[PATCH 4/4] d2d1: Implement cubic bezier-line intersection.

Paul Gofman gofmanp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 12:36:34 CDT 2020

On 4/2/20 19:42, Connor McAdams wrote:
> I will see if I can get an Alberth method function written without too
> much difficulty and test it out, maybe run some speed tests between
> the two.

I still can't understand the motivation why would you pursue a more
complicated and general method which is not required for the problem,
has more work to do by finding all the complex roots and having special
requirements for initial value estimation. Analytical solution is
probably good enough, even using doubles there is probably an overshoot.
If for any reason you don't like it one root can be found by bisection.
That is especially handy given you are interested in roots in 0.0 - 1.0
interval only, so you immediately know how to bound your search instead
of caring about correct initial estimation for a generic iterative
method). Then, given the polynomial is P_3(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d,
and x1 is root (that is, P_3(x1) = 0), factoring this root out gives:

P_2(x) = a*x^2 + (b + a*x1)*x + (c + b*x1 + a*x1^2)*x.

What do you expect to go wrong with these quadratic polynomial
coefficients accuracy? Especially given you are interested in a root in
[0-1] interval only? If you could expect some special polynomial
coefficients there that would mean that you would have troubles just
evaluating such a polynomial without searching for any roots and would
have to reformulate the problem in some way, but I doubt this is a real

I suppose it would be more practical to make some tests for this, from
higher level (testing how the intersection works, including degraded and
corner cases like vertical lines, horizontal lines etc.) to the inner
root finding solution function (given it is very easy to test by
substituting the found roots in the initial polynomial).

Also things like this:

+    theta = -atan2f(q[1]->y - q[0]->y, q[1]->x - q[0]->x);
+    /* Rotate the Y coordinates of the cubic bezier. */
+    y[0] = (p[0]->x - q[0]->x) * sinf(theta) + (p[0]->y - q[0]->y) *
+    y[1] = (p[1]->x - q[0]->x) * sinf(theta) + (p[1]->y - q[0]->y) *
+    y[2] = (p[2]->x - q[0]->x) * sinf(theta) + (p[2]->y - q[0]->y) *
+    y[3] = (p[3]->x - q[0]->x) * sinf(theta) + (p[3]->y - q[0]->y) *

Apart from computing sin and cos 4 times each, you can avoid using any
transcendental function by normalizing (q[1]->y - q[0]->y, q[1]->x -
q[0]->x) vector and just using its components instead of sin, cos.

> Also, I guess I should switch over to doubles then as well. I'll see
> if that makes any differences.
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:14 PM Paul Gofman <gofmanp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 4/1/20 20:03, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:
>>> Il 01/04/20 18:46, Paul Gofman ha scritto:
>>>> Given the complex roots are not needed here and the polynomial is always
>>>> cubic, is this generic method really beneficial? It would probably be
>>>> simpler and quicker to find one root x1 with simple bisection, then
>>>> divide the polynomial into (x - x1) and deal with remaining quadratic
>>>> equation.
>>> This kind of division is typically numerically unstable. It might be
>>> that for cubic polynomials the problem is not very apparent,
>> Yes, factoring out the roots from a high degree polynomial can
>> accumulate the error, but how's that a problem for just one root?
>> Also, I think just using double precision in analytical solution will
>> avoid any practical stability problems in this case.

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