[PATCH] winex11.drv: Wait for XGrabPointer to succeed on FocusIn events.

Rémi Bernon rbernon at codeweavers.com
Fri Sep 20 05:36:50 CDT 2019

On 9/20/19 11:53 AM, Kimball Thurston wrote:
> Sorry, randomly saw this, and don't know the full context, so sorry if this
> is a rehash of what you've already looked at, or I didn't understand what
> you're trying to fix.
> But shouldn't you be doing the normal focus lost / gain notification, but
> instead paying attention to the EnterNotify for this condition? When the WM
> ungrabs the pointer, you won't necessarily receive a Focus In, but rather
> you should always receive an EnterNotify, and I believe it should have mode
> = NotifyUngrab and a detail of NotifyAncestor. In that condition, you could
> send the WM_ACTIVATE at that time and not try to track the focus gained /
> lost, which you may not get? For example, playing w/ xev under the awesome
> WM, when I use the hotkey + mouse to move a window, the window doesn't lose
> / gain focus while that happens, but it does receive the EnterNotify with
> the above conditions when the WM finishes the move.
> Kimball

You only get EnterNotify/LeaveNotify whenever the cursor enters or 
leaves the client area of a window, which is not the same as getting or 
losing focus. For example, if you use Alt-Tab without having the cursor 
inside the window, you only get FocusIn/FocusOut events.

The issue I'm trying to address is the difficulty to reproduce Windows 
message sequence on X11 when using decorated windows. On Windows, if the 
window frame is clicked, for example to move or resize the window, 
non-client WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message is received and a modal message loop 
is triggered to handle the window repositioning until the mouse is 
released. On X11 I couldn't find a reliable way to tell if the 
decoration frames were involved in the received events.
Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>

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