sponsored development to make Autodesk's "DWG TrueView" installer work

René Genz rene.genz at gmx.de
Tue Feb 11 16:14:01 CST 2020

Dear sir or madam,

I would like to use Autodesk's "DWG TrueView 2020" to open DWG files on GNU/Linux without using a virtual computer running Microsoft Windows.
But the installer fails in Crossover and Wine [1].
It is a known issue [2].
You can try the installer yourself [3].
I cannot fix it.

I would like to spend money to make the installer work.
Whom can I sponsor?
At which company can I buy development hours?
Are there other options from your point of view?

Thank you for your input.

I tried "DWG TrueView 2020" with Crossover 18.5.0 without success.
The installer fails with error message "Install error 120: Call not implemented."
I tried with Wine 4.14, 5.0, and 5.1 staging on Fedora 30 x86_64. Same problem.

On 2019-08-24 I reported the problem to Codeweavers at:
The problem was confirmed 2 days later, but no solution available.
I asked for information about sponsored development to no avail.

This seems to be the bug on WineHQ.org:

Since the 2020 version a 64-bit operating system is required.
On the website:
you can download the "DWG TrueView" installer. It is 680 MiB.
Note that the installer will download 1.9 GiB during installation.
Kind regards,

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