[PATCH] winex11: The correct way to search the target window for drag&drop operations.

John Found johnfound at asm32.info
Fri Apr 19 08:10:07 CDT 2019

> This might be an interesting read: 
> https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20101230-00/?p=11873
> Do you test with disabled child windows? Because that's one case where 
> WindowFromPoint fails, it won't check deeper child windows even if they 
> are active in this case. Not sure if Windows treats it differently here.
> BTW I'm not sure about this but I think GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_PARENT) is 
> more appropriate since GetParent can also retrieve the owner window, not 
> sure if that's a factor here, but seems safer to me.

You probably missed my newer message in this thread. WindowFromPoint fails with
the static controls as well. So, the drag&drop operations needs special implementation,
as I have hade it in the discussed patch.

Also, thanks for the hint about GetParent. I will think about it, but
at first glance, we really don't need owner windows to be messed in drop target search.
So, GetAncestor looks better. Will test it.

John Found <johnfound at asm32.info>

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