[PATCH 2/5] msscript.ocx: Move ScriptControl::Run implementation into a helper.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 10:51:05 CDT 2020

On 04/08/2020 18:04, Jacek Caban wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> Could we just move it to ScriptModule::Run and call it from here like 
> you do for get_CodeObject in the other patch?
> Thanks,
> Jacek

Hi Jacek,

Unfortunately we'd still have to do all the extra error checking before 
calling it, because it seems it matters for the tests and how they 
report the errors (in what order).

So it wouldn't change much, except not have the helper. Do you still 
think it's worth it?


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