[PATCH 5/5] winegstreamer: Reimplement the AVI splitter on top of the avidemux plugin.

Zebediah Figura z.figura12 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 18:59:38 CDT 2019

Signed-off-by: Zebediah Figura <z.figura12 at gmail.com>
 dlls/quartz/Makefile.in          |    1 -
 dlls/quartz/avisplit.c           | 1444 ------------------------------
 dlls/quartz/main.c               |    1 -
 dlls/quartz/quartz_private.h     |    1 -
 dlls/quartz/quartz_strmif.idl    |    7 -
 dlls/quartz/regsvr.c             |   17 -
 dlls/quartz/tests/avisplit.c     |   13 +-
 dlls/winegstreamer/gst_private.h |    1 +
 dlls/winegstreamer/gstdemux.c    |  112 ++-
 dlls/winegstreamer/main.c        |   43 +
 10 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 1474 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dlls/quartz/avisplit.c

diff --git a/dlls/quartz/Makefile.in b/dlls/quartz/Makefile.in
index 7963e212fc5..689783e98c6 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/quartz/Makefile.in
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ EXTRADLLFLAGS = -mno-cygwin
 C_SRCS = \
 	acmwrapper.c \
 	avidec.c \
-	avisplit.c \
 	dsoundrender.c \
 	enummedia.c \
 	enummoniker.c \
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/avisplit.c b/dlls/quartz/avisplit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 15627eeb08c..00000000000
--- a/dlls/quartz/avisplit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1444 +0,0 @@
- * AVI Splitter Filter
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Robert Shearman
- * Copyright 2004-2005 Christian Costa
- * Copyright 2008 Maarten Lankhorst
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- */
-/* FIXME:
- * - Reference leaks, if they still exist
- * - Files without an index are not handled correctly yet.
- * - When stopping/starting, a sample is lost. This should be compensated by
- *   keeping track of previous index/position.
- * - Debugging channels are noisy at the moment, especially with thread
- *   related messages, however this is the only correct thing to do right now,
- *   since wine doesn't correctly handle all messages yet.
- */
-#include "quartz_private.h"
-#include "pin.h"
-#include "uuids.h"
-#include "vfw.h"
-#include "aviriff.h"
-#include "vfwmsgs.h"
-#include "amvideo.h"
-#include "wine/debug.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "parser.h"
-#define TWOCCFromFOURCC(fcc) HIWORD(fcc)
-/* four character codes used in AVI files */
-#define ckidINFO       mmioFOURCC('I','N','F','O')
-#define ckidREC        mmioFOURCC('R','E','C',' ')
-typedef struct StreamData
-    DWORD dwSampleSize;
-    FLOAT fSamplesPerSec;
-    DWORD dwLength;
-    AVISTREAMHEADER streamheader;
-    DWORD entries;
-    AVISTDINDEX **stdindex;
-    DWORD frames;
-    BOOL seek;
-    /* Position, in index units */
-    DWORD pos, pos_next, index, index_next;
-    /* Packet handling: a thread is created and waits on the packet event handle
-     * On an event acquire the sample lock, addref the sample and set it to NULL,
-     * then queue a new packet.
-     */
-    HANDLE thread, packet_queued;
-    IMediaSample *sample;
-    /* Amount of preroll samples for this stream */
-    DWORD preroll;
-} StreamData;
-typedef struct AVISplitterImpl
-    ParserImpl Parser;
-    RIFFCHUNK CurrentChunk;
-    LONGLONG CurrentChunkOffset; /* in media time */
-    LONGLONG EndOfFile;
-    AVIEXTHEADER ExtHeader;
-    AVIOLDINDEX *oldindex;
-    DWORD offset;
-    StreamData *streams;
-} AVISplitterImpl;
-struct thread_args {
-    AVISplitterImpl *This;
-    DWORD stream;
-static inline AVISplitterImpl *impl_from_IMediaSeeking( IMediaSeeking *iface )
-    return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, AVISplitterImpl, Parser.sourceSeeking.IMediaSeeking_iface);
-static inline AVISplitterImpl *impl_from_IBaseFilter(IBaseFilter *iface)
-    return CONTAINING_RECORD(iface, AVISplitterImpl, Parser.filter.IBaseFilter_iface);
-/* The threading stuff cries for an explanation
- *
- * PullPin starts processing and calls AVISplitter_first_request
- * AVISplitter_first_request creates a thread for each stream
- * A stream can be audio, video, subtitles or something undefined.
- *
- * AVISplitter_first_request loads a single packet to each but one stream,
- * and queues it for that last stream. This is to prevent WaitForNext to time
- * out badly.
- *
- * The processing loop is entered. It calls IAsyncReader_WaitForNext in the
- * PullPin. Every time it receives a packet, it will call AVISplitter_Sample
- * AVISplitter_Sample will signal the relevant thread that a new sample is
- * arrived, when that thread is ready it will read the packet and transmits
- * it downstream with AVISplitter_Receive
- *
- * Threads terminate upon receiving NULL as packet or when ANY error code
- * != S_OK occurs. This means that any error is fatal to processing.
- */
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_SendEndOfFile(AVISplitterImpl *filter, DWORD index)
-    IPin *peer;
-    TRACE("End of file reached\n");
-    if ((peer = filter->Parser.sources[index]->pin.pin.pConnectedTo))
-        IPin_EndOfStream(peer);
-    /* Force the pullpin thread to stop */
-    return S_FALSE;
-/* Thread worker horse */
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_next_request(AVISplitterImpl *This, DWORD streamnumber)
-    StreamData *stream = This->streams + streamnumber;
-    PullPin *pin = This->Parser.pInputPin;
-    IMediaSample *sample = NULL;
-    HRESULT hr;
-    ULONG ref;
-    TRACE("(%p, %u)->()\n", This, streamnumber);
-    hr = IMemAllocator_GetBuffer(pin->pAlloc, &sample, NULL, NULL, 0);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-        ERR("... %08x?\n", hr);
-    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
-    {
-        LONGLONG rtSampleStart;
-        /* Add 4 for the next header, which should hopefully work */
-        LONGLONG rtSampleStop;
-        stream->pos = stream->pos_next;
-        stream->index = stream->index_next;
-        IMediaSample_SetDiscontinuity(sample, stream->seek);
-        stream->seek = FALSE;
-        if (stream->preroll)
-        {
-            --stream->preroll;
-            IMediaSample_SetPreroll(sample, TRUE);
-        }
-        else
-            IMediaSample_SetPreroll(sample, FALSE);
-        IMediaSample_SetSyncPoint(sample, TRUE);
-        if (stream->stdindex)
-        {
-            AVISTDINDEX *index = stream->stdindex[stream->index];
-            AVISTDINDEX_ENTRY *entry = &index->aIndex[stream->pos];
-            /* End of file */
-            if (stream->index >= stream->entries)
-            {
-                TRACE("END OF STREAM ON %u\n", streamnumber);
-                IMediaSample_Release(sample);
-                return S_FALSE;
-            }
-            rtSampleStart = index->qwBaseOffset;
-            rtSampleStart += entry->dwOffset;
-            rtSampleStart = MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(rtSampleStart);
-            ++stream->pos_next;
-            if (index->nEntriesInUse == stream->pos_next)
-            {
-                stream->pos_next = 0;
-                ++stream->index_next;
-            }
-            rtSampleStop = rtSampleStart + MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(entry->dwSize & ~(1u << 31));
-            TRACE("offset(%u) size(%u)\n", (DWORD)BYTES_FROM_MEDIATIME(rtSampleStart), (DWORD)BYTES_FROM_MEDIATIME(rtSampleStop - rtSampleStart));
-        }
-        else if (This->oldindex)
-        {
-            DWORD flags = This->oldindex->aIndex[stream->pos].dwFlags;
-            DWORD size = This->oldindex->aIndex[stream->pos].dwSize;
-            /* End of file */
-            if (stream->index)
-            {
-                TRACE("END OF STREAM ON %u\n", streamnumber);
-                IMediaSample_Release(sample);
-                return S_FALSE;
-            }
-            rtSampleStart = MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(This->offset);
-            rtSampleStart += MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(This->oldindex->aIndex[stream->pos].dwOffset);
-            rtSampleStop = rtSampleStart + MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(size);
-            if (flags & AVIIF_MIDPART)
-            {
-                FIXME("Only stand alone frames are currently handled correctly!\n");
-            }
-            if (flags & AVIIF_LIST)
-            {
-                FIXME("Not sure if this is handled correctly\n");
-                rtSampleStart += MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(sizeof(RIFFLIST));
-                rtSampleStop += MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(sizeof(RIFFLIST));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                rtSampleStart += MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(sizeof(RIFFCHUNK));
-                rtSampleStop += MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(sizeof(RIFFCHUNK));
-            }
-            /* Slow way of finding next index */
-            do {
-                stream->pos_next++;
-            } while (stream->pos_next * sizeof(This->oldindex->aIndex[0]) < This->oldindex->cb
-                     && StreamFromFOURCC(This->oldindex->aIndex[stream->pos_next].dwChunkId) != streamnumber);
-            /* End of file soon */
-            if (stream->pos_next * sizeof(This->oldindex->aIndex[0]) >= This->oldindex->cb)
-            {
-                stream->pos_next = 0;
-                ++stream->index_next;
-            }
-        }
-        else /* TODO: Generate an index automagically */
-        {
-            assert(0);
-        }
-        if (rtSampleStart != rtSampleStop)
-        {
-            IMediaSample_SetTime(sample, &rtSampleStart, &rtSampleStop);
-            hr = IAsyncReader_Request(pin->pReader, sample, streamnumber);
-            if (FAILED(hr))
-            {
-                ref = IMediaSample_Release(sample);
-                assert(ref == 0);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            stream->sample = sample;
-            IMediaSample_SetActualDataLength(sample, 0);
-            SetEvent(stream->packet_queued);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (sample)
-        {
-            ERR("There should be no sample!\n");
-            ref = IMediaSample_Release(sample);
-            assert(ref == 0);
-        }
-    }
-    TRACE("--> %08x\n", hr);
-    return hr;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_Receive(AVISplitterImpl *This, IMediaSample *sample, DWORD streamnumber)
-    Parser_OutputPin *pin = This->Parser.sources[streamnumber];
-    HRESULT hr;
-    LONGLONG start, stop, rtstart, rtstop;
-    StreamData *stream = &This->streams[streamnumber];
-    start = pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-    start *= stream->streamheader.dwScale;
-    start *= 10000000;
-    start /= stream->streamheader.dwRate;
-    if (stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize)
-    {
-        ULONG len = IMediaSample_GetActualDataLength(sample);
-        ULONG size = stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize;
-        pin->dwSamplesProcessed += len / size;
-    }
-    else
-        ++pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-    stop = pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-    stop *= stream->streamheader.dwScale;
-    stop *= 10000000;
-    stop /= stream->streamheader.dwRate;
-    if (IMediaSample_IsDiscontinuity(sample) == S_OK) {
-        IPin *victim;
-        EnterCriticalSection(&This->Parser.filter.csFilter);
-        pin->pin.pin.tStart = start;
-        pin->pin.pin.dRate = This->Parser.sourceSeeking.dRate;
-        hr = IPin_ConnectedTo(&pin->pin.pin.IPin_iface, &victim);
-        if (hr == S_OK)
-        {
-            hr = IPin_NewSegment(victim, start, This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llStop,
-                                 This->Parser.sourceSeeking.dRate);
-            if (hr != S_OK)
-                FIXME("NewSegment returns %08x\n", hr);
-            IPin_Release(victim);
-        }
-        LeaveCriticalSection(&This->Parser.filter.csFilter);
-        if (hr != S_OK)
-            return hr;
-    }
-    rtstart = (double)(start - pin->pin.pin.tStart) / pin->pin.pin.dRate;
-    rtstop = (double)(stop - pin->pin.pin.tStart) / pin->pin.pin.dRate;
-    IMediaSample_SetMediaTime(sample, &start, &stop);
-    IMediaSample_SetTime(sample, &rtstart, &rtstop);
-    IMediaSample_SetMediaTime(sample, &start, &stop);
-    hr = BaseOutputPinImpl_Deliver(&pin->pin, sample);
-/* Uncomment this if you want to debug the time differences between the
- * different streams, it is useful for that
- *
-    FIXME("stream %u, hr: %08x, Start: %u.%03u, Stop: %u.%03u\n", streamnumber, hr,
-           (DWORD)(start / 10000000), (DWORD)((start / 10000)%1000),
-           (DWORD)(stop / 10000000), (DWORD)((stop / 10000)%1000));
-    return hr;
-static DWORD WINAPI AVISplitter_thread_reader(LPVOID data)
-    struct thread_args *args = data;
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = args->This;
-    DWORD streamnumber = args->stream;
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    do
-    {
-        HRESULT nexthr = S_FALSE;
-        IMediaSample *sample;
-        WaitForSingleObject(This->streams[streamnumber].packet_queued, INFINITE);
-        sample = This->streams[streamnumber].sample;
-        This->streams[streamnumber].sample = NULL;
-        if (!sample)
-            break;
-        nexthr = AVISplitter_next_request(This, streamnumber);
-        hr = AVISplitter_Receive(This, sample, streamnumber);
-        if (hr != S_OK)
-            FIXME("Receiving error: %08x\n", hr);
-        IMediaSample_Release(sample);
-        if (hr == S_OK)
-            hr = nexthr;
-        if (nexthr == S_FALSE)
-            AVISplitter_SendEndOfFile(This, streamnumber);
-    } while (hr == S_OK);
-    if (hr != S_FALSE)
-        FIXME("Thread %u terminated with hr %08x!\n", streamnumber, hr);
-    else
-        TRACE("Thread %u terminated properly\n", streamnumber);
-    return hr;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_Sample(LPVOID iface, IMediaSample * pSample, DWORD_PTR cookie)
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = iface;
-    StreamData *stream = This->streams + cookie;
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    if (!IMediaSample_GetActualDataLength(pSample))
-    {
-        ERR("Received empty sample\n");
-        return S_OK;
-    }
-    /* Send the sample to whatever thread is appropriate
-     * That thread should also not have a sample queued at the moment
-     */
-    /* Debugging */
-    TRACE("(%p)->(%p size: %u, %lu)\n", This, pSample, IMediaSample_GetActualDataLength(pSample), cookie);
-    assert(cookie < This->Parser.cStreams);
-    assert(!stream->sample);
-    assert(WaitForSingleObject(stream->packet_queued, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT);
-    IMediaSample_AddRef(pSample);
-    stream->sample = pSample;
-    SetEvent(stream->packet_queued);
-    return hr;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_done_process(LPVOID iface);
-/* On the first request we have to be sure that (cStreams-1) samples have
- * already been processed, because otherwise some pins might not ever finish
- * a Pause state change
- */
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_first_request(LPVOID iface)
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = iface;
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    DWORD x;
-    IMediaSample *sample = NULL;
-    BOOL have_sample = FALSE;
-    TRACE("(%p)->()\n", This);
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-    {
-        StreamData *stream = This->streams + x;
-        /* Nothing should be running at this point */
-        assert(!stream->thread);
-        assert(!sample);
-        /* It could be we asked the thread to terminate, and the thread
-         * already terminated before receiving the deathwish */
-        ResetEvent(stream->packet_queued);
-        stream->pos_next = stream->pos;
-        stream->index_next = stream->index;
-        /* This was sent after stopped->paused or stopped->playing, so set seek */
-        stream->seek = TRUE;
-        /* There should be a packet queued from AVISplitter_next_request last time
-         * It needs to be done now because this is the only way to ensure that every
-         * stream will have at least 1 packet processed
-         * If this is done after the threads start it could go all awkward and we
-         * would have no guarantees that it's successful at all
-         */
-        if (have_sample)
-        {
-            DWORD_PTR dwUser = ~0;
-            hr = IAsyncReader_WaitForNext(This->Parser.pInputPin->pReader, 10000, &sample, &dwUser);
-            assert(hr == S_OK);
-            assert(sample);
-            AVISplitter_Sample(iface, sample, dwUser);
-            IMediaSample_Release(sample);
-        }
-        hr = AVISplitter_next_request(This, x);
-        TRACE("-->%08x\n", hr);
-        /* Could be an EOF instead */
-        have_sample = (hr == S_OK);
-        if (hr == S_FALSE)
-            AVISplitter_SendEndOfFile(This, x);
-        if (FAILED(hr) && hr != VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED)
-            break;
-        hr = S_OK;
-    }
-    /* FIXME: Don't do this for each pin that sent an EOF */
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams && SUCCEEDED(hr); ++x)
-    {
-        struct thread_args *args;
-        DWORD tid;
-        if ((This->streams[x].stdindex && This->streams[x].index_next >= This->streams[x].entries) ||
-            (!This->streams[x].stdindex && This->streams[x].index_next))
-        {
-            This->streams[x].thread = NULL;
-            continue;
-        }
-        args = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(*args));
-        args->This = This;
-        args->stream = x;
-        This->streams[x].thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, AVISplitter_thread_reader, args, 0, &tid);
-        TRACE("Created stream %u thread 0x%08x\n", x, tid);
-    }
-    if (FAILED(hr))
-        ERR("Horsemen of the apocalypse came to bring error 0x%08x\n", hr);
-    return hr;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_done_process(LPVOID iface)
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = iface;
-    DWORD x;
-    ULONG ref;
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-    {
-        StreamData *stream = This->streams + x;
-        TRACE("Waiting for %u to terminate\n", x);
-        /* Make the thread return first */
-        SetEvent(stream->packet_queued);
-        assert(WaitForSingleObject(stream->thread, 100000) != WAIT_TIMEOUT);
-        CloseHandle(stream->thread);
-        stream->thread = NULL;
-        if (stream->sample)
-        {
-            ref = IMediaSample_Release(stream->sample);
-            assert(ref == 0);
-        }
-        stream->sample = NULL;
-        ResetEvent(stream->packet_queued);
-    }
-    TRACE("All threads are now terminated\n");
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_QueryAccept(LPVOID iface, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt)
-    if (IsEqualIID(&pmt->majortype, &MEDIATYPE_Stream) && IsEqualIID(&pmt->subtype, &MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi))
-        return S_OK;
-    return S_FALSE;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_ProcessIndex(AVISplitterImpl *This, AVISTDINDEX **index, LONGLONG qwOffset, DWORD cb)
-    AVISTDINDEX *pIndex;
-    DWORD x;
-    int rest;
-    *index = NULL;
-    if (cb < sizeof(AVISTDINDEX))
-    {
-        FIXME("size %u too small\n", cb);
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    }
-    pIndex = CoTaskMemAlloc(cb);
-    if (!pIndex)
-        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-    IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->Parser.pInputPin->pReader, qwOffset, cb, (BYTE *)pIndex);
-    rest = cb - sizeof(AVISUPERINDEX) + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) + sizeof(pIndex->aIndex);
-    TRACE("FOURCC: %s\n", debugstr_an((char *)&pIndex->fcc, 4));
-    TRACE("wLongsPerEntry: %hd\n", pIndex->wLongsPerEntry);
-    TRACE("bIndexSubType: %u\n", pIndex->bIndexSubType);
-    TRACE("bIndexType: %u\n", pIndex->bIndexType);
-    TRACE("nEntriesInUse: %u\n", pIndex->nEntriesInUse);
-    TRACE("dwChunkId: %.4s\n", (char *)&pIndex->dwChunkId);
-    TRACE("qwBaseOffset: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(pIndex->qwBaseOffset));
-    TRACE("dwReserved_3: %u\n", pIndex->dwReserved_3);
-    if (pIndex->bIndexType != AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS
-        || pIndex->wLongsPerEntry != 2
-        || rest < (pIndex->nEntriesInUse * sizeof(DWORD) * pIndex->wLongsPerEntry)
-        || (pIndex->bIndexSubType != AVI_INDEX_SUB_DEFAULT))
-    {
-        FIXME("Invalid index chunk encountered: %u/%u, %u/%u, %u/%u, %u/%u\n",
-              pIndex->bIndexType, AVI_INDEX_OF_CHUNKS, pIndex->wLongsPerEntry, 2,
-              rest, (DWORD)(pIndex->nEntriesInUse * sizeof(DWORD) * pIndex->wLongsPerEntry),
-              pIndex->bIndexSubType, AVI_INDEX_SUB_DEFAULT);
-        *index = NULL;
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    }
-    for (x = 0; x < pIndex->nEntriesInUse; ++x)
-    {
-        BOOL keyframe = !(pIndex->aIndex[x].dwSize >> 31);
-        DWORDLONG offset = pIndex->qwBaseOffset + pIndex->aIndex[x].dwOffset;
-        TRACE("dwOffset: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(offset));
-        TRACE("dwSize: %u\n", (pIndex->aIndex[x].dwSize & ~(1u << 31)));
-        TRACE("Frame is a keyframe: %s\n", keyframe ? "yes" : "no");
-    }
-    *index = pIndex;
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_ProcessOldIndex(AVISplitterImpl *This)
-    ULONGLONG mov_pos = BYTES_FROM_MEDIATIME(This->CurrentChunkOffset) - sizeof(DWORD);
-    AVIOLDINDEX *pAviOldIndex = This->oldindex;
-    int relative = -1;
-    DWORD x;
-    for (x = 0; x < pAviOldIndex->cb / sizeof(pAviOldIndex->aIndex[0]); ++x)
-    {
-        DWORD temp, temp2 = 0, offset, chunkid;
-        PullPin *pin = This->Parser.pInputPin;
-        offset = pAviOldIndex->aIndex[x].dwOffset;
-        chunkid = pAviOldIndex->aIndex[x].dwChunkId;
-        TRACE("dwChunkId: %.4s\n", (char *)&chunkid);
-        TRACE("dwFlags: %08x\n", pAviOldIndex->aIndex[x].dwFlags);
-        TRACE("dwOffset (%s): %08x\n", relative ? "relative" : "absolute", offset);
-        TRACE("dwSize: %08x\n", pAviOldIndex->aIndex[x].dwSize);
-        /* Only scan once, or else this will take too long */
-        if (relative == -1)
-        {
-            IAsyncReader_SyncRead(pin->pReader, offset, sizeof(DWORD), (BYTE *)&temp);
-            relative = (chunkid != temp);
-            if (chunkid == mmioFOURCC('7','F','x','x')
-                && ((char *)&temp)[0] == 'i' && ((char *)&temp)[1] == 'x')
-                relative = FALSE;
-            if (relative)
-            {
-                if (offset + mov_pos < BYTES_FROM_MEDIATIME(This->EndOfFile))
-                    IAsyncReader_SyncRead(pin->pReader, offset + mov_pos, sizeof(DWORD), (BYTE *)&temp2);
-                if (chunkid == mmioFOURCC('7','F','x','x')
-                    && ((char *)&temp2)[0] == 'i' && ((char *)&temp2)[1] == 'x')
-                {
-                    /* Do nothing, all is great */
-                }
-                else if (temp2 != chunkid)
-                {
-                    ERR("Faulty index or bug in handling: Wanted FCC: %s, Abs FCC: %s (@ %x), Rel FCC: %s (@ %s)\n",
-                        debugstr_an((char *)&chunkid, 4), debugstr_an((char *)&temp, 4), offset,
-                        debugstr_an((char *)&temp2, 4), wine_dbgstr_longlong(mov_pos + offset));
-                    relative = -1;
-                }
-                else
-                    TRACE("Scanned dwChunkId: %s\n", debugstr_an((char *)&temp2, 4));
-            }
-            else if (!relative)
-                TRACE("Scanned dwChunkId: %s\n", debugstr_an((char *)&temp, 4));
-        }
-        /* Only dump one packet */
-        else break;
-    }
-    if (relative == -1)
-    {
-        FIXME("Dropping index: no idea whether it is relative or absolute\n");
-        CoTaskMemFree(This->oldindex);
-        This->oldindex = NULL;
-    }
-    else if (!relative)
-        This->offset = 0;
-    else
-        This->offset = (DWORD)mov_pos;
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_ProcessStreamList(AVISplitterImpl * This, const BYTE * pData, DWORD cb, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *props)
-    const RIFFCHUNK * pChunk;
-    HRESULT hr;
-    AM_MEDIA_TYPE amt;
-    float fSamplesPerSec = 0.0f;
-    DWORD dwSampleSize = 0;
-    DWORD dwLength = 0;
-    DWORD nstdindex = 0;
-    static const WCHAR wszStreamTemplate[] = {'S','t','r','e','a','m',' ','%','0','2','d',0};
-    StreamData *stream;
-    WCHAR name[18];
-    ZeroMemory(&amt, sizeof(amt));
-    This->streams = CoTaskMemRealloc(This->streams, sizeof(StreamData) * (This->Parser.cStreams+1));
-    stream = This->streams + This->Parser.cStreams;
-    ZeroMemory(stream, sizeof(*stream));
-    for (pChunk = (const RIFFCHUNK *)pData; 
-         ((const BYTE *)pChunk >= pData) && ((const BYTE *)pChunk + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) < pData + cb) && (pChunk->cb > 0); 
-         pChunk = (const RIFFCHUNK *)((const BYTE*)pChunk + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) + pChunk->cb)     
-        )
-    {
-        switch (pChunk->fcc)
-        {
-        case ckidSTREAMHEADER:
-            {
-                const AVISTREAMHEADER * pStrHdr = (const AVISTREAMHEADER *)pChunk;
-                TRACE("processing stream header\n");
-                stream->streamheader = *pStrHdr;
-                fSamplesPerSec = (float)pStrHdr->dwRate / (float)pStrHdr->dwScale;
-                CoTaskMemFree(amt.pbFormat);
-                amt.pbFormat = NULL;
-                amt.cbFormat = 0;
-                switch (pStrHdr->fccType)
-                {
-                case streamtypeVIDEO:
-                    amt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
-                    break;
-                case streamtypeAUDIO:
-                    amt.formattype = FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    FIXME("fccType %.4s not handled yet\n", (const char *)&pStrHdr->fccType);
-                    amt.formattype = FORMAT_None;
-                }
-                amt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
-                amt.majortype.Data1 = pStrHdr->fccType;
-                amt.subtype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
-                amt.subtype.Data1 = pStrHdr->fccHandler;
-                TRACE("Subtype FCC: %.04s\n", (LPCSTR)&pStrHdr->fccHandler);
-                amt.lSampleSize = pStrHdr->dwSampleSize;
-                amt.bFixedSizeSamples = (amt.lSampleSize != 0);
-                /* FIXME: Is this right? */
-                if (!amt.lSampleSize)
-                {
-                    amt.lSampleSize = 1;
-                    dwSampleSize = 1;
-                }
-                amt.bTemporalCompression = IsEqualGUID(&amt.majortype, &MEDIATYPE_Video); /* FIXME? */
-                dwSampleSize = pStrHdr->dwSampleSize;
-                dwLength = pStrHdr->dwLength;
-                if (!dwLength)
-                    dwLength = This->AviHeader.dwTotalFrames;
-                if (pStrHdr->dwSuggestedBufferSize && pStrHdr->dwSuggestedBufferSize > props->cbBuffer)
-                    props->cbBuffer = pStrHdr->dwSuggestedBufferSize;
-                break;
-            }
-        case ckidSTREAMFORMAT:
-            TRACE("processing stream format data\n");
-            if (IsEqualIID(&amt.formattype, &FORMAT_VideoInfo))
-            {
-                VIDEOINFOHEADER * pvi;
-                /* biCompression member appears to override the value in the stream header.
-                 * i.e. the stream header can say something completely contradictory to what
-                 * is in the BITMAPINFOHEADER! */
-                if (pChunk->cb < sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))
-                {
-                    ERR("Not enough bytes for BITMAPINFOHEADER\n");
-                    return E_FAIL;
-                }
-                amt.cbFormat = sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER) - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + pChunk->cb;
-                amt.pbFormat = CoTaskMemAlloc(amt.cbFormat);
-                ZeroMemory(amt.pbFormat, amt.cbFormat);
-                pvi = (VIDEOINFOHEADER *)amt.pbFormat;
-                pvi->AvgTimePerFrame = (LONGLONG)(10000000.0 / fSamplesPerSec);
-                CopyMemory(&pvi->bmiHeader, pChunk + 1, pChunk->cb);
-                if (pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression)
-                    amt.subtype.Data1 = pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression;
-            }
-            else if (IsEqualIID(&amt.formattype, &FORMAT_WaveFormatEx))
-            {
-                amt.cbFormat = pChunk->cb;
-                if (amt.cbFormat < sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX))
-                    amt.cbFormat = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX);
-                amt.pbFormat = CoTaskMemAlloc(amt.cbFormat);
-                ZeroMemory(amt.pbFormat, amt.cbFormat);
-                CopyMemory(amt.pbFormat, pChunk + 1, pChunk->cb);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                amt.cbFormat = pChunk->cb;
-                amt.pbFormat = CoTaskMemAlloc(amt.cbFormat);
-                CopyMemory(amt.pbFormat, pChunk + 1, amt.cbFormat);
-            }
-            break;
-        case ckidSTREAMNAME:
-            TRACE("processing stream name\n");
-            /* FIXME: this doesn't exactly match native version (we omit the "##)" prefix), but hey... */
-            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)(pChunk + 1), pChunk->cb, name, ARRAY_SIZE(name));
-            break;
-        case ckidSTREAMHANDLERDATA:
-            FIXME("process stream handler data\n");
-            break;
-        case ckidAVIPADDING:
-            TRACE("JUNK chunk ignored\n");
-            break;
-        case ckidAVISUPERINDEX:
-        {
-            const AVISUPERINDEX *pIndex = (const AVISUPERINDEX *)pChunk;
-            DWORD x;
-            UINT rest = pIndex->cb - sizeof(AVISUPERINDEX) + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) + sizeof(pIndex->aIndex[0]) * ANYSIZE_ARRAY;
-            if (pIndex->cb < sizeof(AVISUPERINDEX) - sizeof(RIFFCHUNK))
-            {
-                FIXME("size %u\n", pIndex->cb);
-                break;
-            }
-            if (nstdindex++ > 0)
-            {
-                ERR("Stream %d got more than 1 superindex?\n", This->Parser.cStreams);
-                break;
-            }
-            TRACE("wLongsPerEntry: %hd\n", pIndex->wLongsPerEntry);
-            TRACE("bIndexSubType: %u\n", pIndex->bIndexSubType);
-            TRACE("bIndexType: %u\n", pIndex->bIndexType);
-            TRACE("nEntriesInUse: %u\n", pIndex->nEntriesInUse);
-            TRACE("dwChunkId: %.4s\n", (const char *)&pIndex->dwChunkId);
-            if (pIndex->dwReserved[0])
-                TRACE("dwReserved[0]: %u\n", pIndex->dwReserved[0]);
-            if (pIndex->dwReserved[1])
-                TRACE("dwReserved[1]: %u\n", pIndex->dwReserved[1]);
-            if (pIndex->dwReserved[2])
-                TRACE("dwReserved[2]: %u\n", pIndex->dwReserved[2]);
-            if (pIndex->bIndexType != AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES
-                || pIndex->wLongsPerEntry != 4
-                || rest < (pIndex->nEntriesInUse * sizeof(DWORD) * pIndex->wLongsPerEntry)
-                || (pIndex->bIndexSubType != AVI_INDEX_SUB_2FIELD && pIndex->bIndexSubType != AVI_INDEX_SUB_DEFAULT))
-            {
-                FIXME("Invalid index chunk encountered\n");
-                break;
-            }
-            stream->entries = pIndex->nEntriesInUse;
-            stream->stdindex = CoTaskMemRealloc(stream->stdindex, sizeof(*stream->stdindex) * stream->entries);
-            for (x = 0; x < pIndex->nEntriesInUse; ++x)
-            {
-                TRACE("qwOffset: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(pIndex->aIndex[x].qwOffset));
-                TRACE("dwSize: %u\n", pIndex->aIndex[x].dwSize);
-                TRACE("dwDuration: %u (unreliable)\n", pIndex->aIndex[x].dwDuration);
-                AVISplitter_ProcessIndex(This, &stream->stdindex[x], pIndex->aIndex[x].qwOffset, pIndex->aIndex[x].dwSize);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            FIXME("unknown chunk type \"%.04s\" ignored\n", (LPCSTR)&pChunk->fcc);
-        }
-    }
-    if (IsEqualGUID(&amt.formattype, &FORMAT_WaveFormatEx))
-    {
-        amt.subtype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
-        amt.subtype.Data1 = ((WAVEFORMATEX *)amt.pbFormat)->wFormatTag;
-    }
-    dump_AM_MEDIA_TYPE(&amt);
-    TRACE("fSamplesPerSec = %f\n", (double)fSamplesPerSec);
-    TRACE("dwSampleSize = %x\n", dwSampleSize);
-    TRACE("dwLength = %x\n", dwLength);
-    stream->fSamplesPerSec = fSamplesPerSec;
-    stream->dwSampleSize = dwSampleSize;
-    stream->dwLength = dwLength; /* TODO: Use this for mediaseeking */
-    stream->packet_queued = CreateEventW(NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
-    swprintf(name, ARRAY_SIZE(name), wszStreamTemplate, This->Parser.cStreams);
-    hr = Parser_AddPin(&This->Parser, name, props, &amt);
-    CoTaskMemFree(amt.pbFormat);
-    return hr;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_ProcessODML(AVISplitterImpl * This, const BYTE * pData, DWORD cb)
-    const RIFFCHUNK * pChunk;
-    for (pChunk = (const RIFFCHUNK *)pData;
-         ((const BYTE *)pChunk >= pData) && ((const BYTE *)pChunk + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) < pData + cb) && (pChunk->cb > 0);
-         pChunk = (const RIFFCHUNK *)((const BYTE*)pChunk + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) + pChunk->cb)
-        )
-    {
-        switch (pChunk->fcc)
-        {
-        case ckidAVIEXTHEADER:
-            {
-                int x;
-                const AVIEXTHEADER * pExtHdr = (const AVIEXTHEADER *)pChunk;
-                TRACE("processing extension header\n");
-                if (pExtHdr->cb != sizeof(AVIEXTHEADER) - sizeof(RIFFCHUNK))
-                {
-                    FIXME("Size: %u\n", pExtHdr->cb);
-                    break;
-                }
-                TRACE("dwGrandFrames: %u\n", pExtHdr->dwGrandFrames);
-                for (x = 0; x < 61; ++x)
-                    if (pExtHdr->dwFuture[x])
-                        FIXME("dwFuture[%i] = %u (0x%08x)\n", x, pExtHdr->dwFuture[x], pExtHdr->dwFuture[x]);
-                This->ExtHeader = *pExtHdr;
-                break;
-            }
-        default:
-            FIXME("unknown chunk type \"%.04s\" ignored\n", (LPCSTR)&pChunk->fcc);
-        }
-    }
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_InitializeStreams(AVISplitterImpl *This)
-    unsigned int x;
-    if (This->oldindex)
-    {
-        DWORD nMax, n;
-        for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-        {
-            This->streams[x].frames = 0;
-            This->streams[x].pos = ~0;
-            This->streams[x].index = 0;
-        }
-        nMax = This->oldindex->cb / sizeof(This->oldindex->aIndex[0]);
-        /* Ok, maybe this is more of an exercise to see if I interpret everything correctly or not, but that is useful for now. */
-        for (n = 0; n < nMax; ++n)
-        {
-            DWORD streamId = StreamFromFOURCC(This->oldindex->aIndex[n].dwChunkId);
-            if (streamId >= This->Parser.cStreams)
-            {
-                FIXME("Stream id %s ignored\n", debugstr_an((char*)&This->oldindex->aIndex[n].dwChunkId, 4));
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (This->streams[streamId].pos == ~0U)
-                This->streams[streamId].pos = n;
-            if (This->streams[streamId].streamheader.dwSampleSize)
-                This->streams[streamId].frames += This->oldindex->aIndex[n].dwSize / This->streams[streamId].streamheader.dwSampleSize;
-            else
-                ++This->streams[streamId].frames;
-        }
-        for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-        {
-            if (This->streams[x].frames != This->streams[x].streamheader.dwLength)
-                FIXME("stream %u: frames found: %u, frames meant to be found: %u\n", x, This->streams[x].frames, This->streams[x].streamheader.dwLength);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (!This->streams[0].entries)
-    {
-        for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-        {
-            This->streams[x].frames = This->streams[x].streamheader.dwLength;
-        }
-        /* MS Avi splitter does seek through the whole file, we should! */
-        ERR("We should be manually seeking through the entire file to build an index, because the index is missing!!!\n");
-        return E_NOTIMPL;
-    }
-    /* Not much here yet */
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-    {
-        StreamData *stream = This->streams + x;
-        DWORD y;
-        DWORD64 frames = 0;
-        stream->seek = TRUE;
-        if (stream->stdindex)
-        {
-            stream->index = 0;
-            stream->pos = 0;
-            for (y = 0; y < stream->entries; ++y)
-            {
-                if (stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize)
-                {
-                    DWORD z;
-                    for (z = 0; z < stream->stdindex[y]->nEntriesInUse; ++z)
-                    {
-                        UINT len = stream->stdindex[y]->aIndex[z].dwSize & ~(1u << 31);
-                        frames += len / stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize + !!(len % stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize);
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                    frames += stream->stdindex[y]->nEntriesInUse;
-            }
-        }
-        else frames = stream->frames;
-        frames *= stream->streamheader.dwScale;
-        /* Keep accuracy as high as possible for duration */
-        This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llDuration = frames * 10000000;
-        This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llDuration /= stream->streamheader.dwRate;
-        This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llStop = This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llDuration;
-        This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llCurrent = 0;
-        frames /= stream->streamheader.dwRate;
-        TRACE("Duration: %d days, %d hours, %d minutes and %d.%03u seconds\n", (DWORD)(frames / 86400),
-        (DWORD)((frames % 86400) / 3600), (DWORD)((frames % 3600) / 60), (DWORD)(frames % 60),
-        (DWORD)(This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llDuration/10000) % 1000);
-    }
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_Disconnect(LPVOID iface);
-/* FIXME: fix leaks on failure here */
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_InputPin_PreConnect(IPin * iface, IPin * pConnectPin, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *props)
-    PullPin *This = impl_PullPin_from_IPin(iface);
-    AVISplitterImpl *pAviSplit = impl_from_IBaseFilter(&This->pin.filter->IBaseFilter_iface);
-    HRESULT hr;
-    RIFFLIST list;
-    LONGLONG pos = 0; /* in bytes */
-    BYTE * pBuffer;
-    RIFFCHUNK * pCurrentChunk;
-    LONGLONG total, avail;
-    ULONG x;
-    DWORD indexes;
-    hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, pos, sizeof(list), (BYTE *)&list);
-    pos += sizeof(list);
-    if (list.fcc != FOURCC_RIFF)
-    {
-        ERR("Input stream not a RIFF file\n");
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    if (list.fccListType != formtypeAVI)
-    {
-        ERR("Input stream not an AVI RIFF file\n");
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, pos, sizeof(list), (BYTE *)&list);
-    if (list.fcc != FOURCC_LIST)
-    {
-        ERR("Expected LIST chunk, but got %.04s\n", (LPSTR)&list.fcc);
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    if (list.fccListType != listtypeAVIHEADER)
-    {
-        ERR("Header list expected. Got: %.04s\n", (LPSTR)&list.fccListType);
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    pBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, list.cb - sizeof(RIFFLIST) + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK));
-    hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, pos + sizeof(list), list.cb - sizeof(RIFFLIST) + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK), pBuffer);
-    pAviSplit->AviHeader.cb = 0;
-    /* Stream list will set the buffer size here, so set a default and allow an override */
-    props->cbBuffer = 0x20000;
-    for (pCurrentChunk = (RIFFCHUNK *)pBuffer; (BYTE *)pCurrentChunk + sizeof(*pCurrentChunk) < pBuffer + list.cb; pCurrentChunk = (RIFFCHUNK *)(((BYTE *)pCurrentChunk) + sizeof(*pCurrentChunk) + pCurrentChunk->cb))
-    {
-        RIFFLIST * pList;
-        switch (pCurrentChunk->fcc)
-        {
-        case ckidMAINAVIHEADER:
-            /* AVIMAINHEADER includes the structure that is pCurrentChunk at the moment */
-            memcpy(&pAviSplit->AviHeader, pCurrentChunk, sizeof(pAviSplit->AviHeader));
-            break;
-        case FOURCC_LIST:
-            pList = (RIFFLIST *)pCurrentChunk;
-            switch (pList->fccListType)
-            {
-            case ckidSTREAMLIST:
-                hr = AVISplitter_ProcessStreamList(pAviSplit, (BYTE *)pCurrentChunk + sizeof(RIFFLIST), pCurrentChunk->cb + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) - sizeof(RIFFLIST), props);
-                break;
-            case ckidODML:
-                hr = AVISplitter_ProcessODML(pAviSplit, (BYTE *)pCurrentChunk + sizeof(RIFFLIST), pCurrentChunk->cb + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) - sizeof(RIFFLIST));
-                break;
-            }
-            break;
-        case ckidAVIPADDING:
-            /* ignore */
-            break;
-        default:
-            FIXME("unrecognised header list type: %.04s\n", (LPSTR)&pCurrentChunk->fcc);
-        }
-    }
-    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer);
-    if (pAviSplit->AviHeader.cb != sizeof(pAviSplit->AviHeader) - sizeof(RIFFCHUNK))
-    {
-        ERR("Avi Header wrong size!\n");
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    /* Skip any chunks until we find the LIST chunk */
-    do
-    {
-        pos += sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) + list.cb;
-        hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, pos, sizeof(list), (BYTE *)&list);
-    }
-    while (hr == S_OK && (list.fcc != FOURCC_LIST || list.fccListType != listtypeAVIMOVIE));
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-    {
-        ERR("Failed to find LIST chunk from AVI file\n");
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    IAsyncReader_Length(This->pReader, &total, &avail);
-    /* FIXME: AVIX files are extended beyond the FOURCC chunk "AVI ", and thus won't be played here,
-     * once I get one of the files I'll try to fix it */
-    This->rtStart = pAviSplit->CurrentChunkOffset = MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(pos + sizeof(RIFFLIST));
-    pos += list.cb + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK);
-    pAviSplit->EndOfFile = This->rtStop = MEDIATIME_FROM_BYTES(pos);
-    if (pos > total)
-    {
-        ERR("File smaller (%s) then EndOfFile (%s)\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(total), wine_dbgstr_longlong(pAviSplit->EndOfFile));
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, BYTES_FROM_MEDIATIME(pAviSplit->CurrentChunkOffset), sizeof(pAviSplit->CurrentChunk), (BYTE *)&pAviSplit->CurrentChunk);
-    props->cbAlign = 1;
-    props->cbPrefix = 0;
-    /* Comrades, prevent shortage of buffers, or you will feel the consequences! DA! */
-    props->cBuffers = 2 * pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams;
-    /* Now peek into the idx1 index, if available */
-    if (hr == S_OK && (total - pos) > sizeof(RIFFCHUNK))
-    {
-        memset(&list, 0, sizeof(list));
-        hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, pos, sizeof(list), (BYTE *)&list);
-        if (list.fcc == ckidAVIOLDINDEX)
-        {
-            pAviSplit->oldindex = CoTaskMemRealloc(pAviSplit->oldindex, list.cb + sizeof(RIFFCHUNK));
-            if (pAviSplit->oldindex)
-            {
-                hr = IAsyncReader_SyncRead(This->pReader, pos, sizeof(RIFFCHUNK) + list.cb, (BYTE *)pAviSplit->oldindex);
-                if (hr == S_OK)
-                {
-                    hr = AVISplitter_ProcessOldIndex(pAviSplit);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    CoTaskMemFree(pAviSplit->oldindex);
-                    pAviSplit->oldindex = NULL;
-                    hr = S_OK;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    indexes = 0;
-    for (x = 0; x < pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-        if (pAviSplit->streams[x].entries)
-            ++indexes;
-    if (indexes)
-    {
-        CoTaskMemFree(pAviSplit->oldindex);
-        pAviSplit->oldindex = NULL;
-        if (indexes < pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams)
-        {
-            /* This error could possible be survived by switching to old type index,
-             * but I would rather find out why it doesn't find everything here
-             */
-            ERR("%d indexes expected, but only have %d\n", indexes, pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams);
-            indexes = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (pAviSplit->oldindex)
-        indexes = pAviSplit->Parser.cStreams;
-    if (!indexes && pAviSplit->AviHeader.dwFlags & AVIF_MUSTUSEINDEX)
-    {
-        FIXME("No usable index was found!\n");
-        hr = E_FAIL;
-    }
-    /* Now, set up the streams */
-    if (hr == S_OK)
-        hr = AVISplitter_InitializeStreams(pAviSplit);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-    {
-        AVISplitter_Disconnect(pAviSplit);
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    TRACE("AVI File ok\n");
-    return hr;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_Flush(LPVOID iface)
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = iface;
-    DWORD x;
-    ULONG ref;
-    TRACE("(%p)->()\n", This);
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-    {
-        StreamData *stream = This->streams + x;
-        if (stream->sample)
-        {
-            ref = IMediaSample_Release(stream->sample);
-            assert(ref == 0);
-        }
-        stream->sample = NULL;
-        ResetEvent(stream->packet_queued);
-        assert(!stream->thread);
-    }
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT AVISplitter_Disconnect(LPVOID iface)
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = iface;
-    ULONG x;
-    /* TODO: Remove other memory that's allocated during connect */
-    CoTaskMemFree(This->oldindex);
-    This->oldindex = NULL;
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-    {
-        DWORD i;
-        StreamData *stream = &This->streams[x];
-        for (i = 0; i < stream->entries; ++i)
-            CoTaskMemFree(stream->stdindex[i]);
-        CoTaskMemFree(stream->stdindex);
-        CloseHandle(stream->packet_queued);
-    }
-    CoTaskMemFree(This->streams);
-    This->streams = NULL;
-    return S_OK;
-static HRESULT WINAPI AVISplitter_seek(IMediaSeeking *iface)
-    AVISplitterImpl *This = impl_from_IMediaSeeking(iface);
-    PullPin *pPin = This->Parser.pInputPin;
-    LONGLONG newpos, endpos;
-    DWORD x;
-    newpos = This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llCurrent;
-    endpos = This->Parser.sourceSeeking.llDuration;
-    if (newpos > endpos)
-    {
-        WARN("Requesting position %x%08x beyond end of stream %x%08x\n", (DWORD)(newpos>>32), (DWORD)newpos, (DWORD)(endpos>>32), (DWORD)endpos);
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    }
-    FIXME("Moving position to %u.%03u s!\n", (DWORD)(newpos / 10000000), (DWORD)((newpos / 10000)%1000));
-    EnterCriticalSection(&pPin->thread_lock);
-    /* Send a flush to all output pins */
-    IPin_BeginFlush(&pPin->pin.IPin_iface);
-    /* Make sure this is done while stopped, BeginFlush takes care of this */
-    EnterCriticalSection(&This->Parser.filter.csFilter);
-    for (x = 0; x < This->Parser.cStreams; ++x)
-    {
-        Parser_OutputPin *pin = This->Parser.sources[x];
-        StreamData *stream = This->streams + x;
-        LONGLONG wanted_frames;
-        DWORD last_keyframe = 0, last_keyframeidx = 0, preroll = 0;
-        wanted_frames = newpos;
-        wanted_frames *= stream->streamheader.dwRate;
-        wanted_frames /= 10000000;
-        wanted_frames /= stream->streamheader.dwScale;
-        pin->dwSamplesProcessed = 0;
-        stream->index = 0;
-        stream->pos = 0;
-        stream->seek = TRUE;
-        if (stream->stdindex)
-        {
-            DWORD y, z = 0;
-            for (y = 0; y < stream->entries; ++y)
-            {
-                for (z = 0; z < stream->stdindex[y]->nEntriesInUse; ++z)
-                {
-                    if (stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize)
-                    {
-                        ULONG len = stream->stdindex[y]->aIndex[z].dwSize & ~(1u << 31);
-                        ULONG size = stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize;
-                        pin->dwSamplesProcessed += len / size;
-                        if (len % size)
-                            ++pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-                    }
-                    else ++pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-                    if (!(stream->stdindex[y]->aIndex[z].dwSize >> 31))
-                    {
-                        last_keyframe = z;
-                        last_keyframeidx = y;
-                        preroll = 0;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        ++preroll;
-                    if (pin->dwSamplesProcessed >= wanted_frames)
-                        break;
-                }
-                if (pin->dwSamplesProcessed >= wanted_frames)
-                    break;
-            }
-            stream->index = last_keyframeidx;
-            stream->pos = last_keyframe;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            DWORD nMax, n;
-            nMax = This->oldindex->cb / sizeof(This->oldindex->aIndex[0]);
-            for (n = 0; n < nMax; ++n)
-            {
-                DWORD streamId = StreamFromFOURCC(This->oldindex->aIndex[n].dwChunkId);
-                if (streamId != x)
-                    continue;
-                if (stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize)
-                {
-                    ULONG len = This->oldindex->aIndex[n].dwSize;
-                    ULONG size = stream->streamheader.dwSampleSize;
-                    pin->dwSamplesProcessed += len / size;
-                    if (len % size)
-                        ++pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-                }
-                else ++pin->dwSamplesProcessed;
-                if (This->oldindex->aIndex[n].dwFlags & AVIIF_KEYFRAME)
-                {
-                    last_keyframe = n;
-                    preroll = 0;
-                }
-                else
-                    ++preroll;
-                if (pin->dwSamplesProcessed >= wanted_frames)
-                    break;
-            }
-            assert(n < nMax);
-            stream->pos = last_keyframe;
-            stream->index = 0;
-        }
-        stream->preroll = preroll;
-        stream->seek = TRUE;
-    }
-    LeaveCriticalSection(&This->Parser.filter.csFilter);
-    TRACE("Done flushing\n");
-    IPin_EndFlush(&pPin->pin.IPin_iface);
-    LeaveCriticalSection(&pPin->thread_lock);
-    return S_OK;
-static const IBaseFilterVtbl AVISplitterImpl_Vtbl =
-    BaseFilterImpl_QueryInterface,
-    BaseFilterImpl_AddRef,
-    BaseFilterImpl_Release,
-    BaseFilterImpl_GetClassID,
-    Parser_Stop,
-    Parser_Pause,
-    Parser_Run,
-    Parser_GetState,
-    Parser_SetSyncSource,
-    BaseFilterImpl_GetSyncSource,
-    BaseFilterImpl_EnumPins,
-    BaseFilterImpl_FindPin,
-    BaseFilterImpl_QueryFilterInfo,
-    BaseFilterImpl_JoinFilterGraph,
-    BaseFilterImpl_QueryVendorInfo,
-static void avi_splitter_destroy(struct strmbase_filter *iface)
-    AVISplitterImpl *filter = impl_from_IBaseFilter(&iface->IBaseFilter_iface);
-    AVISplitter_Flush(filter);
-    Parser_Destroy(&filter->Parser);
-static const struct strmbase_filter_ops filter_ops =
-    .filter_get_pin = parser_get_pin,
-    .filter_destroy = avi_splitter_destroy,
-HRESULT AVISplitter_create(IUnknown *outer, void **out)
-    static const WCHAR sink_name[] = {'i','n','p','u','t',' ','p','i','n',0};
-    HRESULT hr;
-    AVISplitterImpl * This;
-    *out = NULL;
-    /* Note: This memory is managed by the transform filter once created */
-    This = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(AVISplitterImpl));
-    This->streams = NULL;
-    This->oldindex = NULL;
-    hr = Parser_Create(&This->Parser, &AVISplitterImpl_Vtbl, outer, &CLSID_AviSplitter,
-            &filter_ops, sink_name, AVISplitter_Sample, AVISplitter_QueryAccept,
-            AVISplitter_InputPin_PreConnect, AVISplitter_Flush,
-            AVISplitter_Disconnect, AVISplitter_first_request,
-            AVISplitter_done_process, NULL, AVISplitter_seek, NULL);
-    if (FAILED(hr))
-        return hr;
-    *out = &This->Parser.filter.IUnknown_inner;
-    return hr;
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/main.c b/dlls/quartz/main.c
index 115fc806fc7..fbb124a4a63 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/main.c
+++ b/dlls/quartz/main.c
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ static const struct object_creation_info object_creation[] =
     { &CLSID_FilterMapper2, FilterMapper2_create },
     { &CLSID_AsyncReader, AsyncReader_create },
     { &CLSID_MemoryAllocator, StdMemAllocator_create },
-    { &CLSID_AviSplitter, AVISplitter_create },
     { &CLSID_MPEG1Splitter, MPEGSplitter_create },
     { &CLSID_VideoRenderer, VideoRenderer_create },
     { &CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer, VMR7Impl_create },
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/quartz_private.h b/dlls/quartz/quartz_private.h
index d43e445bd04..4014b6fb0d9 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/quartz_private.h
+++ b/dlls/quartz/quartz_private.h
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ HRESULT FilterMapper2_create(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, LPVOID *ppObj) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN
 HRESULT FilterMapper_create(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, LPVOID *ppObj) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 HRESULT AsyncReader_create(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPVOID * ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 HRESULT StdMemAllocator_create(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPVOID * ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-HRESULT AVISplitter_create(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPVOID * ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 HRESULT MPEGSplitter_create(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPVOID * ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 HRESULT AVIDec_create(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPVOID * ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 HRESULT DSoundRender_create(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPVOID * ppv) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/quartz_strmif.idl b/dlls/quartz/quartz_strmif.idl
index c84e3aea5cb..0ecaeb08c54 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/quartz_strmif.idl
+++ b/dlls/quartz/quartz_strmif.idl
@@ -84,13 +84,6 @@ coclass SeekingPassThru { interface ISeekingPassThru; }
 coclass AsyncReader { interface IBaseFilter; }
-    helpstring("AVI Splitter"),
-    threading(both),
-    uuid(1b544c20-fd0b-11ce-8c63-00aa0044b51e)
-coclass AviSplitter { interface IBaseFilter; }
     helpstring("MPEG-I Stream Splitter"),
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/regsvr.c b/dlls/quartz/regsvr.c
index eebca1c00a6..07348936307 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/regsvr.c
+++ b/dlls/quartz/regsvr.c
@@ -178,23 +178,6 @@ static HRESULT unregister_filters(struct regsvr_filter const *list)
 static struct regsvr_filter const filter_list[] = {
-    {   &CLSID_AviSplitter,
-	&CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory,
-	{'A','V','I',' ','S','p','l','i','t','t','e','r',0},
-	0x5ffff0,
-	{   {   0,
-		{   { &MEDIATYPE_Stream, &MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi },
-		    { NULL }
-		},
-	    },
-		{   { &MEDIATYPE_Video, &GUID_NULL },
-		    { NULL }
-		},
-	    },
-	    { 0xFFFFFFFF },
-	}
-    },
     {   &CLSID_MPEG1Splitter,
         {'M','P','E','G','-','I',' ','S','t','r','e','a','m',' ','S','p','l','i','t','t','e','r',0},
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/tests/avisplit.c b/dlls/quartz/tests/avisplit.c
index a1dadd481ad..ce0ea16a8e0 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/tests/avisplit.c
+++ b/dlls/quartz/tests/avisplit.c
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static void test_interfaces(void)
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IKsPropertySet, FALSE);
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IMemInputPin, FALSE);
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IMediaPosition, FALSE);
-    todo_wine check_interface(pin, &IID_IMediaSeeking, FALSE);
+    check_interface(pin, &IID_IMediaSeeking, FALSE);
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ static void test_interfaces(void)
     todo_wine check_interface(pin, &IID_IMediaPosition, TRUE);
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IMediaSeeking, TRUE);
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IPin, TRUE);
+    check_interface(pin, &IID_IQualityControl, TRUE);
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IUnknown, TRUE);
     check_interface(pin, &IID_IAsyncReader, FALSE);
@@ -1016,8 +1017,18 @@ fail:
+    IBaseFilter *filter;
+    if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_AviSplitter, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
+            &IID_IBaseFilter, (void **)&filter)))
+    {
+        skip("Failed to create AVI splitter.\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    IBaseFilter_Release(filter);
diff --git a/dlls/winegstreamer/gst_private.h b/dlls/winegstreamer/gst_private.h
index 392cfa849d3..d42c8dbf0b4 100644
--- a/dlls/winegstreamer/gst_private.h
+++ b/dlls/winegstreamer/gst_private.h
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 /* enum media */
 void dump_AM_MEDIA_TYPE(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE * pmt);
+IUnknown * CALLBACK avi_splitter_create(IUnknown *outer, HRESULT *phr) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 IUnknown * CALLBACK Gstreamer_AudioConvert_create(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, HRESULT *phr);
 IUnknown * CALLBACK Gstreamer_Mp3_create(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, HRESULT *phr);
 IUnknown * CALLBACK Gstreamer_YUV2RGB_create(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, HRESULT *phr);
diff --git a/dlls/winegstreamer/gstdemux.c b/dlls/winegstreamer/gstdemux.c
index 22fb8ef4c84..6109d6be66e 100644
--- a/dlls/winegstreamer/gstdemux.c
+++ b/dlls/winegstreamer/gstdemux.c
@@ -769,6 +769,7 @@ out:
 static void init_new_decoded_pad(GstElement *bin, GstPad *pad, struct gstdemux *This)
+    static const WCHAR formatW[] = {'S','t','r','e','a','m',' ','%','0','2','u',0};
     const char *typename;
     char *name;
     GstCaps *caps;
@@ -779,9 +780,9 @@ static void init_new_decoded_pad(GstElement *bin, GstPad *pad, struct gstdemux *
     TRACE("%p %p %p\n", This, bin, pad);
+    sprintfW(nameW, formatW, This->cStreams);
     name = gst_pad_get_name(pad);
-    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UNIXCP, 0, name, -1, nameW, ARRAY_SIZE(nameW) - 1);
-    nameW[ARRAY_SIZE(nameW) - 1] = 0;
     TRACE("Name: %s\n", name);
@@ -2277,3 +2278,110 @@ IUnknown * CALLBACK wave_parser_create(IUnknown *outer, HRESULT *phr)
     TRACE("Created WAVE parser %p.\n", object);
     return &object->filter.IUnknown_inner;
+static HRESULT WINAPI avi_splitter_sink_CheckMediaType(BasePin *iface, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *mt)
+    if (IsEqualGUID(&mt->majortype, &MEDIATYPE_Stream)
+            && IsEqualGUID(&mt->subtype, &MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi))
+        return S_OK;
+    return S_FALSE;
+static const BasePinFuncTable avi_splitter_sink_ops =
+    .pfnCheckMediaType = avi_splitter_sink_CheckMediaType,
+    .pfnGetMediaType = BasePinImpl_GetMediaType,
+static BOOL avi_splitter_init_gst(struct gstdemux *filter)
+    GstElement *element = gst_element_factory_make("avidemux", NULL);
+    LONGLONG duration;
+    unsigned int i;
+    int ret;
+    if (!element)
+    {
+        ERR("Failed to create avidemux; are %u-bit GStreamer \"good\" plugins installed?\n",
+                8 * (int)sizeof(void*));
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(filter->container), element);
+    g_signal_connect(element, "pad-added", G_CALLBACK(existing_new_pad_wrapper), filter);
+    g_signal_connect(element, "pad-removed", G_CALLBACK(removed_decoded_pad_wrapper), filter);
+    g_signal_connect(element, "no-more-pads", G_CALLBACK(no_more_pads_wrapper), filter);
+    filter->their_sink = gst_element_get_static_pad(element, "sink");
+    ResetEvent(filter->no_more_pads_event);
+    if ((ret = gst_pad_link(filter->my_src, filter->their_sink)) < 0)
+    {
+        ERR("Failed to link pads, error %d.\n", ret);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    gst_element_set_state(filter->container, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
+    ret = gst_element_get_state(filter->container, NULL, NULL, -1);
+    {
+        ERR("Failed to play stream.\n");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    WaitForSingleObject(filter->no_more_pads_event, INFINITE);
+    gst_pad_query_duration(filter->ppPins[0]->their_src, GST_FORMAT_TIME, &duration);
+    for (i = 0; i < filter->cStreams; ++i)
+    {
+        struct gstdemux_source *pin = filter->ppPins[i];
+        pin->seek.llDuration = pin->seek.llStop = duration / 100;
+        pin->seek.llCurrent = 0;
+        if (!pin->seek.llDuration)
+            pin->seek.dwCapabilities = 0;
+        WaitForSingleObject(pin->caps_event, INFINITE);
+    }
+    filter->ignore_flush = TRUE;
+    gst_element_set_state(filter->container, GST_STATE_READY);
+    gst_element_get_state(filter->container, NULL, NULL, -1);
+    filter->ignore_flush = FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+IUnknown * CALLBACK avi_splitter_create(IUnknown *outer, HRESULT *phr)
+    static const WCHAR sink_name[] = {'i','n','p','u','t',' ','p','i','n',0};
+    struct gstdemux *object;
+    if (!init_gstreamer())
+    {
+        *phr = E_FAIL;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    mark_wine_thread();
+    if (!(object = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(*object))))
+    {
+        *phr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    strmbase_filter_init(&object->filter, &GST_Vtbl, outer, &CLSID_AviSplitter, &filter_ops);
+    object->no_more_pads_event = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+    object->sink.dir = PINDIR_INPUT;
+    object->sink.filter = &object->filter;
+    lstrcpynW(object->sink.name, sink_name, ARRAY_SIZE(object->sink.name));
+    object->sink.IPin_iface.lpVtbl = &GST_InputPin_Vtbl;
+    object->sink.pFuncsTable = &avi_splitter_sink_ops;
+    object->init_gst = avi_splitter_init_gst;
+    *phr = S_OK;
+    TRACE("Created AVI splitter %p.\n", object);
+    return &object->filter.IUnknown_inner;
diff --git a/dlls/winegstreamer/main.c b/dlls/winegstreamer/main.c
index 1056d0d6674..80c76c33dd4 100644
--- a/dlls/winegstreamer/main.c
+++ b/dlls/winegstreamer/main.c
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ static const WCHAR wGstreamer_AudioConvert[] =
 {'G','S','t','r','e','a','m','e','r',' ','A','u','d','i','o','C','o','n','v','e','r','t',' ','f','i','l','t','e','r',0};
 static const WCHAR wave_parserW[] =
 {'W','a','v','e',' ','P','a','r','s','e','r',0};
+static const WCHAR avi_splitterW[] =
+{'A','V','I',' ','S','p','l','i','t','t','e','r',0};
 static WCHAR wNull[] = {'\0'};
@@ -223,6 +225,40 @@ static const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER wave_parser_filter_data =
+static const AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE avi_splitter_sink_type_data[] =
+static const AMOVIESETUP_PIN avi_splitter_pin_data[] =
+    {
+        NULL,
+        &GUID_NULL,
+        NULL,
+        ARRAY_SIZE(avi_splitter_sink_type_data),
+        avi_splitter_sink_type_data,
+    },
+    {
+        NULL,
+        &GUID_NULL,
+        NULL,
+        ARRAY_SIZE(amfMTvideo),
+        amfMTvideo,
+    },
+static const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER avi_splitter_filter_data =
+    &CLSID_AviSplitter,
+    avi_splitterW,
+    0x5ffff0,
+    ARRAY_SIZE(avi_splitter_pin_data),
+    avi_splitter_pin_data,
 FactoryTemplate const g_Templates[] = {
@@ -266,6 +302,13 @@ FactoryTemplate const g_Templates[] = {
+    {
+        avi_splitterW,
+        &CLSID_AviSplitter,
+        avi_splitter_create,
+        NULL,
+        &avi_splitter_filter_data,
+    },
 const int g_cTemplates = ARRAY_SIZE(g_Templates);

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