[PATCH v4] amstream: Implement IAMMultiMediaStream::GetDuration.

Myah Caron qsniyg at protonmail.com
Tue Jul 28 13:37:09 CDT 2020

Signed-off-by: Myah Caron <qsniyg at protonmail.com>
v4: Check if AddMediaStream returns VFW_E_NO_AUDIO_HARDWARE for detecting broken windows server 2008 tests.

I didn't implement the decimal duration printing in this revision, as I wasn't sure what a clean way to do this would be (as %lld and %llu appear to be unused except in unix sections of the code, and compiling with them produced warnings).

I looked around to check what other parts of the codebase used in this situation, but I wasn't able to find anything other than wine_dbgstr_longlong (though my grep-fu does leave a lot to be desired).

Sorry for the constant back-and-forth, and thank you for your patience.. I'm hoping my future patches will be cleaner from the get-go :)

 dlls/amstream/multimedia.c     |  7 ++-
 dlls/amstream/tests/amstream.c | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/amstream/multimedia.c b/dlls/amstream/multimedia.c
index 200bd5c4a5..8f978b72ff 100644
--- a/dlls/amstream/multimedia.c
+++ b/dlls/amstream/multimedia.c
@@ -177,9 +177,12 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI multimedia_stream_GetDuration(IAMMultiMediaStream *iface,
     struct multimedia_stream *This = impl_from_IAMMultiMediaStream(iface);

-    FIXME("(%p/%p)->(%p) stub!\n", This, iface, pDuration);
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%p)\n", This, iface, pDuration);

-    return E_NOTIMPL;
+    if (!This->media_seeking)
+        return E_NOINTERFACE;
+    return IMediaSeeking_GetDuration(This->media_seeking, pDuration);

 static HRESULT WINAPI multimedia_stream_Seek(IAMMultiMediaStream *iface, STREAM_TIME seek_time)
diff --git a/dlls/amstream/tests/amstream.c b/dlls/amstream/tests/amstream.c
index 48953684f9..ca5c13da3a 100644
--- a/dlls/amstream/tests/amstream.c
+++ b/dlls/amstream/tests/amstream.c
@@ -335,6 +335,86 @@ static void test_openfile(const WCHAR *test_avi_path)
     ok(!ref, "Got outstanding refcount %d.\n", ref);

+static void test_mmstream_get_duration(const WCHAR *test_avi_path)
+    IAMMultiMediaStream *mmstream = create_ammultimediastream();
+    LONGLONG duration;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    ULONG ref;
+    BOOL no_audio = FALSE;
+    duration = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL;
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_GetDuration(mmstream, &duration);
+    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    ok(duration == 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL, "Got duration %s.\n",
+       wine_dbgstr_longlong(duration));
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_AddMediaStream(mmstream, NULL, &MSPID_PrimaryVideo, 0, NULL);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_AddMediaStream(mmstream, NULL, &MSPID_PrimaryAudio, AMMSF_ADDDEFAULTRENDERER, NULL);
+    ok(hr == S_OK || hr == VFW_E_NO_AUDIO_HARDWARE, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    if (hr == VFW_E_NO_AUDIO_HARDWARE)
+        no_audio = TRUE;
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_OpenFile(mmstream, test_avi_path, 0);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    duration = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL;
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_GetDuration(mmstream, &duration);
+    ok(hr == S_OK ||
+       broken(no_audio && hr == S_FALSE && duration == 0) /* win server */,
+       "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    ok(duration == 1000000ULL ||
+       broken(no_audio && hr == S_FALSE && duration == 0) /* win server */,
+       "Got duration %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(duration));
+    ref = IAMMultiMediaStream_Release(mmstream);
+    ok(!ref, "Got outstanding refcount %d.\n", ref);
+    mmstream = create_ammultimediastream();
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_AddMediaStream(mmstream, NULL, &MSPID_PrimaryAudio, 0, NULL);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    duration = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL;
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_GetDuration(mmstream, &duration);
+    todo_wine ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    ok(duration == 0, "Got duration %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(duration));
+    ref = IAMMultiMediaStream_Release(mmstream);
+    ok(!ref, "Got outstanding refcount %d.\n", ref);
+    mmstream = create_ammultimediastream();
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_OpenFile(mmstream, test_avi_path, 0);
+    todo_wine ok(hr == VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    duration = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL;
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_GetDuration(mmstream, &duration);
+    todo_wine ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    todo_wine ok(duration == 0, "Got duration %s.\n",
+                 wine_dbgstr_longlong(duration));
+    ref = IAMMultiMediaStream_Release(mmstream);
+    ok(!ref, "Got outstanding refcount %d.\n", ref);
+    mmstream = create_ammultimediastream();
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_AddMediaStream(mmstream, NULL, &MSPID_PrimaryAudio, 0, NULL);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_OpenFile(mmstream, test_avi_path, AMMSF_NORENDER);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    duration = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefULL;
+    hr = IAMMultiMediaStream_GetDuration(mmstream, &duration);
+    todo_wine ok(hr == S_FALSE, "Got hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    ok(duration == 0, "Got duration %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_longlong(duration));
+    ref = IAMMultiMediaStream_Release(mmstream);
+    ok(!ref, "Got outstanding refcount %d.\n", ref);
 static void test_renderfile(const WCHAR *test_avi_path)
     IAMMultiMediaStream *pams;
@@ -5351,6 +5431,7 @@ START_TEST(amstream)
     test_avi_path = load_resource(L"test.avi");

+    test_mmstream_get_duration(test_avi_path);


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