[PATCH 2/3] shell32: Make ShellView listen for filesystem changes

Nikolay Sivov nsivov at codeweavers.com
Wed Jan 9 05:18:40 CST 2019

On 1/9/19 2:12 PM, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
> On 01/09/19 08:56, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
>> The issue as I understand is that unixfs is notifying with unix path
>> pidl, while registration was done for windows path. Is it possible to
>> make unixfs notify with windows path pidls instead? I don't know what
>> could possibly break because of that, it needs some testing. Also it's
>> possible to use a number of different flags during registration, no idea
>> what that affects results, but testing that could be helpful too.
> Isn't that going to break with wine prefixes that don't have a Z:\ 
> drive and you use an inaccessible windows path? You can still access 
> the files via \\?\unix\ prefix, but they'll be unixfs, right?
I don't know, have you tried? If the issue is actually about comparing 
different kinds of pidls, without Z:\ you still get current behavior. Is 
it even possible to get a IShellFolder for \\?\unix\ path and use it 
with shell view?

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