[v2 PATCH 5/9] mfplat: Move media type object code to separate file.

Nikolay Sivov nsivov at codeweavers.com
Mon Mar 4 04:33:45 CST 2019

Signed-off-by: Nikolay Sivov <nsivov at codeweavers.com>
 dlls/mfplat/Makefile.in      |   1 +
 dlls/mfplat/main.c           | 366 +----------------------------------
 dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c      | 366 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dlls/mfplat/mfplat_private.h |  10 +
 dlls/mfplat/queue.c          |   1 -
 5 files changed, 378 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c

diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/Makefile.in b/dlls/mfplat/Makefile.in
index 17cda8856c..261c121cab 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/Makefile.in
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ IMPORTS   = advapi32 ole32
 C_SRCS = \
 	main.c \
+	mediatype.c \
diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/main.c b/dlls/mfplat/main.c
index 0ffcd88a38..7d90c69418 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/main.c
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/main.c
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include "winreg.h"
 #include "initguid.h"
-#include "mfapi.h"
 #include "mfidl.h"
 #include "mferror.h"
@@ -544,12 +543,6 @@ HRESULT WINAPI MFCopyImage(BYTE *dest, LONG deststride, const BYTE *src, LONG sr
     return S_OK;
-typedef struct _mfattributes
-    IMFAttributes IMFAttributes_iface;
-    LONG ref;
-} mfattributes;
 static inline mfattributes *impl_from_IMFAttributes(IMFAttributes *iface)
     return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, mfattributes, IMFAttributes_iface);
@@ -916,7 +909,7 @@ static const IMFAttributesVtbl mfattributes_vtbl =
-static void init_attribute_object(mfattributes *object, UINT32 size)
+void init_attribute_object(mfattributes *object, UINT32 size)
     object->ref = 1;
     object->IMFAttributes_iface.lpVtbl = &mfattributes_vtbl;
@@ -2107,363 +2100,6 @@ HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateSourceResolver(IMFSourceResolver **resolver)
     return S_OK;
-typedef struct _mfmediatype
-    mfattributes attributes;
-    IMFMediaType IMFMediaType_iface;
-} mfmediatype;
-static inline mfmediatype *impl_from_IMFMediaType(IMFMediaType *iface)
-    return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, mfmediatype, IMFMediaType_iface);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_QueryInterface(IMFMediaType *iface, REFIID riid, void **object)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    TRACE("(%p)->(%s %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), object);
-    if(IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) ||
-       IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IMFAttributes) ||
-       IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IMFMediaType))
-    {
-        *object = &This->IMFMediaType_iface;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        FIXME("(%s, %p)\n", debugstr_guid(riid), object);
-        *object = NULL;
-        return E_NOINTERFACE;
-    }
-    IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown*)*object);
-    return S_OK;
-static ULONG WINAPI mediatype_AddRef(IMFMediaType *iface)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    ULONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&This->attributes.ref);
-    TRACE("(%p) ref=%u\n", This, ref);
-    return ref;
-static ULONG WINAPI mediatype_Release(IMFMediaType *iface)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->attributes.ref);
-    TRACE("(%p) ref=%u\n", This, ref);
-    if (!ref)
-    {
-        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This);
-    }
-    return ref;
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, PROPVARIANT *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetItem(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetItemType(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *type)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetItemType(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, type);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_CompareItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFPROPVARIANT value, BOOL *result)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_CompareItem(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value, result);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_Compare(IMFMediaType *iface, IMFAttributes *attrs, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE type,
-                BOOL *result)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_Compare(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, attrs, type, result);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetUINT32(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetUINT32(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetUINT64(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT64 *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetUINT64(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetDouble(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, double *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetDouble(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetGUID(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, GUID *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetGUID(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetStringLength(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *length)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetStringLength(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, length);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetString(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, WCHAR *value,
-                UINT32 size, UINT32 *length)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetString(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value, size, length);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetAllocatedString(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key,
-                WCHAR **value, UINT32 *length)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetAllocatedString(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value, length);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetBlobSize(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *size)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetBlobSize(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, size);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetBlob(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT8 *buf,
-                UINT32 bufsize, UINT32 *blobsize)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetBlob(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, buf, bufsize, blobsize);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetAllocatedBlob(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT8 **buf, UINT32 *size)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetAllocatedBlob(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, buf, size);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetUnknown(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetUnknown(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, riid, ppv);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFPROPVARIANT value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetItem(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_DeleteItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_DeleteItem(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_DeleteAllItems(IMFMediaType *iface)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_DeleteAllItems(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetUINT32(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetUINT32(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetUINT64(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT64 value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetUINT64(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetDouble(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, double value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetDouble(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetGUID(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFGUID value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetGUID(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetString(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, const WCHAR *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetString(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetBlob(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, const UINT8 *buf, UINT32 size)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetBlob(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, buf, size);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetUnknown(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, IUnknown *unknown)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_SetUnknown(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, unknown);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_LockStore(IMFMediaType *iface)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_LockStore(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_UnlockStore(IMFMediaType *iface)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_UnlockStore(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetCount(IMFMediaType *iface, UINT32 *items)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetCount(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, items);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetItemByIndex(IMFMediaType *iface, UINT32 index, GUID *key, PROPVARIANT *value)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    return IMFAttributes_GetItemByIndex(&This->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, index, key, value);
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_CopyAllItems(IMFMediaType *iface, IMFAttributes *dest)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    FIXME("%p, %p\n", This, dest);
-    return E_NOTIMPL;
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetMajorType(IMFMediaType *iface, GUID *guid)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    FIXME("%p, %p\n", This, guid);
-    return E_NOTIMPL;
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_IsCompressedFormat(IMFMediaType *iface, BOOL *compressed)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    FIXME("%p, %p\n", This, compressed);
-    return E_NOTIMPL;
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_IsEqual(IMFMediaType *iface, IMFMediaType *type, DWORD *flags)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    FIXME("%p, %p, %p\n", This, type, flags);
-    return E_NOTIMPL;
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetRepresentation(IMFMediaType *iface, GUID guid, void **representation)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    FIXME("%p, %s, %p\n", This, debugstr_guid(&guid), representation);
-    return E_NOTIMPL;
-static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_FreeRepresentation(IMFMediaType *iface, GUID guid, void *representation)
-    mfmediatype *This = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
-    FIXME("%p, %s, %p\n", This, debugstr_guid(&guid), representation);
-    return E_NOTIMPL;
-static const IMFMediaTypeVtbl mediatype_vtbl =
-    mediatype_QueryInterface,
-    mediatype_AddRef,
-    mediatype_Release,
-    mediatype_GetItem,
-    mediatype_GetItemType,
-    mediatype_CompareItem,
-    mediatype_Compare,
-    mediatype_GetUINT32,
-    mediatype_GetUINT64,
-    mediatype_GetDouble,
-    mediatype_GetGUID,
-    mediatype_GetStringLength,
-    mediatype_GetString,
-    mediatype_GetAllocatedString,
-    mediatype_GetBlobSize,
-    mediatype_GetBlob,
-    mediatype_GetAllocatedBlob,
-    mediatype_GetUnknown,
-    mediatype_SetItem,
-    mediatype_DeleteItem,
-    mediatype_DeleteAllItems,
-    mediatype_SetUINT32,
-    mediatype_SetUINT64,
-    mediatype_SetDouble,
-    mediatype_SetGUID,
-    mediatype_SetString,
-    mediatype_SetBlob,
-    mediatype_SetUnknown,
-    mediatype_LockStore,
-    mediatype_UnlockStore,
-    mediatype_GetCount,
-    mediatype_GetItemByIndex,
-    mediatype_CopyAllItems,
-    mediatype_GetMajorType,
-    mediatype_IsCompressedFormat,
-    mediatype_IsEqual,
-    mediatype_GetRepresentation,
-    mediatype_FreeRepresentation
- *      MFCreateMediaType (mfplat.@)
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateMediaType(IMFMediaType **type)
-    mfmediatype *object;
-    TRACE("%p\n", type);
-    if(!type)
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    object = heap_alloc( sizeof(*object) );
-    if(!object)
-        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-    init_attribute_object(&object->attributes, 0);
-    object->IMFMediaType_iface.lpVtbl = &mediatype_vtbl;
-    *type = &object->IMFMediaType_iface;
-    return S_OK;
 typedef struct _mfmediaevent
     mfattributes attributes;
diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c b/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3292a61fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Alistair Leslie-Hughes
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "mfplat_private.h"
+#include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "wine/heap.h"
+struct media_type
+    struct attributes attributes;
+    IMFMediaType IMFMediaType_iface;
+static inline struct media_type *impl_from_IMFMediaType(IMFMediaType *iface)
+    return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, struct media_type, IMFMediaType_iface);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_QueryInterface(IMFMediaType *iface, REFIID riid, void **out)
+    TRACE("%p, %s, %p.\n", iface, debugstr_guid(riid), out);
+    if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IMFMediaType) ||
+            IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IMFAttributes) ||
+            IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown))
+    {
+        *out = iface;
+        IMFMediaType_AddRef(iface);
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    WARN("Unsupported %s.\n", debugstr_guid(riid));
+    *out = NULL;
+    return E_NOINTERFACE;
+static ULONG WINAPI mediatype_AddRef(IMFMediaType *iface)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    ULONG refcount = InterlockedIncrement(&media_type->attributes.ref);
+    TRACE("%p, refcount %u.\n", iface, refcount);
+    return refcount;
+static ULONG WINAPI mediatype_Release(IMFMediaType *iface)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    ULONG refcount = InterlockedDecrement(&media_type->attributes.ref);
+    TRACE("%p, refcount %u.\n", iface, refcount);
+    if (!refcount)
+    {
+        heap_free(media_type);
+    }
+    return refcount;
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, PROPVARIANT *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetItem(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetItemType(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *type)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetItemType(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, type);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_CompareItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFPROPVARIANT value, BOOL *result)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_CompareItem(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value, result);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_Compare(IMFMediaType *iface, IMFAttributes *attrs, MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE type,
+                BOOL *result)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_Compare(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, attrs, type, result);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetUINT32(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetUINT32(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetUINT64(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT64 *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetUINT64(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetDouble(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, double *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetDouble(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetGUID(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, GUID *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetGUID(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetStringLength(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *length)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetStringLength(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, length);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetString(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, WCHAR *value,
+        UINT32 size, UINT32 *length)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetString(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value, size, length);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetAllocatedString(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key,
+        WCHAR **value, UINT32 *length)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetAllocatedString(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value, length);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetBlobSize(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *size)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetBlobSize(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, size);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetBlob(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT8 *buf,
+        UINT32 bufsize, UINT32 *blobsize)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetBlob(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, buf, bufsize, blobsize);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetAllocatedBlob(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT8 **buf, UINT32 *size)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetAllocatedBlob(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, buf, size);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetUnknown(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetUnknown(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, riid, ppv);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFPROPVARIANT value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetItem(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_DeleteItem(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_DeleteItem(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_DeleteAllItems(IMFMediaType *iface)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_DeleteAllItems(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetUINT32(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetUINT32(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetUINT64(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, UINT64 value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetUINT64(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetDouble(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, double value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetDouble(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetGUID(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, REFGUID value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetGUID(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetString(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, const WCHAR *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetString(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetBlob(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, const UINT8 *buf, UINT32 size)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetBlob(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, buf, size);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_SetUnknown(IMFMediaType *iface, REFGUID key, IUnknown *unknown)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_SetUnknown(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, key, unknown);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_LockStore(IMFMediaType *iface)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_LockStore(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_UnlockStore(IMFMediaType *iface)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_UnlockStore(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetCount(IMFMediaType *iface, UINT32 *items)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetCount(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, items);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetItemByIndex(IMFMediaType *iface, UINT32 index, GUID *key, PROPVARIANT *value)
+    struct media_type *media_type = impl_from_IMFMediaType(iface);
+    return IMFAttributes_GetItemByIndex(&media_type->attributes.IMFAttributes_iface, index, key, value);
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_CopyAllItems(IMFMediaType *iface, IMFAttributes *dest)
+    FIXME("%p, %p.\n", iface, dest);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetMajorType(IMFMediaType *iface, GUID *guid)
+    FIXME("%p, %p.\n", iface, guid);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_IsCompressedFormat(IMFMediaType *iface, BOOL *compressed)
+    FIXME("%p, %p.\n", iface, compressed);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_IsEqual(IMFMediaType *iface, IMFMediaType *type, DWORD *flags)
+    FIXME("%p, %p, %p.\n", iface, type, flags);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_GetRepresentation(IMFMediaType *iface, GUID guid, void **representation)
+    FIXME("%p, %s, %p.\n", iface, debugstr_guid(&guid), representation);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI mediatype_FreeRepresentation(IMFMediaType *iface, GUID guid, void *representation)
+    FIXME("%p, %s, %p.\n", iface, debugstr_guid(&guid), representation);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static const IMFMediaTypeVtbl mediatypevtbl =
+    mediatype_QueryInterface,
+    mediatype_AddRef,
+    mediatype_Release,
+    mediatype_GetItem,
+    mediatype_GetItemType,
+    mediatype_CompareItem,
+    mediatype_Compare,
+    mediatype_GetUINT32,
+    mediatype_GetUINT64,
+    mediatype_GetDouble,
+    mediatype_GetGUID,
+    mediatype_GetStringLength,
+    mediatype_GetString,
+    mediatype_GetAllocatedString,
+    mediatype_GetBlobSize,
+    mediatype_GetBlob,
+    mediatype_GetAllocatedBlob,
+    mediatype_GetUnknown,
+    mediatype_SetItem,
+    mediatype_DeleteItem,
+    mediatype_DeleteAllItems,
+    mediatype_SetUINT32,
+    mediatype_SetUINT64,
+    mediatype_SetDouble,
+    mediatype_SetGUID,
+    mediatype_SetString,
+    mediatype_SetBlob,
+    mediatype_SetUnknown,
+    mediatype_LockStore,
+    mediatype_UnlockStore,
+    mediatype_GetCount,
+    mediatype_GetItemByIndex,
+    mediatype_CopyAllItems,
+    mediatype_GetMajorType,
+    mediatype_IsCompressedFormat,
+    mediatype_IsEqual,
+    mediatype_GetRepresentation,
+    mediatype_FreeRepresentation
+ *      MFCreateMediaType (mfplat.@)
+ */
+HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateMediaType(IMFMediaType **media_type)
+    struct media_type *object;
+    TRACE("%p.\n", media_type);
+    if (!media_type)
+        return E_INVALIDARG;
+    object = heap_alloc(sizeof(*object));
+    if (!object)
+        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+    init_attribute_object(&object->attributes, 0);
+    object->IMFMediaType_iface.lpVtbl = &mediatypevtbl;
+    *media_type = &object->IMFMediaType_iface;
+    return S_OK;
diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/mfplat_private.h b/dlls/mfplat/mfplat_private.h
index ac35ff2dca..02bc2d9287 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/mfplat_private.h
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/mfplat_private.h
@@ -16,6 +16,16 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+#include "mfapi.h"
+typedef struct attributes
+    IMFAttributes IMFAttributes_iface;
+    LONG ref;
+} mfattributes;
+extern void init_attribute_object(mfattributes *object, UINT32 size) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 extern void init_system_queues(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 extern void shutdown_system_queues(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 extern BOOL is_platform_locked(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/queue.c b/dlls/mfplat/queue.c
index e3b0687711..0382b02a27 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/queue.c
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/queue.c
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
-#include "mfapi.h"
 #include "mferror.h"
 #include "wine/debug.h"

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