[PATCH] quartz/filtergraph: Iterate all OUTPUT PINs.

Brendan McGrath brendan at redmandi.com
Mon Oct 8 22:54:54 CDT 2018

ExploreGraph will now iterate each OUTPUT PIN connected to an
INPUT PINs filter (whether it is internally connected to the INPUT PIN
or not).

This is effectively the same as if IPin_QueryInternalConnections had
returned E_NOTIMPL everytime.

The static function GetInternalConnections is therefore no longer
required and has been removed.

This patch is a result of the feedback provided by Zebediah Figura to my
original patch (Fix SEGFAULT when num pin > 0).

I'm not sure if this is exactly what was intended - but I figure if there
should be a check for an internal connection then it would match the
functionality of my original patch (which was much smaller; thus safer).

 dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c | 98 ++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c b/dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c
index 07d40dbb0ea..b2c3e0c78e2 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c
+++ b/dlls/quartz/filtergraph.c
@@ -974,68 +974,6 @@ static HRESULT GetFilterInfo(IMoniker* pMoniker, VARIANT* pvar)
     return hr;
-static HRESULT GetInternalConnections(IBaseFilter* pfilter, IPin* pinputpin, IPin*** pppins, ULONG* pnb)
-    HRESULT hr;
-    ULONG nb = 0;
-    TRACE("(%p, %p, %p, %p)\n", pfilter, pinputpin, pppins, pnb);
-    hr = IPin_QueryInternalConnections(pinputpin, NULL, &nb);
-    if (hr == S_OK) {
-        /* Rendered input */
-    } else if (hr == S_FALSE) {
-        *pppins = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(IPin*)*nb);
-        hr = IPin_QueryInternalConnections(pinputpin, *pppins, &nb);
-        if (hr != S_OK) {
-            WARN("Error (%x)\n", hr);
-        }
-    } else if (hr == E_NOTIMPL) {
-        /* Input connected to all outputs */
-        IEnumPins* penumpins;
-        IPin* ppin;
-        int i = 0;
-        TRACE("E_NOTIMPL\n");
-        hr = IBaseFilter_EnumPins(pfilter, &penumpins);
-        if (FAILED(hr)) {
-            WARN("filter Enumpins failed (%x)\n", hr);
-            return hr;
-        }
-        i = 0;
-        /* Count output pins */
-        while(IEnumPins_Next(penumpins, 1, &ppin, &nb) == S_OK) {
-            PIN_DIRECTION pindir;
-            IPin_QueryDirection(ppin, &pindir);
-            if (pindir == PINDIR_OUTPUT)
-                i++;
-            IPin_Release(ppin);
-        }
-        *pppins = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(IPin*)*i);
-        /* Retrieve output pins */
-        IEnumPins_Reset(penumpins);
-        i = 0;
-        while(IEnumPins_Next(penumpins, 1, &ppin, &nb) == S_OK) {
-            PIN_DIRECTION pindir;
-            IPin_QueryDirection(ppin, &pindir);
-            if (pindir == PINDIR_OUTPUT)
-                (*pppins)[i++] = ppin;
-            else
-                IPin_Release(ppin);
-        }
-        IEnumPins_Release(penumpins);
-        nb = i;
-        if (FAILED(hr)) {
-            WARN("Next failed (%x)\n", hr);
-            return hr;
-        }
-    } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
-        WARN("Cannot get internal connection (%x)\n", hr);
-        return hr;
-    }
-    *pnb = nb;
-    return S_OK;
 /* Attempt to connect one of the output pins on filter to sink. Helper for
  * FilterGraph2_Connect(). */
 static HRESULT connect_output_pin(IFilterGraphImpl *graph, IBaseFilter *filter, IPin *sink)
@@ -2089,10 +2027,8 @@ static HRESULT ExploreGraph(IFilterGraphImpl* pGraph, IPin* pOutputPin, fnFoundF
     IMediaSeeking *seeking;
     HRESULT hr;
     IPin* pInputPin;
-    IPin** ppPins;
-    ULONG nb;
-    ULONG i;
     PIN_INFO PinInfo;
+    IEnumPins* pEnumPins;
     TRACE("%p %p\n", pGraph, pOutputPin);
     PinInfo.pFilter = NULL;
@@ -2102,27 +2038,31 @@ static HRESULT ExploreGraph(IFilterGraphImpl* pGraph, IPin* pOutputPin, fnFoundF
     if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
         hr = IPin_QueryPinInfo(pInputPin, &PinInfo);
-        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
-            hr = GetInternalConnections(PinInfo.pFilter, pInputPin, &ppPins, &nb);
     if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
-        if (nb)
-        {
-            for(i = 0; i < nb; i++)
-            {
-                /* Explore the graph downstream from this pin
-                 * FIXME: We should prevent exploring from a pin more than once. This can happens when
-                 * several input pins are connected to the same output (a MUX for instance). */
-                ExploreGraph(pGraph, ppPins[i], FoundFilter, data);
-                IPin_Release(ppPins[i]);
-            }
+        hr = IBaseFilter_EnumPins(PinInfo.pFilter, &pEnumPins);
+    }
-            CoTaskMemFree(ppPins);
+    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+    {
+        IPin* pPin;
+        /* Explore the graph downstream from this pin's filter
+         * FIXME: We should prevent exploring from a pin more than once. This can happen when
+         * several input pins are connected to the same output (a MUX for instance). */
+        while(IEnumPins_Next(pEnumPins, 1, &pPin, NULL) == S_OK)
+        {
+            PIN_DIRECTION pinDir;
+            IPin_QueryDirection(pPin, &pinDir);
+            if (pinDir == PINDIR_OUTPUT)
+                ExploreGraph(pGraph, pPin, FoundFilter, data);
+            IPin_Release(pPin);
-        TRACE("Doing stuff with filter %p\n", PinInfo.pFilter);
+        IEnumPins_Release(pEnumPins);
+        TRACE("Doing stuff with filter %s (%p)\n", debugstr_w(PinInfo.achName), PinInfo.pFilter);
         if (SUCCEEDED(IBaseFilter_QueryInterface(PinInfo.pFilter,
                 &IID_IAMFilterMiscFlags, (void **)&flags)))

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