput, *pbCounter;
+    DWORD dwCounter;
+    DWORD dwLen, dwHashLen;
+    RSAENH_CPCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash);
+    RSAENH_CPHashData(hProv, hHash, 0, 0, 0);
+    dwLen = sizeof(dwHashLen);
+    RSAENH_CPGetHashParam(hProv, hHash, HP_HASHSIZE, (BYTE *)&dwHashLen, &dwLen, 0);
+    RSAENH_CPDestroyHash(hProv, hHash);
+    /* Allocate multiples of hash value */
+    pbMask->pbData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (dwLength + dwHashLen - 1) / dwHashLen * dwHashLen);
+    if (!pbMask->pbData)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_NO_MEMORY);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    pbMask->cbData = dwLength;
+    pbHashInput = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSeedLength + sizeof(DWORD));
+    if (!pbHashInput)
+    {
+        free_data_blob(pbMask);
+        SetLastError(NTE_NO_MEMORY);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    dwLen = dwHashLen;
+    memcpy(pbHashInput, pbSeed, dwSeedLength);
+    pbCounter = pbHashInput + dwSeedLength;
+    for (dwCounter = 0; dwCounter < (dwLength + dwHashLen - 1) / dwHashLen; dwCounter++)
+    {
+        *(pbCounter) = (BYTE)((dwCounter >> 24) & 0xff);
+        *(pbCounter + 1) = (BYTE)((dwCounter >> 16) & 0xff);
+        *(pbCounter + 2) = (BYTE)((dwCounter >> 8) & 0xff);
+        *(pbCounter + 3) = (BYTE)(dwCounter & 0xff);
+        RSAENH_CPCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash);
+        RSAENH_CPHashData(hProv, hHash, pbHashInput, dwSeedLength + sizeof(DWORD), 0);
+        /* pbMask->pbData = old pbMask->pbData || Hash(Seed || Counter) */
+        RSAENH_CPGetHashParam(hProv, hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pbMask->pbData + dwCounter * dwHashLen, &dwLen, 0);
+        RSAENH_CPDestroyHash(hProv, hHash);
+    }
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbHashInput);
+    return TRUE;
+ * pad_data_oaep [Internal]
+ *
+ * Helper function for data OAEP padding scheme according to RFC 8017 PKCS #1 V2.2
+ *
+ *  hProv       [I] Cryptographic provider handle
+ *  abData      [I] The data to be padded
+ *  dwDataLen   [I] Length of the data
+ *  abBuffer    [O] Padded data will be stored here
+ *  dwBufferLen [I] Length of the buffer (also length of padded data)
+ *  dwFlags     [I] Currently only CRYPT_OAEP is defined
+ *
+ *  Success: TRUE
+ *  Failure: FALSE
+ */
+static BOOL pad_data_oaep(HCRYPTPROV hProv, const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLen,
+                          DWORD dwFlags)
+    CRYPT_DATA_BLOB blobDbMask = {0}, blobSeedMask = {0};
+    HCRYPTHASH hHash;
+    BYTE *pbPadded = NULL, *pbDb, *pbSeed;
+    DWORD dwLen, dwHashLen;
+    DWORD dwDbLen, dwSeedLen;
+    BOOL result, ret = FALSE;
+    DWORD i;
+    RSAENH_CPCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash);
+    /* Empty label */
+    RSAENH_CPHashData(hProv, hHash, 0, 0, 0);
+    dwLen = sizeof(dwHashLen);
+    RSAENH_CPGetHashParam(hProv, hHash, HP_HASHSIZE, (BYTE *)&dwHashLen, &dwLen, 0);
+    if (dwDataLen > dwBufferLen - 2 * dwHashLen - 2)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_BAD_LEN);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    if (dwBufferLen < 2 * dwHashLen + 2)
+    {
+        SetLastError(ERROR_MORE_DATA);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    pbPadded = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwBufferLen);
+    if (!pbPadded)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_NO_MEMORY);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    /* EM = 00 || maskedSeed || maskedDB */
+    pbPadded[0] = 0;
+    pbSeed = pbPadded + 1;
+    dwSeedLen = dwHashLen;
+    pbDb = pbPadded + 1 + dwHashLen;
+    dwDbLen = dwBufferLen - dwSeedLen - 1;
+    /* DB = pHash || PS || 01 || M */
+    /* Set pHash in DB */
+    dwLen = dwHashLen;
+    RSAENH_CPGetHashParam(hProv, hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pbDb, &dwLen, 0);
+    /* Set PS(zeros) in DB */
+    memset(pbDb + dwHashLen, 0, dwDbLen - dwHashLen - 1 - dwDataLen);
+    /* Set 01 in DB */
+    pbDb[dwDbLen - dwDataLen - 1] = 1;
+    /* Set M in DB */
+    memcpy(pbDb + dwDbLen - dwDataLen, abData, dwDataLen);
+    /* Get seed */
+    gen_rand_impl(pbSeed, dwHashLen);
+    /* Get masked DB */
+    result = pkcs1_mgf1(hProv, pbSeed, dwHashLen, dwDbLen, &blobDbMask);
+    if (!result) goto done;
+    for (i = 0; i < dwDbLen; i++) pbDb[i] ^= blobDbMask.pbData[i];
+    /* Get masked seed */
+    result = pkcs1_mgf1(hProv, pbDb, dwDbLen, dwHashLen, &blobSeedMask);
+    if (!result) goto done;
+    for (i = 0; i < dwHashLen; i++) pbSeed[i] ^= blobSeedMask.pbData[i];
+    memcpy(abBuffer, pbPadded, dwBufferLen);
+    ret = TRUE;
+    RSAENH_CPDestroyHash(hProv, hHash);
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbPadded);
+    free_data_blob(&blobDbMask);
+    free_data_blob(&blobSeedMask);
+    return ret;
  * pad_data [Internal]
  * Helper function for data padding according to padding format
+ *  hProv       [I] Cryptographic provider handle
  *  abData      [I] The data to be padded
  *  dwDataLen   [I] Length of the data
  *  abBuffer    [O] Padded data will be stored here
  *  dwBufferLen [I] Length of the buffer (also length of padded data)
- *  dwFlags     [I] 0 or CRYPT_SSL2_FALLBACK
+ *  dwFlags     [I] 0, CRYPT_SSL2_FALLBACK or CRYPT_OAEP
  *  Success: TRUE
  *  Failure: FALSE
-static BOOL pad_data(const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLen,
+static BOOL pad_data(HCRYPTPROV hProv, const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLen,
                      DWORD dwFlags)
-    return pad_data_pkcs1(abData, dwDataLen, abBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwFlags);
+    if (dwFlags == CRYPT_OAEP)
+        return pad_data_oaep(hProv, abData, dwDataLen, abBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwFlags);
+    else
+        return pad_data_pkcs1(abData, dwDataLen, abBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwFlags);
@@ -1757,26 +1920,133 @@ static BOOL unpad_data_pkcs1(const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer
     return TRUE;
+ * unpad_data_oaep [Internal]
+ *
+ * Remove the OAEP padding from RSA decrypted data
+ *
+ *  hProv       [I]   Cryptographic provider handle
+ *  abData      [I]   The padded data
+ *  dwDataLen   [I]   Length of the padded data
+ *  abBuffer    [O]   Data without padding will be stored here
+ *  dwBufferLen [I/O] I: Length of the buffer, O: Length of unpadded data
+ *  dwFlags     [I]   Currently only CRYPT_OAEP is defined
+ *
+ *  Success: TRUE
+ *  Failure: FALSE
+ */
+static BOOL unpad_data_oaep(HCRYPTPROV hProv, const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer, DWORD *dwBufferLen,
+                            DWORD dwFlags)
+    CRYPT_DATA_BLOB blobDbMask = {0}, blobSeedMask = {0};
+    HCRYPTHASH hHash;
+    BYTE *pbBuffer = NULL, *pbHashValue = NULL;
+    const BYTE *pbPaddedSeed, *pbPaddedDb;
+    BYTE *pbUnpaddedSeed, *pbUnpaddedDb;
+    DWORD dwLen, dwHashLen;
+    DWORD dwSeedLen, dwDbLen;
+    DWORD dwZeroCount, dwMsgCount;
+    BOOL result, ret = FALSE;
+    DWORD i;
+    RSAENH_CPCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash);
+    RSAENH_CPHashData(hProv, hHash, 0, 0, 0);
+    dwLen = sizeof(dwHashLen);
+    RSAENH_CPGetHashParam(hProv, hHash, HP_HASHSIZE, (BYTE *)&dwHashLen, &dwLen, 0);
+    if (dwDataLen < 2 * dwHashLen + 2)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_BAD_DATA);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    /* Get default hash value */
+    pbHashValue = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwHashLen);
+    if (!pbHashValue)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_NO_MEMORY);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    dwLen = dwHashLen;
+    RSAENH_CPGetHashParam(hProv, hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pbHashValue, &dwLen, 0);
+    /* Store seed and DB */
+    pbBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwDataLen - 1);
+    if (!pbBuffer)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_NO_MEMORY);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    pbPaddedSeed = abData + 1;
+    pbPaddedDb = abData + 1 + dwHashLen;
+    pbUnpaddedSeed = pbBuffer;
+    pbUnpaddedDb = pbBuffer + dwHashLen;
+    dwSeedLen = dwHashLen;
+    dwDbLen = dwDataLen - dwHashLen - 1;
+    /* Get unpadded seed */
+    result = pkcs1_mgf1(hProv, pbPaddedDb, dwDbLen, dwSeedLen, &blobSeedMask);
+    if (!result) goto done;
+    for (i = 0; i < dwSeedLen; i++) pbUnpaddedSeed[i] = pbPaddedSeed[i] ^ blobSeedMask.pbData[i];
+    /* Get unpadded DB */
+    result = pkcs1_mgf1(hProv, pbUnpaddedSeed, dwSeedLen, dwDbLen, &blobDbMask);
+    if (!result) goto done;
+    for (i = 0; i < dwDbLen; i++) pbUnpaddedDb[i] = pbPaddedDb[i] ^ blobDbMask.pbData[i];
+    /* Compare hash in DB */
+    result = memcmp(pbUnpaddedDb, pbHashValue, dwHashLen);
+    /* Get count of zero paddings(PS) */
+    dwZeroCount = 0;
+    while (dwHashLen + dwZeroCount + 1 <= dwDbLen && pbUnpaddedDb[dwHashLen + dwZeroCount] == 0) dwZeroCount++;
+    dwMsgCount = dwDbLen - dwHashLen - dwZeroCount - 1;
+    if (dwHashLen + dwZeroCount + 1 > dwDbLen || abData[0] || result || pbUnpaddedDb[dwHashLen + dwZeroCount] != 1
+        || *dwBufferLen < dwMsgCount)
+    {
+        SetLastError(NTE_BAD_DATA);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    *dwBufferLen = dwMsgCount;
+    memcpy(abBuffer, pbUnpaddedDb + dwHashLen + dwZeroCount + 1, dwMsgCount);
+    ret = TRUE;
+    RSAENH_CPDestroyHash(hProv, hHash);
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbHashValue);
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbBuffer);
+    free_data_blob(&blobDbMask);
+    free_data_blob(&blobSeedMask);
+    return ret;
  * unpad_data [Internal]
  * Remove the padding from RSA decrypted data according to padding format
+ *  hProv       [I]   Cryptographic provider handle
  *  abData      [I]   The padded data
  *  dwDataLen   [I]   Length of the padded data
  *  abBuffer    [O]   Data without padding will be stored here
  *  dwBufferLen [I/O] I: Length of the buffer, O: Length of unpadded data
- *  dwFlags     [I]   Currently none defined
+ *  dwFlags     [I]   0 or CRYPT_OAEP
  *  Success: TRUE
  *  Failure: FALSE
-static BOOL unpad_data(const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer, DWORD *dwBufferLen,
+static BOOL unpad_data(HCRYPTPROV hProv, const BYTE *abData, DWORD dwDataLen, BYTE *abBuffer, DWORD *dwBufferLen,
                        DWORD dwFlags)
-    return unpad_data_pkcs1(abData, dwDataLen, abBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwFlags);
+    if (dwFlags == CRYPT_OAEP)
+        return unpad_data_oaep(hProv, abData, dwDataLen, abBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwFlags);
+    else
+        return unpad_data_pkcs1(abData, dwDataLen, abBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwFlags);
@@ -2187,7 +2457,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI RSAENH_CPDuplicateKey(HCRYPTPROV hUID, HCRYPTKEY hKey, DWORD *pdwRes
  *  hKey       [I]   The key used to encrypt the data.
  *  hHash      [I]   An optional hash object for parallel hashing. See notes.
  *  Final      [I]   Indicates if this is the last block of data to encrypt.
- *  dwFlags    [I]   Currently no flags defined. Must be zero.
+ *  dwFlags    [I]   Must be zero or CRYPT_OAEP
  *  pbData     [I/O] Pointer to the data to encrypt. Encrypted data will also be stored there. 
  *  pdwDataLen [I/O] I: Length of data to encrypt, O: Length of encrypted data.
  *  dwBufLen   [I]   Size of the buffer at pbData.
@@ -2219,7 +2489,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI RSAENH_CPEncrypt(HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash,
         return FALSE;
-    if (dwFlags)
+    if (dwFlags != 0 && dwFlags != CRYPT_OAEP)
         return FALSE;
@@ -2316,7 +2586,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI RSAENH_CPEncrypt(HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash,
             return FALSE;
-        if (!pad_data(pbData, *pdwDataLen, pbData, pCryptKey->dwBlockLen, dwFlags)) return FALSE;
+        if (!pad_data(hProv, pbData, *pdwDataLen, pbData, pCryptKey->dwBlockLen, dwFlags)) return FALSE;
         encrypt_block_impl(pCryptKey->aiAlgid, PK_PUBLIC, &pCryptKey->context, pbData, pbData, RSAENH_ENCRYPT);
         *pdwDataLen = pCryptKey->dwBlockLen;
         Final = TRUE;
@@ -2340,7 +2610,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI RSAENH_CPEncrypt(HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash,
  *  hKey       [I]   The key used to decrypt the data.
  *  hHash      [I]   An optional hash object for parallel hashing. See notes.
  *  Final      [I]   Indicates if this is the last block of data to decrypt.
- *  dwFlags    [I]   Currently no flags defined. Must be zero.
+ *  dwFlags    [I]   Must be zero or CRYPT_OAEP
  *  pbData     [I/O] Pointer to the data to decrypt. Plaintext will also be stored there. 
  *  pdwDataLen [I/O] I: Length of ciphertext, O: Length of plaintext.
@@ -2371,7 +2641,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI RSAENH_CPDecrypt(HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash,
         return FALSE;
-    if (dwFlags)
+    if (dwFlags != 0 && dwFlags != CRYPT_OAEP)
         return FALSE;
@@ -2459,7 +2729,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI RSAENH_CPDecrypt(HCRYPTPROV hProv, HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTHASH hHash,
             return FALSE;
         encrypt_block_impl(pCryptKey->aiAlgid, PK_PRIVATE, &pCryptKey->context, pbData, pbData, RSAENH_DECRYPT);
-        if (!unpad_data(pbData, pCryptKey->dwBlockLen, pbData, pdwDataLen, dwFlags)) return FALSE;
+        if (!unpad_data(hProv, pbData, pCryptKey->dwBlockLen, pbData, pdwDataLen, dwFlags)) return FALSE;
         Final = TRUE;
     } else {
@@ -2503,7 +2773,7 @@ static BOOL crypt_export_simple(CRYPTKEY *pCryptKey, CRYPTKEY *pPubKey,
         *pAlgid = pPubKey->aiAlgid;
-        if (!pad_data(pCryptKey->abKeyValue, pCryptKey->dwKeyLen, (BYTE*)(pAlgid+1),
+        if (!pad_data(pCryptKey->hProv, pCryptKey->abKeyValue, pCryptKey->dwKeyLen, (BYTE*)(pAlgid+1),
                       pPubKey->dwBlockLen, dwFlags))
             return FALSE;
@@ -2966,7 +3236,7 @@ static BOOL import_symmetric_key(HCRYPTPROV hProv, const BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwD
     dwKeyLen = RSAENH_MAX_KEY_SIZE;
-    if (!unpad_data(pbDecrypted, pPubKey->dwBlockLen, pbDecrypted, &dwKeyLen, dwFlags)) {
+    if (!unpad_data(hProv, pbDecrypted, pPubKey->dwBlockLen, pbDecrypted, &dwKeyLen, dwFlags)) {
         HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pbDecrypted);
         return FALSE;
diff --git a/dlls/rsaenh/tests/rsaenh.c b/dlls/rsaenh/tests/rsaenh.c
index df31aeb54b..3e782be279 100644
--- a/dlls/rsaenh/tests/rsaenh.c
+++ b/dlls/rsaenh/tests/rsaenh.c
@@ -2282,6 +2282,7 @@ static void test_rsa_encrypt(void)
     BYTE abData[2048] = "Wine rocks!";
     BOOL result;
     DWORD dwVal, dwLen;
+    DWORD err;
     /* It is allowed to use the key exchange key for encryption/decryption */
     result = CryptGetUserKey(hProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &hRSAKey);
@@ -2297,6 +2298,7 @@ static void test_rsa_encrypt(void)
     ok(result, "CryptEncrypt failed: %08x\n", GetLastError());
     ok(dwLen == 128, "Unexpected length %d\n", dwLen);
+    /* PKCS1 V1.5 */
     dwLen = 12;
     result = CryptEncrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, 0, abData, &dwLen, (DWORD)sizeof(abData));
     ok (result, "%08x\n", GetLastError());
@@ -2304,7 +2306,52 @@ static void test_rsa_encrypt(void)
     result = CryptDecrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, 0, abData, &dwLen);
     ok (result && dwLen == 12 && !memcmp(abData, "Wine rocks!", 12), "%08x\n", GetLastError());
+    /* OAEP, RFC 8017 PKCS #1 V2.2 */
+    /* Test minimal buffer length requirement */
+    dwLen = 1;
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    result = CryptEncrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen, 20 * 2 + 2);
+    err = GetLastError();
+    ok(!result && err == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "%08x\n", err);
+    /* Test data length limit */
+    dwLen = sizeof(abData) - (20 * 2 + 2) + 1;
+    result = CryptEncrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen, (DWORD)sizeof(abData));
+    err = GetLastError();
+    ok(!result && err == NTE_BAD_LEN, "%08x\n", err);
+    /* Test malformed data */
+    dwLen = 12;
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    memcpy(abData, "Wine rocks!", dwLen);
+    result = CryptDecrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen);
+    err = GetLastError();
+    /* NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT on xp or 2003 */
+    ok(!result && (err == NTE_BAD_DATA || broken(err == NTE_DOUBLE_ENCRYPT)), "%08x\n", err);
+    /* Test decrypt with insufficient buffer */
+    dwLen = 12;
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    memcpy(abData, "Wine rocks!", 12);
+    result = CryptEncrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen, (DWORD)sizeof(abData));
+    ok(result, "%08x\n", GetLastError());
+    dwLen = 11;
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    result = CryptDecrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen);
+    err = GetLastError();
+    /* broken on xp or 2003 */
+    ok((!result && dwLen == 11 && err == NTE_BAD_DATA) || broken(result == TRUE && dwLen == 12 && err == ERROR_NO_TOKEN),
+       "%08x %d %08x\n", result, dwLen, err);
+    /* Test normal encryption and decryption */
+    dwLen = 12;
+    memcpy(abData, "Wine rocks!", dwLen);
+    result = CryptEncrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen, (DWORD)sizeof(abData));
+    ok(result, "%08x\n", GetLastError());
+    result = CryptDecrypt(hRSAKey, 0, TRUE, CRYPT_OAEP, abData, &dwLen);
+    ok(result && dwLen == 12 && !memcmp(abData, "Wine rocks!", 12), "%08x\n", GetLastError());
     dwVal = 0xdeadbeef;
     dwLen = sizeof(DWORD);
     result = CryptGetKeyParam(hRSAKey, KP_PERMISSIONS, (BYTE*)&dwVal, &dwLen, 0);
2.15.2 (Apple Git-101.1)

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