[PATCH v2 1/7] gdi32: Add a helper function to get the transform matrices.

Byeongsik Jeon bsjeon at hanmail.net
Tue Jan 29 11:12:35 CST 2019

Signed-off-by: Byeongsik Jeon <bsjeon at hanmail.net>
Each helper function can be further refactored, but at this point,
it has kept the existing code. In my personal git branch, I am modifying
other issues, and these structural change seems appropriate.

I will send patches that actually fix metric problems separately.

 dlls/gdi32/freetype.c | 234 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 125 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/gdi32/freetype.c b/dlls/gdi32/freetype.c
index c38108eece..a522bcaba6 100644
--- a/dlls/gdi32/freetype.c
+++ b/dlls/gdi32/freetype.c
@@ -6588,6 +6588,129 @@ static inline FT_Vector normalize_vector(FT_Vector *vec)
     return out;
+static BOOL get_transform_matrix( GdiFont *font, BOOL tategaki, const MAT2 *lpmat,
+                                  FT_Matrix *transMat, FT_Matrix *transMatTategaki,
+                                  FT_Matrix *transMatUnrotated )
+    double widthRatio;
+    BOOL needsTransform = FALSE;
+    /* Scaling factor */
+    if (font->aveWidth)
+    {
+        TEXTMETRICW tm;
+        get_text_metrics( font, &tm );
+        widthRatio = (double)font->aveWidth;
+        widthRatio /= (double)font->potm->otmTextMetrics.tmAveCharWidth;
+    }
+    else
+        widthRatio = font->scale_y;
+    /* Scaling transform */
+    if (widthRatio != 1.0 || font->scale_y != 1.0)
+    {
+        FT_Matrix scaleMat;
+        scaleMat.xx = FT_FixedFromFloat( widthRatio );
+        scaleMat.xy = 0;
+        scaleMat.yx = 0;
+        scaleMat.yy = FT_FixedFromFloat( font->scale_y );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &scaleMat, transMat );
+        needsTransform = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Slant transform */
+    if (font->fake_italic)
+    {
+        FT_Matrix slantMat;
+        slantMat.xx = (1 << 16);
+        slantMat.xy = (1 << 16) >> 2;
+        slantMat.yx = 0;
+        slantMat.yy = (1 << 16);
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &slantMat, transMat );
+        needsTransform = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Rotation transform */
+    *transMatUnrotated = *transMat;
+    *transMatTategaki = *transMat;
+    if (font->orientation || tategaki)
+    {
+        FT_Matrix rotationMat;
+        FT_Matrix taterotationMat;
+        FT_Vector vecAngle;
+        FT_Angle  angle;
+        double orient = font->orientation / 10.0;
+        double tate_orient = 0.f;
+        if (tategaki)
+            tate_orient = ((font->orientation + 900) % 3600) / 10.0;
+        else
+            tate_orient = font->orientation / 10.0;
+        if (orient)
+        {
+            angle = FT_FixedFromFloat( orient );
+            pFT_Vector_Unit( &vecAngle, angle );
+            rotationMat.xx =  vecAngle.x;
+            rotationMat.xy = -vecAngle.y;
+            rotationMat.yx = -rotationMat.xy;
+            rotationMat.yy =  rotationMat.xx;
+            pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &rotationMat, transMat );
+        }
+        if (tate_orient)
+        {
+            angle = FT_FixedFromFloat( tate_orient );
+            pFT_Vector_Unit( &vecAngle, angle );
+            taterotationMat.xx =  vecAngle.x;
+            taterotationMat.xy = -vecAngle.y;
+            taterotationMat.yx = -taterotationMat.xy;
+            taterotationMat.yy =  taterotationMat.xx;
+            pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &taterotationMat, transMatTategaki );
+        }
+        needsTransform = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* World transform */
+    if (!is_identity_FMAT2( &font->font_desc.matrix ))
+    {
+        FT_Matrix worldMat;
+        worldMat.xx =  FT_FixedFromFloat( font->font_desc.matrix.eM11 );
+        worldMat.xy = -FT_FixedFromFloat( font->font_desc.matrix.eM21 );
+        worldMat.yx = -FT_FixedFromFloat( font->font_desc.matrix.eM12 );
+        worldMat.yy =  FT_FixedFromFloat( font->font_desc.matrix.eM22 );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &worldMat, transMat );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &worldMat, transMatUnrotated );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &worldMat, transMatTategaki );
+        needsTransform = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Extra transformation specified by caller */
+    if (!is_identity_MAT2( lpmat ))
+    {
+        FT_Matrix extraMat;
+        extraMat.xx = FT_FixedFromFIXED( lpmat->eM11 );
+        extraMat.xy = FT_FixedFromFIXED( lpmat->eM21 );
+        extraMat.yx = FT_FixedFromFIXED( lpmat->eM12 );
+        extraMat.yy = FT_FixedFromFIXED( lpmat->eM22 );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &extraMat, transMat );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &extraMat, transMatUnrotated );
+        pFT_Matrix_Multiply( &extraMat, transMatTategaki );
+        needsTransform = TRUE;
+    }
+    return needsTransform;
 static BOOL get_bold_glyph_outline(FT_GlyphSlot glyph, LONG ppem, FT_Glyph_Metrics *metrics)
     FT_Error err;
@@ -6946,9 +7069,7 @@ static DWORD get_glyph_outline(GdiFont *incoming_font, UINT glyph, UINT format,
     INT left, right, top = 0, bottom = 0;
     FT_Vector adv;
     INT origin_x = 0, origin_y = 0;
-    FT_Angle angle = 0;
     FT_Int load_flags = get_load_flags(format);
-    double widthRatio = 1.0;
     FT_Matrix transMat = identityMat;
     FT_Matrix transMatUnrotated;
     FT_Matrix transMatTategaki;
@@ -7008,113 +7129,8 @@ static DWORD get_glyph_outline(GdiFont *incoming_font, UINT glyph, UINT format,
     if (!font->gm[original_index / GM_BLOCK_SIZE])
         font->gm[original_index / GM_BLOCK_SIZE] = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(GM) * GM_BLOCK_SIZE);
-    /* Scaling factor */
-    if (font->aveWidth)
-    {
-        TEXTMETRICW tm;
-        get_text_metrics(font, &tm);
-        widthRatio = (double)font->aveWidth;
-        widthRatio /= (double)font->potm->otmTextMetrics.tmAveCharWidth;
-    }
-    else
-        widthRatio = font->scale_y;
-    /* Scaling transform */
-    if (widthRatio != 1.0 || font->scale_y != 1.0)
-    {
-        FT_Matrix scaleMat;
-        scaleMat.xx = FT_FixedFromFloat(widthRatio);
-        scaleMat.xy = 0;
-        scaleMat.yx = 0;
-        scaleMat.yy = FT_FixedFromFloat(font->scale_y);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&scaleMat, &transMat);
-        needsTransform = TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Slant transform */
-    if (font->fake_italic) {
-        FT_Matrix slantMat;
-        slantMat.xx = (1 << 16);
-        slantMat.xy = ((1 << 16) >> 2);
-        slantMat.yx = 0;
-        slantMat.yy = (1 << 16);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&slantMat, &transMat);
-        needsTransform = TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Rotation transform */
-    transMatUnrotated = transMat;
-    transMatTategaki = transMat;
-    if(font->orientation || tategaki) {
-        FT_Matrix rotationMat;
-        FT_Matrix taterotationMat;
-        FT_Vector vecAngle;
-        double orient = font->orientation / 10.0;
-        double tate_orient = 0.f;
-        if (tategaki)
-            tate_orient = ((font->orientation+900)%3600)/10.0;
-        else
-            tate_orient = font->orientation/10.0;
-        if (orient)
-        {
-            angle = FT_FixedFromFloat(orient);
-            pFT_Vector_Unit(&vecAngle, angle);
-            rotationMat.xx = vecAngle.x;
-            rotationMat.xy = -vecAngle.y;
-            rotationMat.yx = -rotationMat.xy;
-            rotationMat.yy = rotationMat.xx;
-            pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&rotationMat, &transMat);
-        }
-        if (tate_orient)
-        {
-            angle = FT_FixedFromFloat(tate_orient);
-            pFT_Vector_Unit(&vecAngle, angle);
-            taterotationMat.xx = vecAngle.x;
-            taterotationMat.xy = -vecAngle.y;
-            taterotationMat.yx = -taterotationMat.xy;
-            taterotationMat.yy = taterotationMat.xx;
-            pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&taterotationMat, &transMatTategaki);
-        }
-        needsTransform = TRUE;
-    }
-    /* World transform */
-    if (!is_identity_FMAT2(&font->font_desc.matrix))
-    {
-        FT_Matrix worldMat;
-        worldMat.xx = FT_FixedFromFloat(font->font_desc.matrix.eM11);
-        worldMat.xy = -FT_FixedFromFloat(font->font_desc.matrix.eM21);
-        worldMat.yx = -FT_FixedFromFloat(font->font_desc.matrix.eM12);
-        worldMat.yy = FT_FixedFromFloat(font->font_desc.matrix.eM22);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&worldMat, &transMat);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&worldMat, &transMatUnrotated);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&worldMat, &transMatTategaki);
-        needsTransform = TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Extra transformation specified by caller */
-    if (!is_identity_MAT2(lpmat))
-    {
-        FT_Matrix extraMat;
-        extraMat.xx = FT_FixedFromFIXED(lpmat->eM11);
-        extraMat.xy = FT_FixedFromFIXED(lpmat->eM21);
-        extraMat.yx = FT_FixedFromFIXED(lpmat->eM12);
-        extraMat.yy = FT_FixedFromFIXED(lpmat->eM22);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&extraMat, &transMat);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&extraMat, &transMatUnrotated);
-        pFT_Matrix_Multiply(&extraMat, &transMatTategaki);
-        needsTransform = TRUE;
-    }
+    needsTransform = get_transform_matrix( font, tategaki, lpmat,
+                                           &transMat, &transMatTategaki, &transMatUnrotated );
     vertical_metrics = (tategaki && FT_HAS_VERTICAL(ft_face));
     /* there is a freetype bug where vertical metrics are only

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