[RFC] Automatically set GeoID on process startup

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Thu Oct 17 22:59:53 CDT 2019

João Diogo Ferreira <devilj at outlook.pt> wrote:

> > How about returning something like
> LOCALE_ICOUNTRY is the phone prefix, but your idea is sound.
> I tried LOCALE_IGEOID too but couldn't figure out how to implement in Wine.
> (Hint: simply adding those to the .nls files was not enough.)

Using LOCALE_IGEOID looks appropriate, it would be nice to follow this route.

> What I found works is asking for the country code (LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME)
> (what a mouthful) and matching it to the GeoID (easy).
> Working with letter codes is actually better, too, because Microsoft is moving
> away from GeoIDs and into "geonames" (two-letter codes, like Linux and Android)
> and we can just do the matching in the new procs that support geonames.
> In fact, that's exactly what Microsoft is doing! Useful behavior to replicate.
> Now, what I really, really need to know is how to let anybody opt-out,
> because not every country has a locale in Linux (or Wine, for that matter) x.x

Just don't worry about it for the initial implementation until that
becomes a real problem (which is unlikely, since the missing locale
support in the host OS would be the first thing to take care about).


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