[PATCH] kernel32/tests: Don't test functions directly when reporting GetLastError()

Marvin testbot at winehq.org
Sat Dec 19 10:06:23 CST 2020


While running your changed tests, I think I found new failures.
Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be
wrong, but could you please double-check?

Full results can be found at:

Your paranoid android.

=== w1064 (32 bit report) ===

debugger.c:145: Test failed: unable to open 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF1A8.tmp'
debugger.c:145: Test failed: failed to open: C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF1A8.tmp
debugger.c:657: Test failed: the child and debugged pids don't match: 8116 != 7972

=== w1064 (testbot log) ===

The task timed out

=== w10pro64 (32 bit report) ===

debugger.c:145: Test failed: unable to open 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF765.tmp'
debugger.c:145: Test failed: failed to open: C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF765.tmp
debugger.c:657: Test failed: the child and debugged pids don't match: 7384 != 8012

=== w10pro64 (testbot log) ===

The task timed out

=== w1064v1809 (64 bit report) ===

debugger.c:1661: Test failed: unexpected instruction pointer 00007FFFB75AF844

=== w1064 (64 bit report) ===

debugger.c:145: Test failed: unable to open 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtEE6C.tmp'
debugger.c:145: Test failed: failed to open: C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtEE6C.tmp
debugger.c:657: Test failed: the child and debugged pids don't match: 8156 != 7932

=== w1064_2qxl (64 bit report) ===

debugger.c:145: Test failed: unable to open 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wt15AB.tmp'
debugger.c:145: Test failed: failed to open: C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wt15AB.tmp
debugger.c:657: Test failed: the child and debugged pids don't match: 7196 != 7160

=== w10pro64 (64 bit report) ===

debugger.c:145: Test failed: unable to open 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF5A0.tmp'
debugger.c:145: Test failed: failed to open: C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF5A0.tmp
debugger.c:657: Test failed: the child and debugged pids don't match: 7328 != 4756

=== w10pro64 (testbot log) ===

The task timed out

=== w10pro64_ar (64 bit report) ===

debugger.c:1661: Test failed: unexpected instruction pointer 00007FFD44C2BEA4

=== w10pro64_zh_CN (64 bit report) ===

debugger.c:145: Test failed: unable to open 'C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF263.tmp'
debugger.c:145: Test failed: failed to open: C:\Users\winetest\AppData\Local\Temp\wtF263.tmp
debugger.c:657: Test failed: the child and debugged pids don't match: 8172 != 8132

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