[PATCH] msvcrt: Provide pow2 implementation in static library for msvcrt versions that don't provide it.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Wed Nov 13 02:40:37 CST 2019

Jacek Caban <jacek at codeweavers.com> writes:

> Signed-off-by: Jacek Caban <jacek at codeweavers.com>
> ---
> This is needed because compiler may optimize pow(2,x) to exp2(x) and
> clang does that in out msvcp code. This also needs -fno-builtin
> because otherwise clang will optimize our forwarding implementation
> back to exp2.

If -fno-builtin works to prevent this, then why doesn't it already
prevent it from happening in msvcp?

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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