TestBot news

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Wed Oct 31 06:37:53 CDT 2018

Yesterday I added an option to let the TestBot administrator decide 
whether to run all the tests in Wine for every Wine patch. I have not 
activated it yet.

But I set it to run all of a dll's tests on Wine whenever that dll is 
patched. So for instance because job 43715 patched dinput the TestBot 
reran all of the dinput tests. In contrast, for dinput8 the patch only 
modified dinput8:dinput so only that test was rerun. And yes, this also 
illustrates that this mode does not take PARENTSRC into account (yet) 


If this does not cause too many issues (false positives, long processing 
times) I'll change it to run all the tests all the time in a few days.

The remaining todo list for the TestBot:

* Add support for locales in Wine VMs.
* Fix the performance issues caused by running all the tests on Wine for 
  every Wine patch (I expect we can get by with just duplicating the 
  Debian VM so we can run all the win32 tests on one host while another 
  runs the module-level wow32 + wow64 + locale ones).
* Allow submitting Windows test executables to run in Wine.
* Allow specifying a locale for jobs running in Wine.
* Better locale handling when submitting a job on the Windows VMs 
  (duplicating the VM on the submit page is fine as long as there are 
  only a couple locales but will get unwieldly as more are added).
* Fix date/time handling on Wine VMs (the time is not updated when the 
  task starts and risks getting too far off).
* Support for Wine's other source repositories to limit the risk of 
  misidentifying Wine patches.
* Have the TestBot build its own WineTest executables.
* Split the "Update Wine VMs" job in two so it does not hog the Debian 
  VM for hours.
* Testing vkd3d's patches... somehow.
* Monitoring the VM disk sizes (the Debian one grows particularly fast).
* Fix monitoring of WineTest log sizes.
* Update the Windows VMs (Windows+TestAgentd). The Windows 10 one 
  obviously but also the slow reverting ones (w7u 3mn, wvista 1mn, w864 
* Automate creating locale snapshots for the Windows Ultimate VMs 
  somehow (either via Ansible or through TestAgentd).
* Add more locale snapshots for the Windows Ultimate VMs (w7u and 
* Remember the user's VM preferences for jobs.
* Let users change their email, password, etc.
* One day maybe: rewrite the web interface using "modern" technologies 
  to avoid page reloads.

Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>

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