Wine Mono packaging updates

Vincent Povirk vincent at
Fri Apr 5 10:28:53 CDT 2019

With yesterday's Git update, Wine now has the ability to use a shared
install of Wine Mono. This greatly reduces the disk space needed by
each prefix, and it probably speeds up prefix creation as well. Those
changes will be in Wine 4.6.

The .msi package will continue to work as before. We recently added
/opt/wine/mono and /opt/wine/gecko to the search paths for the Mono
and Gecko msi's, mainly so that third-party distro packages (such as
winehq's) can install them without interfering with future official
distribution packages that may be named differently. I think the
commit adding this, 2f6896b14d2b1905a25b1ef55bcdc792f9fa02ac, is safe
to apply to older versions.

The "shared" version of Wine Mono can be found at
It should be extracted to /usr/share/wine/mono or /opt/wine/mono. This
will create a directory that includes the version number, so multiple
versions can be installed independently. This file can also be built
using the source tarball, of course.

For more details, see the release notes I put on Github:

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