[PATCH v2] kernel32/tests: Add more debugger tests.

Jacek Caban jacek at codeweavers.com
Wed Jul 31 09:17:16 CDT 2019

On 7/31/19 1:44 PM, Marvin wrote:
> === wvistau64_he (32 bit report) ===
> kernel32:
> debugger.c:1126: Test failed: dwDebugEventCode = -1
> debugger.c:1128: Test failed: ContinueDebugEvent failed, last error 87.
> debugger.c:1131: Test failed: didn't get any child events (flag: 1).
> debugger.c:151: Test failed: wrong size for 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtBBEC.tmp': read=0
> debugger.c:1143: Test failed: Got 10958580 failures from child process.
> debugger.c:1091: Test failed: unexpected event pid

This is not related to the patch. It looks like we need to increase the 
timeout in existing tests.

On slightly related note, I feel like Vista is overrepresented on 
TestBot. It's the least interesting Windows version. While XP is still 
interesting sometimes, I don't see any value in testing on Vista. 
Debugger tests are an example of a case where Vista seems to behave 
worse than any other Windows version (XP including) and it just adds 
extra useless work of working around its weirdness. I'd suggest to plan 
to get rid of Vista from TestBot. Currently, due to multiple locale VMs, 
it has the highest number of VMs. I think it would make more sense to 
have win10 in multiple locales instead.


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