[PATCH] [include] Add IWbemContext and IWebCallResult interface and other class definitions

Vijay Kiran Kamuju infyquest at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 07:22:03 CST 2020

Signed-off-by: Vijay Kiran Kamuju <infyquest at gmail.com>
 include/wbemcli.idl | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/include/wbemcli.idl b/include/wbemcli.idl
index 54cdb886aac..4d5123b77ac 100644
--- a/include/wbemcli.idl
+++ b/include/wbemcli.idl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0x4590f811,0x1d3A,0x11d0,0x89,0x1f,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x4b,0x2e,0x24);")
+cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0x4590f811,0x1d3a,0x11d0,0x89,0x1f,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x4b,0x2e,0x24);")
 cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WbemStatusCode, 0xeb87e1bd,0x3233,0x11d2,0xae,0xc9,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0xb6,0x88,0x20);")
 import "oaidl.idl";
@@ -333,6 +333,47 @@ typedef [v1_enum] enum tag_WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE
     WBEM_FLAG_STRONG_VALIDATION         = 0x100000
+    object,
+    restricted,
+    uuid(44aca674-e8fc-11d0-a07c-00c04fb68820)
+interface IWbemContext : IUnknown
+    HRESULT Clone(
+        [out] IWbemContext **ppNewCopy);
+    HRESULT GetNames(
+        [in] long lFlags,
+        [out] SAFEARRAY(BSTR*) pNames);
+    HRESULT BeginEnumeration(
+        [in] long lFlags);
+    HRESULT Next(
+        [in] long lFlags,
+        [out] BSTR *pstrName,
+        [out] VARIANT *pValue);
+    HRESULT EndEnumeration();
+    HRESULT SetValue(
+        [in, string] LPCWSTR wszName,
+        [in] long lFlags,
+        [in] VARIANT *pValue);
+    HRESULT GetValue(
+        [in, string] LPCWSTR wszName,
+        [in] long lFlags,
+        [out] VARIANT *pValue);
+    HRESULT DeleteValue(
+        [in, string] LPCWSTR wszName,
+        [in] long lFlags);
+    HRESULT DeleteAll();
@@ -486,6 +527,30 @@ interface IWbemServices : IUnknown
         [in] IWbemObjectSink *pResponseHandler);
+    object,
+    restricted,
+    uuid(44aca675-e8fc-11d0-a07c-00c04fb68820)
+interface IWbemCallResult : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetResultObject(
+        [in] long lTimeout,
+        [out] IWbemClassObject **ppResultObject);
+    HRESULT GetResultString(
+        [in] long lTimeout,
+        [out] BSTR *pstrResultString);
+    HRESULT GetResultServices(
+        [in] long lTimeout,
+        [out] IWbemServices **ppServices);
+    HRESULT GetCallStatus(
+        [in] long lTimeout,
+        [out] long *plStatus);
@@ -703,3 +768,19 @@ coclass UnsecuredApartment
     interface IUnsecuredApartment;
     interface IWbemUnsecuredApartment;
+    uuid(9a653086-174f-11d2-b5f9-00104b703efd)
+coclass WbemClassObject
+    interface IWbemClassObject;
+    uuid(eb87e1bd-3233-11d2-aec9-00c04fb68820)
+coclass WbemStatusCodeText
+    interface IWbemStatusCodeText;

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