[PATCH v9 6/8] winex11.drv: Implement native mouse-movement raw-input using RawMotion.

Derek Lesho dereklesho52 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 1 01:34:12 CDT 2019

I just tested disabling normal input from RawMotion in oblivion, which
uses dinput, which does not use rawinput.  Without it, I can not move
the mouse outside of the confines of the clip even when the pointer is
invisible / locked.  I think that relative MOUSEMOVE events are still
supposed to be sent when the cursor is pushing up against the clip,
which would mean we need to keep the __wine_send_input extra stuff.  I
have the rest of the changes you requested completed and will submit
them tomorrow as it's getting late here.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 4:04 AM Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com> wrote:
> On 7/31/19 12:41 AM, Derek Lesho wrote:
> >> AFAIU the existing RawMotion event handler was sending INPUT messages to
> >> the server for the sole purpose of emulating and sending raw input
> >> messages.
> >
> > It was my impression that MotionNotify events are ignored when the the
> > cursor is clipped, due to some bug or problem it.  I went searching to
> > see whether the case, and I found this:
> > https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/commit/0e2b4f99a9f5d97f8da0189037b7516cf1585d45#diff-c78b8a343abe990b307f178fe51c8931R332
> >
> > This commit came around the time they were adding raw-input, and it
> > seems to indicate that there is a problem w/ MotionNotify on a clipped
> > cursor, but the ignore case isn't there anymore so maybe things have
> > changed.  Some other reasons I'm skeptical that the RawMotion code
> > currently in place is only for rawinput events are that
> >
> > 1) The input is also sent as WM_MOUSEMOVE by the server, as there was
> > no previous infrastructure to send raw-input separately and
> This commit is about warping the cursor, then ignoring the MotionNotify
> event induced by the warp itself.
> I can see that the a pre-existing ignore case for MotionNotify events
> while clipping is active, comes from
> https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/commit/8e9b4e0a5c6bee5f72ca2314db26233638f0e1d2
> and
> https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/commit/da9922b40da5bc581815a4357340f3f128e8c5cb,
> then reverted in
> https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/commit/9716d1c8619e5fe68d1ad3ab9a18b106499b3fac.
> About these commits, I believe that while xinput2 events are received,
> and because they were translated as both raw input messages and normal
> input messages, it was maybe redundant to listen to MotionNotify as
> well. Also, the oldest commit makes me think that there could be some
> back-and-forth movement issues if MotionNotify events are processed
> while RawMotion events were delayed.
> Now regarding the interactions between MotionNotify and RawMotion events
> while clipping the cursor, AFAICS MotionNotify events are still received
> when the cursor moves but is blocked by the X11 confine window, with its
> current position in x,y fields.
> This means that regardless if the cursor is clipped or not, both
> MotionNotify and RawMotion events will currently get translated to raw
> and normal input messages, the raw message position being compared to
> the current position and converted to relative position, and the normal
> input message position being clamped with the clipping window and not
> sent if it is the same as the last known position (see
> queue_hardware_message in server/queue.c and
> https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/commit/3909f51122ffc0f6150fa9758ba47c70dcf6b00e).
> So with the current code:
> * If the cursor moved (inside a clipping window), you get a normal input
> message from either MotionNotify or RawMotion (which ever came first),
> then two raw input message, one with the corresponding relative
> movement, and another with 0x0 relative movement. The second normal
> input message is discarded because the cursor didn't move.
> * If the cursor is clipped and blocked by confine window, Wine receives
> (order may vary as well):
>    * a MotionNotify event with identical position, which is translated
> to raw input message with 0x0 relative movement, but does not get
> translated to normal input message because the cursor didn't move.
>    * a RawMotion event with some relative movement, which is translated
> to the corresponding raw input message with relative movement, and is
> added to current position, then clamped, and then ignored w.r.t. normal
> input message because the clamped position is the same as the last.
> Currently if the clipping window is disabled, then no RawMotion events
> are received anyway.
> >
> > 2) When somebody tested warframe with my patch before I re-added
> > mouse-movements, they had issues that were fixed by rebasing
> > mouse-movements on my commit, and warframe does not use raw-input for
> > the mouse.
> There could be some subtleties I may be overlooking, I will do some
> tests. Thanks for mentioning it.
> --
> Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>

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