[PATCH 2/2] testbot/Submit: Rewrite the submit job page.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Thu Sep 26 09:35:55 CDT 2019

Preserve all parameters as the user moves from one step to the next and
back. This includes preserving and showing the selected extra VMs even
when the other extra VMs are hidden.
Also validate the parameters whenever the user moves forward so the page
never uses an invalid parameter.
Introduce a new VMRow structure to store information about which VMs are
compatible with the current job, which VMs to show, etc. This also
provides the basis for future extensions.

Signed-off-by: Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>

No significant changes on the UI side for this first patch. But it 
provides the framework for picking which Wine build to test the patches 
in, in which locale, deal with multi-dll / multi-test patches, etc.

 testbot/lib/WineTestBot/CGI/PageBase.pm |    5 +-
 testbot/web/Submit.pl                   | 1186 ++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 564 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/CGI/PageBase.pm b/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/CGI/PageBase.pm
index 0e6e25007..92fee8d81 100644
--- a/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/CGI/PageBase.pm
+++ b/testbot/lib/WineTestBot/CGI/PageBase.pm
@@ -258,8 +258,9 @@ EOF
   if ($self->SessionActive())
     print "        <li class='divider'> </li>\n";
-    print "        <li><p><a href='", MakeSecureURL("/OldSubmit.pl"),
-          "'>Submit job</a></p></li>\n";
+    print "        <li><p><a href='", MakeSecureURL("/Submit.pl"),
+          "'>Submit job</a> (<a href='", MakeSecureURL("/OldSubmit.pl"),
+          "'>Old UI</a>)</p></li>\n";
     print "        <li><p><a href='/Activity.pl'>Activity</a></p></li>\n";
     print "        <li><p><a href='/Stats.pl'>Statistics</a></p></li>\n";
     print "        <li class='divider'> </li>\n";
diff --git a/testbot/web/Submit.pl b/testbot/web/Submit.pl
index e0ccda3a3..2cc9c8022 100644
--- a/testbot/web/Submit.pl
+++ b/testbot/web/Submit.pl
@@ -43,37 +43,420 @@ use WineTestBot::Utils;
 use WineTestBot::VMs;
+# File upload
+sub _GetStagingFilePath($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  return "$DataDir/staging/" . $self->GetCurrentSession()->Id . "-websubmit_$self->{FileName}";
+sub _Upload($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  my $Src = $self->CGI->upload("FileName");
+  if (defined $Src)
+  {
+    my $OldUMask = umask(002);
+    if (open(my $Dst, ">", $self->_GetStagingFilePath()))
+    {
+      umask($OldUMask);
+      my $Buffer;
+      while (sysread($Src, $Buffer, 4096))
+      {
+        print $Dst $Buffer;
+      }
+      close($Dst);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      umask($OldUMask);
+      delete $self->{FileName};
+      $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Unable to save the uploaded file";
+      return undef;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    delete $self->{FileName};
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Unable to upload the file";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return 1;
+sub _GetFileType($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  return 1 if (defined $self->{FileType});
+  $self->{FileType} = "patch";
+  my $Fh;
+  if (!sysopen($Fh, $self->_GetStagingFilePath(), O_RDONLY))
+  {
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Unable to open '$self->{FileName}'";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  my $Buffer;
+  if (sysread($Fh, $Buffer, 0x40))
+  {
+    # Unpack IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
+    my @Fields = unpack "S30I", $Buffer;
+    if ($Fields[0] == 0x5a4d)
+    {
+      seek $Fh, $Fields[30], SEEK_SET;
+      if (sysread($Fh, $Buffer, 0x18))
+      {
+        @Fields = unpack "IS2I3S2", $Buffer;
+        if ($Fields[0] == 0x00004550)
+        {
+          if (($Fields[7] & 0x2000) == 0)
+          {
+            $self->{FileType} = "exe";
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            $self->{FileType} = "dll";
+          }
+          if ($Fields[1] == 0x014c)
+          {
+            $self->{FileType} .= "32";
+          }
+          elsif ($Fields[1] == 0x8664)
+          {
+            $self->{FileType} .= "64";
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            $self->{FileType} = "patch";
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    # zip files start with PK, 0x03, 0x04
+    elsif ($Fields[0] == 0x4b50 && $Fields[1] == 0x0403)
+    {
+      $self->{FileType} = "zip";
+    }
+  }
+  close($Fh);
+  if ($self->{FileType} !~ /^(?:exe32|exe64|patch)$/)
+  {
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Unsupported file type";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return 1;
+sub _AnalyzePatch($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  $self->{Impacts} ||= GetPatchImpacts($self->_GetStagingFilePath());
+  if (!$self->{Impacts}->{PatchedRoot} and
+      !$self->{Impacts}->{PatchedModules} and
+      !$self->{Impacts}->{PatchedTests})
+  {
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "'$self->{FileName}' is not a valid patch";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  if ($self->{Impacts}->{TestUnitCount} == 0)
+  {
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The patch does not impact the tests";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  if ($self->{Impacts}->{TestUnitCount} > 1)
+  {
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The patch contains changes to multiple tests";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return 1;
+# State validation
+sub _ValidateFileName($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  if (!defined $self->{FileName})
+  {
+    delete $self->{FileName};
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "You must provide a file to test";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  if (!IsValidFileName($self->{FileName}))
+  {
+    delete $self->{FileName};
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The filename contains invalid characters";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  my $PropertyDescriptor = CreateSteps()->GetPropertyDescriptorByName("FileName");
+  if ($PropertyDescriptor->GetMaxLength() - 32 - 1 < length($self->{FileName}))
+  {
+    delete $self->{FileName};
+    $self->{ErrField} = "FileName";
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The filename is too long";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return 1;
+sub _ValidateVMSelection($;$)
+  my ($self, $DeselectIncompatible) = @_;
+  return undef if (!$self->_GetFileType());
+  my @Deselected;
+  foreach my $VMRow (@{$self->{VMRows}})
+  {
+    if ($self->{FileType} eq "exe64" and $VMRow->{VM}->Type eq "win32")
+    {
+      # This VM cannot run 64 bit executables
+      $VMRow->{Incompatible} = 1;
+      if ($VMRow->{Checked})
+      {
+        if ($DeselectIncompatible)
+        {
+          $VMRow->{Checked} = undef;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          push @Deselected, $VMRow->{VM}->Name;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      delete $VMRow->{Incompatible};
+    }
+    if ($VMRow->{Checked})
+    {
+      # Count VMs so we can provide defaults or issue an error when needed
+      $self->{CheckedVMCount}++;
+      # Set ShowRun64 if page 3 should offer to run both the 32 and 64 bit
+      # version of a patch.
+      $self->{ShowRun64} = 1 if ($VMRow->{VM}->Type eq "win64");
+    }
+  }
+  if (@Deselected)
+  {
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The following VMs are incompatible and have been deselected: @Deselected";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return 1;
+sub Validate($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  # There is nothing to validate for error page 0
+  return $self->SUPER::Validate() if ($self->{Page} == 0);
+  # Validate the state from all past pages
+  if ($self->{Page} >= 1)
+  {
+    # Note that _GetFileType() assumes the file is a patch when it does not
+    # recognize it. So call _AnalyzePatch() to make sure it is legit.
+    if (!$self->_ValidateFileName() or !$self->_GetFileType() or
+        ($self->{FileType} eq "patch" and !$self->_AnalyzePatch()))
+    {
+      # The helper functions all set the error message already
+      return undef;
+    }
+    if (!defined $self->{Branch})
+    {
+      # Note that Page 1 should have provided a default
+      # so there is no reason for it to still be undefined.
+      $self->{ErrField} = "Branch";
+      $self->{ErrMessage} = "You must specify the branch to test";
+      return undef;
+    }
+    if (!CreateBranches()->GetItem($self->{Branch}))
+    {
+      $self->{ErrField} = "Branch";
+      $self->{ErrMessage} = "The '$self->{Branch}' branch does not exist";
+      return undef;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($self->{Page} >= 2)
+  {
+    return undef if (!$self->_ValidateVMSelection());
+    if (!$self->{CheckedVMCount})
+    {
+      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Select at least one VM";
+      return undef;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($self->{Page} >= 3)
+  {
+    if (($self->{FileType} eq "patch" and
+         $self->{TestExecutable} !~ m/^[\w_.]+_test\.exe$/) or
+        !IsValidFileName($self->{TestExecutable}))
+    {
+      $self->{ErrField} = "TestExecutable";
+      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Invalid test executable filename";
+      return undef;
+    }
+    if ($self->{CmdLineArg} eq "" and !$self->{NoCmdLineArgWarn})
+    {
+      $self->{ErrMessage} = "You did not specify a command line argument. ".
+                            "This is most likely not correct, so please ".
+                            "fix this. If you are sure that you really don't ".
+                            'want a command line argument, press "Submit" '.
+                            "again.";
+      $self->{ErrField} = "CmdLineArg";
+      $self->{NoCmdLineArgWarn} = 1;
+      return undef;
+    }
+  }
+  return $self->SUPER::Validate();
+# Page state management
+sub _GetParams($@)
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  map { $self->{$_} = $self->GetParam($_) } @_;
 sub _initialize($$$)
   my ($self, $Request, $RequiredRole) = @_;
-  $self->{Page} = $self->GetParam("Page") || 1;
+  # Reload the parameters from all pages so settings don't get lost
+  # when going back to change something.
+  $self->{Page} = $self->GetParam("Page");
   # Page is a hidden parameter so fix it instead of issuing an error
-  $self->{Page} = 1 if ($self->{Page} !~ /^[1-4]$/);
+  $self->{Page} = 1 if (!defined $self->{Page} or $self->{Page} !~ /^[0-3]$/);
   $self->{LastPage} = $self->{Page};
-  my @PropertyDescriptors1 = (
-    CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("Remarks", "Remarks", !1, !1, "A", 128),
-  );
-  $self->{PropertyDescriptors1} = \@PropertyDescriptors1;
-  my @PropertyDescriptors3 = (
-    CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("TestExecutable", "Test executable", !1, 1, "A", 50),
-    CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("CmdLineArg", "Command line arguments", !1, !1, "A", 50),
-    CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("Run64", "Run 64-bit tests in addition to 32-bit tests", !1, 1, "B", 1),
-    CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("DebugLevel", "Debug level (WINETEST_DEBUG)", !1, 1, "N", 2),
-    CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("ReportSuccessfulTests", "Report successful tests (WINETEST_REPORT_SUCCESS)", !1, 1, "B", 1),
-  );
-  $self->{PropertyDescriptors3} = \@PropertyDescriptors3;
-  if ($self->{Page} == 2)
+  # Load the Page 1 parameters
+  $self->_GetParams("FileName", "Branch", "Remarks");
+  # Load the Page 2 parameters
+  $self->_GetParams("ShowAll", "UserVMSelection");
+  my $VMs = CreateVMs();
+  $VMs->AddFilter("Type", ["win32", "win64", "wine"]);
+  $VMs->FilterEnabledRole();
+  my $SortedKeys = $VMs->SortKeysBySortOrder($VMs->GetKeys());
+  foreach my $VMKey (@$SortedKeys)
+  {
+    my $VM = $VMs->GetItem($VMKey);
+    my $VMRow = {
+      VM => $VM,
+      Field  => "vm_". $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VMKey),
+      Extra => $VM->Role ne "base",
+    };
+    $VMRow->{Checked} = $self->GetParam($VMRow->{Field});
+    push @{$self->{VMRows}}, $VMRow;
+  }
+  # Load the Page 3 parameters
+  $self->_GetParams("TestExecutable", "CmdLineArg", "NoCmdLineArgWarn",
+                    "Run64", "DebugLevel", "ReportSuccessfulTests");
+  $self->{DebugLevel} = 1 if (!defined $self->{DebugLevel});
+  # Load the Page 4 parameters
+  $self->{JobKey} = $self->GetParam("JobKey");
+  if (defined $self->{JobKey} and $self->{JobKey} !~ /^[0-9]+$/)
-    $self->{ShowAll} = defined($self->GetParam("ShowAll"));
+    # JobKey is a hidden parameter so drop it instead of issuing an error
+    delete $self->{JobKey};
   $self->SUPER::_initialize($Request, $RequiredRole, undef);
+sub _GenerateStateField($$)
+  my ($self, $Name) = @_;
+  if (defined $self->{$Name})
+  {
+    print "<input type='hidden' name='$Name' value='",
+          $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->{$Name}), "'>\n";
+  }
+sub _GenerateStateFields($)
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  $self->_GenerateStateField("Page");
+  if ($self->{Page} != 1)
+  {
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("Branch");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("FileName");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("Remarks");
+  }
+  if ($self->{Page} != 2)
+  {
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("ShowAll");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("UserVMSelection");
+    foreach my $VMRow (@{$self->{VMRows}})
+    {
+      next if ($VMRow->{Incompatible});
+      if ($VMRow->{Checked})
+      {
+        print "<input type='hidden' name='$VMRow->{Field}' value='on'>\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ($self->{Page} != 3)
+  {
+    # Don't save NoCmdLineArgWarn: let it be reset if the user goes back
+    # so he gets warned again.
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("TestExecutable");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("CmdLineArg");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("Run64");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("DebugLevel");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("ReportSuccessfulTests");
+  }
+# Page generation
 sub GetTitle($)
   #my ($self) = @_;
@@ -84,7 +467,14 @@ sub GetHeaderText($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  if ($self->{Page} == 1)
+  if ($self->{Page} == 0)
+  {
+    return "Your job was successfully queued, but the job engine that takes " .
+           "care of actually running it seems to be unavailable (perhaps it " .
+           "crashed). Your job will remain queued until the engine is " .
+           "restarted.";
+  }
+  elsif ($self->{Page} == 1)
     return "Specify the patch file that you want to upload and submit " .
            "for testing.<br>\n" .
@@ -102,13 +492,6 @@ sub GetHeaderText($)
     return $HeaderText;
-  elsif ($self->{Page} == 4)
-  {
-    return "Your job was successfully queued, but the job engine that takes " .
-           "care of actually running it seems to be unavailable (perhaps it " .
-           "crashed). Your job will remain queued until the engine is " .
-           "restarted.";
-  }
   return "";
@@ -117,17 +500,27 @@ sub GetPropertyDescriptors($)
   my ($self) = @_;
+  # Note that this may be called for different pages. For instance first to
+  # validate the properties of the page 1, then again to generate the form
+  # fields of page 2. See _SetPage().
   if ($self->{Page} == 1)
-    return $self->{PropertyDescriptors1};
+    $self->{PropertyDescriptors} ||= [
+      CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("Remarks", "Remarks", !1, !1, "A", 128),
+    ];
   elsif ($self->{Page} == 3)
-    my $IsPatch = ($self->GetParam("FileType") eq "patch");
-    $self->{PropertyDescriptors3}[0]->{IsRequired} = $IsPatch;
-    return $self->{PropertyDescriptors3};
+    $self->_GetFileType();
+    my $IsPatch = ($self->{FileType} eq "patch");
+    $self->{PropertyDescriptors} ||= [
+      CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("TestExecutable", "Test executable", !1, $IsPatch, "A", 50),
+      CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("CmdLineArg", "Command line arguments", !1, !1, "A", 50),
+      CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("Run64", "Run 64-bit tests in addition to 32-bit tests", !1, 1, "B", 1),
+      CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("DebugLevel", "Debug level (WINETEST_DEBUG)", !1, 1, "N", 2),
+      CreateBasicPropertyDescriptor("ReportSuccessfulTests", "Report successful tests (WINETEST_REPORT_SUCCESS)", !1, 1, "B", 1),
+    ];
   return $self->SUPER::GetPropertyDescriptors();
@@ -135,24 +528,30 @@ sub GenerateFields($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  print "<div><input type='hidden' name='Page' value='$self->{Page}'></div>\n";
-  if ($self->{Page} == 1)
+  # Save the settings that will not be edited by this page
+  $self->_GenerateStateFields();
+  if ($self->{Page} == 0)
+  {
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("JobKey");
+  }
+  elsif ($self->{Page} == 1)
     print "<div class='ItemProperty'><label>File</label>",
           "<div class='ItemValue'>",
-          "<input type='file' name='File' size='64' maxlength='64' />",
+          "<input type='file' name='FileName' size='64' maxlength='64' />",
           " <span class='Required'>*</span></div></div>\n";
     my $Branches = CreateBranches();
-    my $SelectedBranchKey = $self->GetParam("Branch");
-    if (! defined($SelectedBranchKey))
+    if (!defined $self->{Branch})
-      $SelectedBranchKey = $Branches->GetDefaultBranch()->GetKey();
+      my $DefaultBranch = $Branches->GetDefaultBranch();
+      $self->{Branch} = $DefaultBranch->GetKey() if ($DefaultBranch);
-    if (! $Branches->MultipleBranchesPresent())
+    if (!$Branches->MultipleBranchesPresent())
-      print "<div><input type='hidden' name='Branch' value='",
-            $self->CGI->escapeHTML($SelectedBranchKey),
-            "'></div>\n";
+      $self->_GenerateStateField("Branch");
@@ -164,173 +563,65 @@ sub GenerateFields($)
         my $Branch = $Branches->GetItem($Key);
         print "<option value='", $self->CGI->escapeHTML($Key), "'";
-        if ($Key eq $SelectedBranchKey)
+        if (defined $self->{Branch} and $Key eq $self->{Branch})
           print " selected";
         print ">", $self->CGI->escapeHTML($Branch->Name), "</option>";
-      print "</select>",
-            " <span class='Required'>*</span></div></div>\n";
+      print "</select> <span class='Required'>*</span></div></div>\n";
+    # The other fields are taken care of by FreeFormPage.
     $self->{HasRequired} = 1;
-  else
+  elsif ($self->{Page} == 2)
-    if (! defined($self->{FileName}))
-    {
-      $self->{FileName} = $self->GetParam("FileName");
-    }
-    if (! defined($self->{FileType}))
-    {
-      $self->{FileType} = $self->GetParam("FileType");
-    }
-    if (! defined($self->{TestExecutable}))
-    {
-      $self->{TestExecutable} = $self->GetParam("TestExecutable");
-    }
-    if (! defined($self->{CmdLineArg}))
-    {
-      $self->{CmdLineArg} = $self->GetParam("CmdLineArg");
-    }
-    print "<div><input type='hidden' name='Remarks' value='",
-          $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->GetParam("Remarks")), "'></div>\n";
-    print "<div><input type='hidden' name='FileName' value='",
-          $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->{FileName}), "'></div>\n";
-    print "<div><input type='hidden' name='FileType' value='",
-          $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->{FileType}), "'></div>\n";
-    print "<div><input type='hidden' name='Branch' value='",
-          $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->GetParam("Branch")), "'></div>\n";
-    if ($self->{Page} != 3)
-    {
-      if (defined($self->{TestExecutable}))
-      {
-        print "<div><input type='hidden' name='TestExecutable' value='",
-              $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->{TestExecutable}), "'></div>\n";
-      }
-      if (defined($self->{CmdLineArg}))
-      {
-        print "<div><input type='hidden' name='CmdLineArg' value='",
-              $self->CGI->escapeHTML($self->{CmdLineArg}), "'></div>\n";
-      }
-    }
-    if ($self->{Page} == 2)
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("ShowAll");
+    print "<div class='CollectionBlock'><table>\n";
+    print "<thead><tr><th class='Record'></th>\n";
+    print "<th class='Record'>VM Name</th>\n";
+    print "<th class='Record'>Description</th>\n";
+    print "</thead><tbody>\n";
+    my $Even = 1;
+    foreach my $VMRow (@{$self->{VMRows}})
-      if ($self->{LastPage} == 3)
-      {
-        my $VMs = CreateVMs();
-        # VMs that are only visible with ShowAll
-        $VMs->AddFilter("Role", ["winetest", "extra"]);
-        foreach my $VMKey (@{$VMs->GetKeys()})
-        {
-          my $FieldName = "vm_" . $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VMKey);
-          if (defined $self->GetParam($FieldName))
-          {
-            $self->{ShowAll} = 1;
-            last;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if ($self->{ShowAll})
-      {
-        print "<div><input type='hidden' name='ShowAll' value='1'></div>\n";
-      }
-      print "<div class='CollectionBlock'><table>\n";
-      print "<thead><tr><th class='Record'></th>\n";
-      print "<th class='Record'>VM Name</th>\n";
-      print "<th class='Record'>Description</th>\n";
-      print "</thead><tbody>\n";
-      my $VMs = CreateVMs();
-      if ($self->{FileType} eq "exe64")
-      {
-          $VMs->AddFilter("Type", ["win64", "wine"]);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-          $VMs->AddFilter("Type", ["win32", "win64", "wine"]);
-      }
-      if ($self->{ShowAll})
-      {
-        # All but the retired and deleted ones
-        $VMs->AddFilter("Role", ["base", "winetest", "extra"]);
-      }
-      else
+      next if ($VMRow->{Incompatible});
+      # Extra VMs may be hidden
+      next if ($VMRow->{Extra} and !$VMRow->{Checked} and !$self->{ShowAll});
+      # By default select the base VMs that are ready to run tasks
+      my $VM = $VMRow->{VM};
+      if (!$self->{UserVMSelection} and !$VMRow->{Extra} and
+          $VM->Status !~ /^(?:offline|maintenance)$/)
-        $VMs->AddFilter("Role", ["base"]);
+        $VMRow->{Checked} = 1;
-      my $Even = 1;
-      my $SortedKeys = $VMs->SortKeysBySortOrder($VMs->GetKeys());
-      foreach my $VMKey (@$SortedKeys)
-      {
-        my $VM = $VMs->GetItem($VMKey);
-        my $FieldName = "vm_" . $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VMKey);
-        print "<tr class='", ($Even ? "even" : "odd"),
-            "'><td><input name='$FieldName' type='checkbox'";
-        $Even = !$Even;
-        my ($Checked, $Status) = (1, "");
-        if ($VM->Status =~ /^(offline|maintenance)$/)
-        {
-          $Status = " [". $VM->Status ."]";
-          $Checked = undef;
-        }
-        if ($Checked and
-            ($self->{LastPage} == 1 || $self->GetParam($FieldName)))
-        {
-          print " checked='checked'";
-        }
-        print "/></td>\n";
-        print "<td>", $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VM->Name), "</td>\n";
-        print "<td><details><summary>",
-              $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VM->Description || $VM->Name),
-              "$Status</summary>",
-              $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VM->Details || "No details!"),
-              "</details></td>";
-        print "</tr>\n";
-      }
-      print "</tbody></table>\n";
-      print "</div><!--CollectionBlock-->\n";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if (defined($self->{NoCmdLineArgWarn}))
-      {
-        print "<div><input type='hidden' name='NoCmdLineArgWarn' value='on'>",
-              "</div>\n";
-      }
-      my $VMs = CreateVMs();
-      foreach my $VMKey (@{$VMs->GetKeys()})
-      {
-        my $FieldName = "vm_" . $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VMKey);
-        if ($self->GetParam($FieldName))
-        {
-          print "<div><input type='hidden' name='$FieldName' value='on'>",
-                "</div>\n";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if ($self->{Page} == 4)
-  {
-    if ($self->GetParam("JobKey"))
-    {
-      $self->{JobKey} = $self->GetParam("JobKey");
-    }
-    print "<div><input type='hidden' name='JobKey' value='", $self->{JobKey},
-          "'></div>\n";
-  }
-  $self->SUPER::GenerateFields();
+      print "<tr class='", ($Even ? "even" : "odd"),
+            "'><td><input name='$VMRow->{Field}' type='checkbox'";
+      $Even = !$Even;
+      print " checked='checked'" if ($VMRow->{Checked});
+      print "/></td>\n";
+      print "<td>", $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VM->Name), "</td>\n";
+      print "<td><details><summary>",
+            $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VM->Description || $VM->Name);
+      print " [", $VM->Status ,"]" if ($VM->Status =~ /^(?:offline|maintenance)$/);
+      print "</summary>",
+            $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VM->Details || "No details!"),
+            "</details></td>";
+      print "</tr>\n";
+    }
+    print "</tbody></table>\n";
-sub GenerateActions($)
-  my ($self) = @_;
+    # From now on it's the user's VM selection, i.e. don't pick defaults
+    $self->{UserVMSelection} = 1;
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("UserVMSelection");
+    print "</div><!--CollectionBlock-->\n";
-  if ($self->{Page} == 2)
-  {
+    # Add a "Toggle All" pseudo action
     print <<EOF;
 <script type='text/javascript'>
@@ -338,7 +629,7 @@ function ToggleAll()
   for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].elements.length; i++)
-    if(document.forms[0].elements[i].type == 'checkbox')
+    if (document.forms[0].elements[i].type == 'checkbox')
       document.forms[0].elements[i].checked = !(document.forms[0].elements[i].checked);
@@ -349,13 +640,25 @@ document.write("<div class='ItemActions'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='T
+    # Add a Show base/all VMs button separate from the other actions
     print "<div class='ItemActions'>\n";
     print "<input type='submit' name='Action' value='",
           $self->{ShowAll} ? "Show base VMs" : "Show all VMs", "'/>\n";
     print "</div>\n";
-  $self->SUPER::GenerateActions();
+  elsif ($self->{Page} == 3)
+  {
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("NoCmdLineArgWarn");
+    # Preserve these fields if they are not shown
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("Run64") if (!$self->{ShowRun64} or $self->{FileType} ne "patch");
+    $self->_GenerateStateField("TestExecutable") if ($self->{FileType} ne "patch");
+    # The other fields are taken care of by FreeFormPage.
+  }
+  $self->SUPER::GenerateFields();
 sub GetActions($)
@@ -363,7 +666,11 @@ sub GetActions($)
   my ($self) = @_;
   my $Actions = $self->SUPER::GetActions();
-  if ($self->{Page} == 1)
+  if ($self->{Page} == 0)
+  {
+    push @$Actions, "OK";
+  }
+  elsif ($self->{Page} == 1)
     push @$Actions, "Next >";
@@ -375,10 +682,6 @@ sub GetActions($)
     push @$Actions, "< Prev", "Submit";
-  elsif ($self->{Page} == 4)
-  {
-    push @$Actions, "OK";
-  }
   return $Actions;
@@ -390,306 +693,75 @@ sub DisplayProperty($$)
   if ($self->{Page} == 3)
     my $PropertyName = $PropertyDescriptor->GetName();
-    if ($self->GetParam("FileType") eq "patch")
+    if ($PropertyName eq "Run64")
-      if ($PropertyName eq "Run64")
-      {
-        my $Show64 = !1;
-        my $VMs = CreateVMs();
-        $VMs->AddFilter("Type", ["win64"]);
-        foreach my $VMKey (@{$VMs->GetKeys()})
-        {
-          my $FieldName = "vm_" . $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VMKey);
-          if ($self->GetParam($FieldName))
-          {
-            $Show64 = 1;
-            last;
-          }
-        }
-        if (! $Show64)
-        {
-          return "";
-        }
-      }
+      return "" if (!$self->{ShowRun64} or $self->{FileType} ne "patch");
-    else
+    elsif ($PropertyName eq "TestExecutable")
-      if ($PropertyName eq "TestExecutable" || $PropertyName eq "Run64")
-      {
-        return "";
-      }
+      return "" if ($self->{FileType} ne "patch");
   return $self->SUPER::DisplayProperty($PropertyDescriptor);
-sub GetPropertyValue($$)
+sub GetDisplayValue($$)
   my ($self, $PropertyDescriptor) = @_;
-  if ($self->{Page} == 3)
-  {
-    my $PropertyName = $PropertyDescriptor->GetName();
-    if ($PropertyName eq "DebugLevel")
-    {
-      return 1;
-    }
-    if ($PropertyName eq "Run64")
-    {
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return $self->SUPER::GetPropertyValue($PropertyDescriptor);
+  return $self->{$PropertyDescriptor->GetName()};
-sub GetTmpStagingFullPath($$)
-  my ($self, $FileName) = @_;
-  return undef if (!$FileName);
-  return "$DataDir/staging/" . $self->GetCurrentSession()->Id . "-websubmit_$FileName";
+# Page actions
-sub Validate($)
+sub _SetPage($$)
-  my ($self) = @_;
-  if ($self->{Page} == 2)
-  {
-    my $VMSelected = !1;
-    my $VMs = CreateVMs();
-    foreach my $VMKey (@{$VMs->GetKeys()})
-    {
-      my $FieldName = "vm_" . $self->CGI->escapeHTML($VMKey);
-      if ($self->GetParam($FieldName))
-      {
-        $VMSelected = 1;
-        last;
-      }
-    }
+  my ($self, $Page) = @_;
-    if (! $VMSelected)
-    {
-      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Select at least one VM";
-      return !1;
-    }
-  }
-  elsif ($self->{Page} == 3)
-  {
-    if (($self->GetParam("FileType") eq "patch" &&
-         $self->GetParam("TestExecutable") !~ m/^[\w_.]+_test\.exe$/) ||
-        !IsValidFileName($self->GetParam("TestExecutable")))
-    {
-      $self->{ErrField} = "TestExecutable";
-      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Invalid test executable filename";
-      return !1;
-    }
-    if ($self->GetParam("NoCmdLineArgWarn"))
-    {
-      $self->{NoCmdLineArgWarn} = 1;
-    }
-    elsif (! $self->GetParam("CmdLineArg"))
-    {
-      $self->{ErrMessage} = "You didn't specify a command line argument. " .
-                            "This is most likely not correct, so please " .
-                            "fix this. If you're sure that you really don't " .
-                            'want a command line argument, press "Submit" ' .
-                            "again.";
-      $self->{ErrField} = "CmdLineArg";
-      $self->{NoCmdLineArgWarn} = 1;
-      return !1;
-    }
-  }
-  return $self->SUPER::Validate();
+  $self->{Page} = $Page;
+  # Changing the page also changes the fields of the HTML form
+  delete $self->{PropertyDescriptors};
-sub ValidateAndGetFileName($$)
+sub OnPage1Next($)
-  my ($self, $FieldName) = @_;
+  my ($self) = @_;
-  my $FileName = $self->GetParam($FieldName);
-  if (!$FileName)
-  {
-    $self->{ErrField} = $FieldName;
-    $self->{ErrMessage} = "You must provide a file to test";
-    return undef;
-  }
-  if (!IsValidFileName($FileName))
-  {
-    $self->{ErrField} = $FieldName;
-    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The filename contains invalid characters";
-    return undef;
-  }
-  my $PropertyDescriptor = CreateSteps()->GetPropertyDescriptorByName("FileName");
-  if ($PropertyDescriptor->GetMaxLength() - 32 - 1 < length($FileName))
+  if (!$self->_ValidateFileName() or !$self->_Upload() or !$self->Validate() or
+      !$self->_ValidateVMSelection("deselect"))
-    $self->{ErrField} = $FieldName;
-    $self->{ErrMessage} = "The filename is too long";
     return undef;
-  return $FileName;
-sub DetermineFileType($$)
-  my ($self, $FileName) = @_;
-  if (! sysopen(FH, $FileName, O_RDONLY))
-  {
-    return ("Unable to open $FileName", "unknown", undef, undef);
-  }
-  my $FileType = "unknown";
-  my $Buffer;
-  if (sysread(FH, $Buffer, 0x40))
+  # Set defaults
+  if ((!defined $self->{TestExecutable} or !defined $self->{CmdLineArg}) and
+      $self->{Impacts})
-    # Unpack IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
-    my @Fields = unpack "S30I", $Buffer;
-    if ($Fields[0] == 0x5a4d)
+    foreach my $TestInfo (values %{$self->{Impacts}->{Tests}})
-      seek FH, $Fields[30], SEEK_SET;
-      if (sysread(FH, $Buffer, 0x18))
+      next if (!$TestInfo->{UnitCount});
+      if (!defined $self->{TestExecutable})
-        @Fields = unpack "IS2I3S2", $Buffer;
-        if ($Fields[0] == 0x00004550)
-        {
-          if (($Fields[7] & 0x2000) == 0)
-          {
-            $FileType = "exe";
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            $FileType = "dll";
-          }
-          if ($Fields[1] == 0x014c)
-          {
-            $FileType .= "32";
-          }
-          elsif ($Fields[1] == 0x8664)
-          {
-            $FileType .= "64";
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            $FileType = "unknown";
-          }
-        }
+        $self->{TestExecutable} = "$TestInfo->{ExeBase}.exe";
-    }
-    # zip files start with PK, 0x03, 0x04
-    elsif ($Fields[0] == 0x4b50 && $Fields[1] == 0x0403)
-    {
-      $FileType = "zip";
-    }
-  }
-  close FH;
-  my ($ErrMessage, $ExeBase, $TestUnit);
-  if ($FileType eq "unknown")
-  {
-    my $Impacts = GetPatchImpacts($FileName);
-    if ($Impacts->{TestUnitCount} == 0)
-    {
-      $ErrMessage = "Patch doesn't affect tests";
-    }
-    elsif ($Impacts->{TestUnitCount} > 1)
-    {
-      $ErrMessage = "Patch contains changes to multiple tests";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      foreach my $TestInfo (values %{$Impacts->{Tests}})
+      if (!defined $self->{CmdLineArg})
-        if ($TestInfo->{UnitCount})
-        {
-          $FileType = "patch";
-          $ExeBase = $TestInfo->{ExeBase};
-          $TestUnit = (keys %{$TestInfo->{PatchedUnits}})[0];
-          last;
-        }
+        $self->{CmdLineArg} = (keys %{$TestInfo->{PatchedUnits}})[0];
+      last;
-  elsif ($FileType eq "dll32" || $FileType eq "dll64" || $FileType eq "zip")
+  if (!defined $self->{Run64})
-    # We know what these are but not what to do with them. So reject them early.
-    $FileType = "unknown";
+    # Whether we show it or not the default is true
+    $self->{Run64} = 1;
-  return ($ErrMessage, $FileType, $ExeBase, $TestUnit);
-sub OnPage1Next($)
-  my ($self) = @_;
-  my $BaseName = $self->ValidateAndGetFileName("File");
-  return !1 if (!$BaseName);
-  my $Fh = $self->CGI->upload("File");
-  if (defined($Fh))
-  {
-    my $StagingFile = $self->GetTmpStagingFullPath($BaseName);
-    my $OldUMask = umask(002);
-    if (! open (OUTFILE,">$StagingFile"))
-    {
-      umask($OldUMask);
-      $self->{ErrField} = "File";
-      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Unable to process uploaded file";
-      return !1;
-    }
-    umask($OldUMask);
-    my $Buffer;
-    while (sysread($Fh, $Buffer, 4096))
-    {
-      print OUTFILE $Buffer;
-    }
-    close OUTFILE;
-    my ($ErrMessage, $FileType, $ExeBase, $TestUnit) = $self->DetermineFileType($StagingFile);
-    if (defined($ErrMessage))
-    {
-      $self->{ErrField} = "File";
-      $self->{ErrMessage} = $ErrMessage;
-      return !1;
-    }
-    if ($FileType !~ /^(?:exe32|exe64|patch)$/)
-    {
-      $self->{ErrField} = "File";
-      $self->{ErrMessage} = "Unrecognized file type";
-      return !1;
-    }
-    $self->{FileName} = $BaseName;
-    $self->{FileType} = $FileType;
-    if (defined $ExeBase)
-    {
-      $self->{TestExecutable} = "$ExeBase.exe";
-    }
-    if (defined($TestUnit))
-    {
-      $self->{CmdLineArg} = $TestUnit;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    $self->{ErrField} = "File";
-    $self->{ErrMessage} = "File upload failed";
-    return !1;
-  }
-  if (! $self->Validate)
-  {
-    return !1;
-  }
-  $self->{Page} = 2;
+  $self->_SetPage(2);
   return 1;
@@ -697,13 +769,9 @@ sub OnPage2Next($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  if (! $self->Validate)
-  {
-    return !1;
-  }
-  $self->{Page} = 3;
+  return undef if (!$self->Validate);
+  $self->_SetPage(3);
   return 1;
@@ -711,15 +779,20 @@ sub OnPage2Prev($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  my $FileName = $self->GetParam("FileName");
-  if ($FileName)
+  if (!$self->_ValidateFileName())
-    my $StagingFileName = $self->GetTmpStagingFullPath(basename($FileName));
-    unlink($StagingFileName) if ($StagingFileName);
+    # Ignore the error. What counts is not using a suspicious FileName.
+    delete $self->{ErrField};
+    delete $self->{ErrMessage};
+  }
+  elsif (defined $self->{FileName})
+  {
+    my $StagingFilePath = $self->_GetStagingFilePath();
+    unlink($StagingFilePath) if ($StagingFilePath);
+    delete $self->{FileName};
-  $self->{Page} = 1;
+  $self->_SetPage(1);
   return 1;
@@ -727,15 +800,21 @@ sub OnPage3Prev($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  $self->{Page} = 2;
+  # Set to 0 instead of undef to record the user preference
+  $self->{Run64} ||= 0;
+  $self->{ReportSuccessfulTests} ||= 0;
-  return 1;
+  $self->_SetPage(2);
+  # Don't try to generate page 2 from bad data (typically because of an invalid
+  # FileName). Instead go back to page 1.
+  return $self->Validate() ? 1 : $self->OnPage2Prev();
-sub SubmitJob($$$)
+sub _SubmitJob($$)
-  my ($self, $BaseName, $Staging) = @_;
+  my ($self, $Staging) = @_;
   # See also Patches::Submit() in lib/WineTestBot/Patches.pm
@@ -744,32 +823,18 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
   my $NewJob = $Jobs->Add();
-  if ($self->GetParam("Remarks"))
-  {
-    $NewJob->Remarks($self->GetParam("Remarks"));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    $NewJob->Remarks($self->GetParam("CmdLineArg"));
-  }
-  my $Branch = CreateBranches()->GetItem($self->GetParam("Branch"));
-  if (defined($Branch))
-  {
-    $NewJob->Branch($Branch);
-  }
+  $NewJob->Remarks($self->{Remarks} || $self->{CmdLineArg} || "");
+  my $Branch = CreateBranches()->GetItem($self->{Branch});
+  $NewJob->Branch($Branch) if (defined $Branch);
   my $Steps = $NewJob->Steps;
-  # Add steps and tasks for the 32 and 64-bit tests
-  my $FileType = $self->GetParam("FileType");
-  my $Impacts;
-  $Impacts = GetPatchImpacts($Staging) if ($FileType eq "patch");
+  # Add steps and tasks for the 32 and 64 bit tests
   my $BuildStep;
   foreach my $Bits ("32", "64")
-    next if ($Bits eq "32" && $FileType eq "exe64");
-    next if ($Bits eq "64" && $FileType eq "exe32");
-    next if ($Bits eq "64" && $FileType eq "patch" && !defined($self->GetParam("Run64")));
+    next if ($Bits eq "32" && $self->{FileType} eq "exe64");
+    next if ($Bits eq "64" && $self->{FileType} eq "exe32");
+    next if ($Bits eq "64" && $self->{FileType} eq "patch" && !defined $self->{Run64});
     my $Tasks;
     my $VMs = CreateVMs();
@@ -783,12 +848,12 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
       if (!$Tasks)
-        if (!$BuildStep and $FileType eq "patch")
+        if (!$BuildStep and $self->{FileType} eq "patch")
           # This is a patch so add a build step...
           $BuildStep = $Steps->Add();
-          $BuildStep->FileName($BaseName);
-          $BuildStep->FileType($FileType);
+          $BuildStep->FileName($self->{FileName});
+          $BuildStep->FileType($self->{FileType});
@@ -801,11 +866,11 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
           my $MissionStatement = "exe32";
-          $MissionStatement .= ":exe64" if (defined $self->GetParam("Run64"));
+          $MissionStatement .= ":exe64" if (defined $self->{Run64});
           my ($ErrMessage, $Missions) = ParseMissionStatement($MissionStatement);
           if (!defined $ErrMessage)
-            $Task->Timeout(GetBuildTimeout($Impacts, $Missions->[0]));
+            $Task->Timeout(GetBuildTimeout($self->{Impacts}, $Missions->[0]));
             # Save the build step so the others can reference it
@@ -814,27 +879,27 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
           if (defined $ErrMessage)
             $self->{ErrMessage} = $ErrMessage;
-            return !1;
+            return undef;
         # Then create the test step
         my $TestStep = $Steps->Add();
-        if ($FileType eq "patch")
+        if ($self->{FileType} eq "patch")
-          my $TestExe = basename($self->GetParam("TestExecutable"));
+          my $TestExe = basename($self->{TestExecutable});
           $TestExe =~ s/_test\.exe$/_test64.exe/ if ($Bits eq "64");
-          $TestStep->FileName($BaseName);
+          $TestStep->FileName($self->{FileName});
-        $TestStep->DebugLevel($self->GetParam("DebugLevel"));
-        $TestStep->ReportSuccessfulTests(defined($self->GetParam("ReportSuccessfulTests")));
+        $TestStep->DebugLevel($self->{DebugLevel});
+        $TestStep->ReportSuccessfulTests(defined $self->{ReportSuccessfulTests});
         $Tasks = $TestStep->Tasks;
@@ -843,7 +908,7 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
-      $Task->CmdLineArg($self->GetParam("CmdLineArg"));
+      $Task->CmdLineArg($self->{CmdLineArg});
@@ -861,16 +926,16 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
       # First create the Wine test step
       my $WineStep = $Steps->Add();
-      $WineStep->FileName($BaseName);
-      $WineStep->FileType($FileType);
+      $WineStep->FileName($self->{FileName});
+      $WineStep->FileType($self->{FileType});
-      $WineStep->DebugLevel($self->GetParam("DebugLevel"));
-      $WineStep->ReportSuccessfulTests(defined($self->GetParam("ReportSuccessfulTests")));
+      $WineStep->DebugLevel($self->{DebugLevel});
+      $WineStep->ReportSuccessfulTests(defined $self->GetParam("ReportSuccessfulTests"));
       $Tasks = $WineStep->Tasks;
-      $MissionStatement = ($FileType =~ /^(?:exe32|patch)$/) ? "win32" : "";
-      if ($FileType eq "exe64" or
-          ($FileType eq "patch" and defined $self->GetParam("Run64")))
+      $MissionStatement = ($self->{FileType} =~ /^(?:exe32|patch)$/) ? "win32" : "";
+      if ($self->{FileType} eq "exe64" or
+          ($self->{FileType} eq "patch" and defined $self->{Run64}))
         $MissionStatement .= ":wow64";
@@ -880,13 +945,13 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
       if (defined $ErrMessage)
         $self->{ErrMessage} = $ErrMessage;
-        return !1;
+        return undef;
       $Missions = $Missions->[0];
-      $Timeout = $FileType ne "patch" ?
+      $Timeout = $self->{FileType} ne "patch" ?
                  $SingleTimeout :
-                 GetBuildTimeout($Impacts, $Missions) +
-                 GetTestTimeout($Impacts, $Missions);
+                 GetBuildTimeout($self->{Impacts}, $Missions) +
+                 GetTestTimeout($self->{Impacts}, $Missions);
     # Then add a task for this VM
@@ -894,31 +959,31 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
-    $Task->CmdLineArg($self->GetParam("CmdLineArg")) if ($FileType ne "patch");
+    $Task->CmdLineArg($self->{CmdLineArg}) if ($self->{FileType} ne "patch");
   # Now save it all (or whatever's left to save)
   my ($ErrKey, $ErrProperty, $ErrMessage) = $Jobs->Save();
-  if (defined($ErrMessage))
+  if (defined $ErrMessage)
     $self->{ErrMessage} = $ErrMessage;
-    return !1;
+    return undef;
   # Stage the test patch/executable so the job can pick it up
-  if (!rename($Staging, "$DataDir/staging/job". $NewJob->Id ."_$BaseName"))
+  if (!rename($Staging, "$DataDir/staging/job". $NewJob->Id ."_$self->{FileName}"))
-    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Could not stage '$BaseName': $!\n";
-    return !1;
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Could not stage '$self->{FileName}': $!\n";
+    return undef;
   # Switch Status to staging to indicate we are done setting up the job
   ($ErrKey, $ErrProperty, $ErrMessage) = $Jobs->Save();
-  if (defined($ErrMessage))
+  if (defined $ErrMessage)
     $self->{ErrMessage} = $ErrMessage;
-    return !1;
+    return undef;
   # Notify engine
@@ -926,9 +991,9 @@ sub SubmitJob($$$)
   if (defined $ErrMessage)
     $self->{ErrMessage} = $ErrMessage;
-    $self->{Page} = 4;
+    $self->_SetPage(0);
     $self->{JobKey} = $NewJob->GetKey();
-    return !1;
+    return undef;
   $self->Redirect("/JobDetails.pl?Key=". $NewJob->GetKey()); # does not return
@@ -939,62 +1004,59 @@ sub OnSubmit($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  return !1 if (!$self->Validate());
-  my $BaseName = $self->ValidateAndGetFileName("FileName");
-  return !1 if (!$BaseName);
+  return undef if (!$self->Validate());
   # Rename the staging file to avoid race conditions if the user clicks on
   # Submit multiple times
-  my $OldStaging = $self->GetTmpStagingFullPath($BaseName);
-  my $Staging = CreateNewLink($OldStaging, "$DataDir/staging", $BaseName);
+  my $OldStaging = $self->_GetStagingFilePath();
+  my $Staging = CreateNewLink($OldStaging, "$DataDir/staging", $self->{FileName});
   if (!defined $Staging)
-    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Could not rename '$BaseName': $!";
-    return !1;
+    $self->{ErrMessage} = "Could not rename '$self->{FileName}': $!";
+    return undef;
   if (!unlink $OldStaging)
     unlink $Staging;
     $self->{ErrMessage} = $!{ENOENT} ?
-        "$BaseName has already been submitted or has expired" :
-        "Could not remove the staging '$BaseName' file: $!";
-    return !1;
+        "$self->{FileName} has already been submitted or has expired" :
+        "Could not remove the staging '$self->{FileName}' file: $!";
+    return undef;
-  if (!$self->SubmitJob($BaseName, $Staging))
+  if (!$self->_SubmitJob($Staging))
     # Restore the file for the next attempt
     rename($Staging, $OldStaging);
-    return !1;
+    return undef;
   return 1;
-sub OnShowAllVMs($)
+sub OnSetShowAllVMs($$)
-  my ($self) = @_;
-  $self->{ShowAll} = 1;
+  my ($self, $Value) = @_;
-  return !1;
-sub OnShowBaseVMs($)
-  my ($self) = @_;
-  $self->{ShowAll} = !1;
+  # Call _ValidateVMSelection() to identify incompatible VMs so they are not
+  # marked as Checked
+  if (!$self->_ValidateVMSelection("deselect"))
+  {
+    # Ignore errors
+    delete $self->{ErrField};
+    delete $self->{ErrMessage};
+  }
+  $self->{ShowAll} = $Value;
-  return !1;
+  return undef;
 sub OnOK($)
   my ($self) = @_;
-  if (defined($self->GetParam("JobKey")))
+  if (defined $self->{JobKey})
-    $self->Redirect("/JobDetails.pl?Key=" . $self->GetParam("JobKey")); # does not return
+    $self->Redirect("/JobDetails.pl?Key=$self->{JobKey}"); # does not return
@@ -1020,11 +1082,11 @@ sub OnAction($$)
   elsif ($Action eq "Show base VMs")
-    return $self->OnShowBaseVMs();
+    return $self->OnSetShowAllVMs(undef);
   elsif ($Action eq "Show all VMs")
-    return $self->OnShowAllVMs();
+    return $self->OnSetShowAllVMs(1);
   elsif ($Action eq "OK")

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