[PATCH] advapi32/tests: Extend security label / token integrity tests.

Vijay Kiran Kamuju infyquest at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 18:03:51 CDT 2019

From: Michael Müller <michael at fds-team.de>

Fix tests for Win2008 and make the variables global.

From: Michael Müller <michael at fds-team.de>
Signed-off-by: Vijay Kiran Kamuju <infyquest at gmail.com>
 dlls/advapi32/tests/Makefile.in |   2 +-
 dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c  | 402 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 390 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/advapi32/tests/Makefile.in b/dlls/advapi32/tests/Makefile.in
index 36ce031ef62..4437e6e5de7 100644
--- a/dlls/advapi32/tests/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/advapi32/tests/Makefile.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 TESTDLL   = advapi32.dll
-IMPORTS   = ole32 advapi32
+IMPORTS   = ole32 user32 advapi32
 C_SRCS = \
 	cred.c \
diff --git a/dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c b/dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c
index a22014793ff..51d462d687b 100644
--- a/dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c
+++ b/dlls/advapi32/tests/security.c
@@ -139,6 +139,13 @@ static HMODULE hmod;
 static int     myARGC;
 static char**  myARGV;
+                        {SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID}};
+                           {SECURITY_MANDATORY_MEDIUM_RID}};
+                         {SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID}};
 #define SID_SLOTS 4
 static char debugsid_str[SID_SLOTS][256];
 static int debugsid_index = 0;
@@ -6292,10 +6299,6 @@ static void test_TokenIntegrityLevel(void)
     HANDLE token;
     DWORD size;
     DWORD res;
-                                                    {SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID}};
-                                                    {SECURITY_MANDATORY_MEDIUM_RID}};
     res = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &token);
@@ -6471,10 +6474,6 @@ static void test_AddAce(void)
 static void test_AddMandatoryAce(void)
-                            {SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID}};
-                               {SECURITY_MANDATORY_MEDIUM_RID}};
@@ -7112,15 +7111,15 @@ static void test_token_label(void)
 static void test_token_security_descriptor(void)
-                            {SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID}};
+    SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *sd = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)&buffer_sd, *sd2, *sd3;
     char buffer_acl[256], buffer[MAX_PATH];
-    ACL *acl = (ACL *)&buffer_acl, *acl2, *acl_child;
+    ACL *acl = (ACL *)&buffer_acl, *acl2, *acl_child, *sacl;
     BOOL defaulted, present, ret, found;
-    HANDLE token, token2, token3;
+    HANDLE token, token2, token3, token4, token5, token6;
     EXPLICIT_ACCESSW exp_access;
+    BYTE buffer_integrity[64];
     DWORD size, index, retd;
@@ -7271,6 +7270,186 @@ static void test_token_security_descriptor(void)
     /* The security label is also not inherited */
     if (pAddMandatoryAce)
+        memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+        ret = GetTokenInformation(token, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+        ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+        ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &medium_level) || EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level),
+           "Expected medium or high integrity level\n");
+        if (EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level))
+        {
+            DWORD process_id;
+            HANDLE process;
+            HWND shell;
+            /* This test tries to get a medium token and then impersonates this token. The
+             * idea is to check whether the sd label of a newly created token depends on the
+             * current active token or the integrity level of the newly created token. */
+             /* Steal process token of the explorer.exe process */
+            shell = GetShellWindow();
+            todo_wine ok(shell != NULL, "Failed to get shell window\n");
+            if (!shell) shell = GetDesktopWindow();  /* FIXME: Workaround for Wine */
+            ok(GetWindowThreadProcessId(shell, &process_id),
+               "Failed to get process id of shell window: %u\n", GetLastError());
+            process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, process_id);
+            ok(process != NULL, "Failed to open process: %u\n", GetLastError());
+            ok(OpenProcessToken(process, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &token4),
+               "Failed to open process token: %u\n", GetLastError());
+            CloseHandle(process);
+            /* Check TokenIntegrityLevel and LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION of explorer.exe token */
+            memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+            ret = GetTokenInformation(token4, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+            ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+            todo_wine ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &medium_level)||EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid,&high_level),
+               "Expected medium or high (Win2008) integrity level\n");
+            size = 0;
+            ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token4, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+            ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+               "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %u, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+            sd3 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
+            ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token4, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd3, size, &size);
+            ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            sacl = NULL;
+            ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd3, &present, &sacl, &defaulted);
+            ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            ok(present, "No SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+            ok(sacl != NULL, "NULL SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+            if (sacl)
+            {
+                ret = pGetAce(sacl, 0, (void **)&ace);
+                ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+                ok(ace->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+                   "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace->Header.AceType);
+                todo_wine ok(EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &medium_level)||EqualSid(&ace->SidStart,&high_level),
+                   "Expected medium or high (Win2008) integrity level\n");
+            }
+            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd3);
+            /* Start child process with the explorer.exe token */
+            memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(startup));
+            startup.cb = sizeof(startup);
+            startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
+            startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
+            sprintf(buffer, "%s tests/security.c test_token_sd_medium", myARGV[0]);
+            ret = CreateProcessAsUserA(token4, NULL, buffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &info);
+            ok(ret || GetLastError() == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD,
+                "CreateProcess failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            if (ret)
+            {
+                winetest_wait_child_process(info.hProcess);
+                CloseHandle(info.hProcess);
+                CloseHandle(info.hThread);
+            }
+            else
+                win_skip("Skipping test for creating process with medium level token\n");
+            ret = DuplicateTokenEx(token4, 0, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation, &token5);
+            ok(ret, "DuplicateTokenEx failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            ret = SetThreadToken(NULL, token5);
+            todo_wine ok(ret, "SetThreadToken failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            CloseHandle(token4);
+            /* Restrict current process token while impersonating a medium integrity token */
+            ret = CreateRestrictedToken(token, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &token6);
+            ok(ret, "CreateRestrictedToken failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+            ret = GetTokenInformation(token6, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+            ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+            ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level), "Expected high integrity level\n");
+            size = 0;
+            ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token6, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+            ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+               "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %u, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+            sd3 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
+            ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token6, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd3, size, &size);
+            ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            sacl = NULL;
+            ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd3, &present, &sacl, &defaulted);
+            ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            todo_wine ok(present, "No SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+            todo_wine ok(sacl != NULL, "NULL SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+            if (sacl)
+            {
+                ret = pGetAce(sacl, 0, (void **)&ace);
+                ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+                ok(ace->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+                   "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace->Header.AceType);
+                ok(EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &medium_level)||EqualSid(&ace->SidStart,&high_level),
+                   "Expected medium or high (Win2008) integrity level\n");
+            }
+            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd3);
+            RevertToSelf();
+            CloseHandle(token5);
+            /* Start child process with the restricted token */
+            sprintf(buffer, "%s tests/security.c test_token_sd_restricted", myARGV[0]);
+            ret = CreateProcessAsUserA(token6, NULL, buffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &info);
+            ok(ret, "CreateProcess failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            winetest_wait_child_process(info.hProcess);
+            CloseHandle(info.hProcess);
+            CloseHandle(info.hThread);
+            CloseHandle(token6);
+            /* DuplicateTokenEx should assign security label even when SA points to empty SD */
+            memset(sd, 0, sizeof(buffer_sd));
+            ret = InitializeSecurityDescriptor(sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
+            ok(ret, "InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
+            sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = sd;
+            sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
+            ret = DuplicateTokenEx(token, 0, &sa, 0, TokenPrimary, &token6);
+            ok(ret, "DuplicateTokenEx failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            size = 0;
+            ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token6, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+            todo_wine ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+               "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %u, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+            sd3 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
+            ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token6, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd3, size, &size);
+            todo_wine ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            sacl = NULL;
+            ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd3, &present, &sacl, &defaulted);
+            todo_wine ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            todo_wine ok(present, "No SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+            todo_wine ok(sacl != NULL, "NULL SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+            if (sacl)
+            {
+                ret = pGetAce(sacl, 0, (void **)&ace);
+                ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+                ok(ace->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+                   "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace->Header.AceType);
+                ok(EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &high_level),
+                   "Expected high integrity level\n");
+            }
+            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd3);
+            CloseHandle(token6);
+        }
+        else
+            skip("Skipping test, running without admin rights\n");
         ret = InitializeAcl(acl, 256, ACL_REVISION);
         ok(ret, "InitializeAcl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
@@ -7286,6 +7465,90 @@ static void test_token_security_descriptor(void)
         ret = SetKernelObjectSecurity(token, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd);
         ok(ret, "SetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        /* changing the label of the security descriptor does not change the integrity level of the token itself */
+        memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+        ret = GetTokenInformation(token, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+        ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+        ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &medium_level) || EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level),
+            "Expected medium or high integrity level\n");
+        /* restricting / duplicating a token resets the mandatory sd label */
+        ret = CreateRestrictedToken(token, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &token4);
+        ok(ret, "CreateRestrictedToken failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+        ret = GetTokenInformation(token4, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+        ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+        ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &medium_level) || EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level),
+            "Expected medium or high integrity level\n");
+        size = 0;
+        ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token4, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+        ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+           "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %u, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+        sd3 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
+        ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token4, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd3, size, &size);
+        ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd3, &present, &sacl, &defaulted);
+        ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        todo_wine ok(present, "No SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+        todo_wine ok(sacl != NULL, "NULL SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+        if (sacl)
+        {
+            ret = pGetAce(sacl, 0, (void **)&ace);
+            ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            ok(ace->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+               "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace->Header.AceType);
+            ok(EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &medium_level) || EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &high_level),
+               "Low integrity level should not have been inherited\n");
+        }
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd3);
+        CloseHandle(token4);
+        ret = DuplicateTokenEx(token, 0, NULL, 0, TokenPrimary, &token4);
+        ok(ret, "DuplicateTokenEx failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+        ret = GetTokenInformation(token4, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+        ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL*) buffer_integrity;
+        ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &medium_level) || EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level),
+            "Expected medium or high integrity level\n");
+        size = 0;
+        ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token4, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+        todo_wine ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+           "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %u, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+        sd3 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
+        ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token4, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd3, size, &size);
+        todo_wine ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        sacl = NULL;
+        ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd3, &present, &sacl, &defaulted);
+        todo_wine ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+        todo_wine ok(present, "No SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+        todo_wine ok(sacl != NULL, "NULL SACL in the security descriptor\n");
+        if (sacl)
+        {
+            ret = pGetAce(sacl, 0, (void **)&ace);
+            ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+            ok(ace->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+               "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace->Header.AceType);
+            ok(EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &medium_level) || EqualSid(&ace->SidStart, &high_level),
+               "Low integrity level should not have been inherited\n");
+        }
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd3);
+        CloseHandle(token4);
         win_skip("SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL not supported\n");
@@ -7392,6 +7655,115 @@ static void test_child_token_sd(void)
     HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd);
+static void test_child_token_sd_restricted(void)
+                             {SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID}};
+    BOOL ret, present, defaulted;
+    BYTE buffer_integrity[64];
+    HANDLE token;
+    DWORD size;
+    ACL *acl;
+    if (!pAddMandatoryAce)
+    {
+        win_skip("SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL not supported\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    ret = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &token);
+    ok(ret, "OpenProcessToken failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+    ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+       "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %d, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+    sd = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
+    ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd, size, &size);
+    ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    acl = NULL;
+    present = FALSE;
+    defaulted = TRUE;
+    ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd, &present, &acl, &defaulted);
+    ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    ok(present, "SACL not present\n");
+    ok(acl && acl != (void *)0xdeadbeef, "Got invalid SACL\n");
+    ok(!defaulted, "SACL defaulted\n");
+    ok(acl->AceCount == 1, "Expected exactly one ACE\n");
+    ret = pGetAce(acl, 0, (void **)&ace_label);
+    ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    ok(ace_label->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+       "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace_label->Header.AceType);
+    ok(EqualSid(&ace_label->SidStart, &high_level),
+       "Expected high integrity level\n");
+    memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+    ret = GetTokenInformation(token, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+    ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+    ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &high_level), "Expected high integrity level\n");
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd);
+static void test_child_token_sd_medium(void)
+    BOOL ret, present, defaulted;
+    BYTE buffer_integrity[64];
+    HANDLE token;
+    DWORD size;
+    ACL *acl;
+    if (!pAddMandatoryAce)
+    {
+        win_skip("SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL not supported\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    ret = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &token);
+    ok(ret, "OpenProcessToken failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &size);
+    ok(!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+       "Unexpected GetKernelObjectSecurity return value %d, error %u\n", ret, GetLastError());
+    sd = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
+    ret = GetKernelObjectSecurity(token, LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd, size, &size);
+    ok(ret, "GetKernelObjectSecurity failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    acl = NULL;
+    present = FALSE;
+    defaulted = TRUE;
+    ret = GetSecurityDescriptorSacl(sd, &present, &acl, &defaulted);
+    ok(ret, "GetSecurityDescriptorSacl failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    ok(present, "SACL not present\n");
+    ok(acl && acl != (void *)0xdeadbeef, "Got invalid SACL\n");
+    ok(!defaulted, "SACL defaulted\n");
+    ok(acl->AceCount == 1, "Expected exactly one ACE\n");
+    ret = pGetAce(acl, 0, (void **)&ace_label);
+    ok(ret, "GetAce failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    ok(ace_label->Header.AceType == SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE,
+       "Unexpected ACE type %#x\n", ace_label->Header.AceType);
+    todo_wine ok(EqualSid(&ace_label->SidStart, &medium_level)||EqualSid(&ace_label->SidStart,&high_level),
+       "Expected medium or high (Win2008) integrity level\n");
+    memset(buffer_integrity, 0, sizeof(buffer_integrity));
+    ret = GetTokenInformation(token, TokenIntegrityLevel, buffer_integrity, sizeof(buffer_integrity), &size);
+    ok(ret, "GetTokenInformation failed with error %u\n", GetLastError());
+    tml = (TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL *)buffer_integrity;
+    todo_wine ok(EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid, &medium_level)||EqualSid(tml->Label.Sid,&high_level),
+       "Expected medium or high (Win2008) integrity level\n");
+    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sd);
 static void test_GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW(void)
     static const WCHAR wszCurrentUser[] = { 'C','U','R','R','E','N','T','_','U','S','E','R','\0'};
@@ -7576,6 +7948,10 @@ START_TEST(security)
         if (!strcmp(myARGV[2], "test_token_sd"))
+        else if (!strcmp(myARGV[2], "test_token_sd_restricted"))
+            test_child_token_sd_restricted();
+        else if (!strcmp(myARGV[2], "test_token_sd_medium"))
+            test_child_token_sd_medium();

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