[PATCH 0/6] dxgi: Implement waitable swap chain for D3D12.

Philip Rebohle philip.rebohle at tu-dortmund.de
Wed Apr 15 10:22:55 CDT 2020

This series implements DXGI 1.3 frame latency events for D3D12 swap chains,
which is used by Resident Evil 2/3, and is required for Monster Hunter World.

The implementation just signals a D3D12 fence after presenting, and uses its
SetEventOnCompletion function to signal the event, which doesn't necessarily
happen after the Vulkan present operation has finished on the GPU, but will
always happen after the command buffer that blits the back buffer to the
Vulkan swap chain image has finished execution, so it should be good enough,
since the D3D12 app does not have direct access to the Vulkan swap chain.

- Philip

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