How to install new typelibs on multilib

Jacek Caban jacek at
Tue Jun 2 12:06:48 CDT 2020

Hi Michael,

On 02.06.2020 18:52, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> Wine 5.9 installed typelibs for the first time in /usr/include: 
> oleacc.tlb, stdole2.tlb, and stdole32.tlb
> Are these meant to be shipped there? I cannot find the commit that did 
> this.

Yes, see:

Those are used when one tries to build a typelib with widl that uses 
importlib(). mingw-w64 already does the same thing.

> They're arch specific so how do 32-bit and 64-bit users install them 
> at the same time? 

Arch pecific bits don't matter for importlib() (and in runtime, we use 
typelibs from DLL files, not from includes). I think that treating just 
like headers generated from IDLs should be fine.


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